17 September 2020 #BetweenTheLinesDotVote Analysis What? No data? It's now 6:45 AM EST, and still no fresh data from Dornsife. Am I appalled or what? How do you get to claim the slightest scientific integrity yet now, for the 2nd time, miss your self-created deadline by hours?

2) I make mistakes. I get things wrong. I mess up. I do it all the time. I do it so often that I've learned way too well how to apologize, how to take full responsibilities for my many failures. I am, therefore, a very forgiving man. And I am loyal to my friends, also.
3) Loyalty to friends means, to me, in part, that you readily forgive their failings, exactly as you hope they will forgive your own. There is a story here. I have told it many times before. I'm going to tell it again, now. You'll see the reason why, soon, I promise.
4) In 2016, the first analyses I sent in to the Trump team, through my burgeoning friendship with, and service to @GenFlynn at the time, were based solely on my observation of the two campaigns: HRC vs DJT. I viewed them through the lens of Sun Tzu.
5) I have studied Master Sun's work since 1987. I have studied somewhere near to 50 various translations. I have employed this study in my formal work as Consigliori to my clients. I apply my Sun Tzu studies everyday in service to my clients.
6) Business is war. War is driven, as Master Sun teaches us, by these five factors: 1) The Way 2) Heaven 3) Earth 4) Command 5) Discipline
7) Be you Democrat, or be you Republican, or be you Independent, I challenge you, judge Biden vs Trump by these 5 laws. Yes, I am for Trump. Yet, I offer ALL of you my ongoing analysis here: #SunTzuForMAGA
8) By my current count (it is subject to change), I have completed over 290 of 456 chapter's complete commentary. After the election, I will finish the project and publish a book called, obviously, Sun Tzu For MAGA. Believe it or not, this is directly connected to Dornsife.
9) You have to allow me to brag. Please. Never having been involved in politics in any way before, with no connections or affiliations, I rose in 2016 to the position of most accomplished volunteer analyst in American history. I served the Trump campaign as a volunteer analyst.
10) How did I do that? The answer is surprisingly simple. I simply analyzed the two campaigns as if they were armies at war, by way of Sun Tzu's principles. I simply wrote up my analyses and sent them out. Well, there was one additional factor. I know how to network.
11) Who remembers Six Degrees Of Separation? If you can find them, you are six contacts away from any person on Earth, no matter how high they may be. That is the fundamental principle of networking. In 2016, I employed that principle, and found myself connected to @GenFlynn.
12) I do not remember the date, exactly. End of July? First days of August? I'll check and find it soon. But, the very first time I sent off an analysis including @GenFlynn on the email list, an hour and half later, he called me. Now that's a moment I'll never forget.
13) I am a man who believes in dreams, dreaming, in making dreams come true. My great shock was this. The very first conversation I ever had with General Flynn was NOT a dream I ever had. I never dreamed I'd speak with a man of his stature. I didn't know how to dream that high.
14) Here's another dream I didn't have. We became friends. Imagine that. No kidding. I count myself a friend of General Flynn, and I count him as my friend in return. We often speak on the phone. We more often text. And of all men, all leaders in America, I support him the most.
15) During the 2016 political season, I came in contact with many "great men." To a person, other than General Flynn, they cared more about themselves than they cared about America. It's been a long rode since 1776. Most of us are not worthy of our gifts since then.
16) 7:20...and still no fresh data at Dornsife...
17) Data. Of all the things we worked on together, General Flynn was MOST interested in Dornsife's data, as I applied Technical Analysis as founded by Charles Dow, to political polling. In the coming couple of posts to follow, I am going to quote him on topic.
18) "Having received every one of Pat’s analyses throughout the Trump campaign, I can attest to their tremendous value.
18) "At the core of his work, Pat created a new form of political data graphing which everyone – myself included – appreciated and found incredibly beneficial.
19) "The numerous insights he generated always made extraordinary sense and helped us improve on our strengths and shore up our weaknesses.
20) "Pat’s keen analysis throughout the entire campaign, right up to election day itself, was not only extremely useful but relevant to our team’s decision making process.
21) "Not only was his analysis spot on accurate for months straight, it gave us moral support and encouragement during many a tough moment when we truly needed it. His has an incredibly rare ability.
22) "As a consumer of analyses during my over 33 year intelligence career, I had never seen anything like his exceptional accuracy over such an extended period of time.
23) "We won in a decisive way and there’s no question that Pat’s work helped us all during this very hard fought campaign to win back America's very heart and soul. While Pat is clearly a brilliant analyst, he is also a true American Patriot!"
24) I assure you, my friends, I was stunned, shocked, amazed and yes, discombobulated during the 2016 campaign. I'm just a little guy. I'm short, and not athletic. I'm not rich. I'm obviously not famous. But I am an analyst. Go figure. And I did help the 2016 Trump campaign win.
25) I can't tell you the entire story now. But, in December 2019, a great friend of mine, name of John Rosen, talked me into starting my own polling outfit. You can check us out, here:

26) And here is where YOU can join in, and help us make polling honest again. You can begin to drive your own neighborhood toward a true conversation about politics. Here is how:

27) It's important that you define yourself as an honest pollster, personally. What you have to do is care, and care most deeply about those who DISAGREE with you. That is what freedom is built upon. The ability to disagree, agreeably. At BTL we have the answer to that.
28) We have 5 questions, and ONLY those. Here they are. 1) Will you vote? 2) Who for? 3) Who should win? 4) Who will win? 5) How do you identify: D, I, or R? If you add the question "Why?" to each, you have a real conversation.
29) It may be counter-intuitive, but ONLY listening and NOT preaching, is the true way forward for America. We can restore our friendship with those with whom we disagree, by ONLY asking, and ONLY listening. By NOT persuading. That is what BTL is driven by. True listening.
30) 7:47 AM and still not data. Hmm. Data truth is a rare thing. Let us hope that more of it will soon be coming. For now...I am sad to report...the data is late, still. How will we find the truth?
Thread ends at #30. Data now, 5 hours late, in.

A new analysis, based on new data, brewing. But first some excellent, freshly roasted coffee!
