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Current Analysis:

Sidney Powell's Open Memorandum to Barack Obama


Why do you support the President?

This manifesto offers real answers to these challenging questions. It addresses today's heightened fears, clarifies primary goals, and provides readers a clear, intellectually stimulating foundation of this historic and mounting movement. 

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Why America First - The MAGA Manifesto?

America First - The MAGA Manifesto elevates the conversation and empowers us to help others understand why we believe in the President and why we welcome everyone to join us in putting America First.


Only $9.99

What People Are Saying

Kate & Pat Scopelliti are meticulous in their methodology and analysis in all their work and America First - The MAGA Manifesto is testament to their commitment to our country and the exceptionalism of the MAGA Movement.

- Tamara Leigh

We are at the cusp of one of the most important moments in American history. America First - The MAGA Manifesto is an absolute must read. Are future as Americans depends on it!

- Tony

As I read this great book, I could only think of how incredibly precise and accurate the message that Pat and Kate Scopelliti created for the MAGA Movement. It is not about one candidate or one President, it is about a political revolution in thinking that provides the American People with a vision not of what could be but what NEEDS to happen for the future of our democracy.

- Joseph Flynn


If taken, the victory won in November 2020, will ensure America's return to her former greatness and assure the path forward to fulfill her destiny.

Are you ready to help lead her to Victory?

If not  America is in jeopardy from those who place their power and greed above that which is best for our nation and her citizens.

Learn how you can help lead America to Victory in the America First - The MAGA Manifesto.

Only $9.99

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