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Flynn: The First Person Take Down - 36th Analysis Guest Post by @ScottHendrick49 - 07 January 2020

Pasquale Scopelliti

Retired Lieutenant General, Michael Thomas Flynn

OR: Who was the first person the Democrats targeted in their coup attempt to take down a duly and lawfully elected President of the United States of America.

Retired Lieutenant General Michael Thomas Flynn has an extremely loyal base of followers and admirers. From not having a military background, this author has become intrigued as to why Ret. Gen. Flynn commands such loyalty, even after leaving the Army after thirty-three years of service. There has to be something about the man himself that commands the attention of so many. I have worked for bosses who I have thanked after getting my butt chewed out royally. Ret. Gen. Flynn sounds just like this type of man. And, then why did go from revered American Hero to being reviled by so many? 

This author’s background is a BA degree in English and American Studies and an MA degree in English – Medieval Cyclical Romances. His mother was a high school English and Civics teacher; Who spent forty-five years as a banker and financial advisor. In other words a person who likes to write with a lifetime of learning history and civics and who knows personal economics.

Before we get into the nasty and traitorous details of the coup, let’s find out who General Flynn was as a person. He has to be somebody’s son or brother. To get to be the National Security Advisor for a President of the United States, a person must have some very high qualifications.

Michael Thomas Flynn was born in December 1958 in Middletown, Rhode Island. He is the son of Charles and Helen Flynn; and he is the brother to eight brothers and sisters. He married his high school sweetheart Lori Andrade. They had two sons Michael and Matt. The Flynn family were life-long Democrats as were his ancestors. Michael Flynn was and still is a registered Democrat.

Flynn was educated in Rhode Island through his undergraduate degree from the University of Rhode Island, where he was in the Army ROTC program. He matriculated with a degree an MB in Management Sciences In 1981 from the same university. He excelled at sports as a young man.

After graduating, Michael Flynn joined the U.S. Army as Second Lieutenant. His first assignment was at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. From there, he was deployed as a platoon leader to the police action in Granada in 1983.

During his career, Michael Flynn garnered some of the military’s top honor, such as the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Bronze Star, and the Legion or Merit. As part of his military life, Flynn studied. He holds three graduate degrees: A Master of Business Administration in Telecommunications from Golden Gate University, San Francisco; a Master of Military Arts and Sciences from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas; and a Master of National Security and Strategic Studies from the United States Naval War College. He also holds an Honorary Doctor of Laws from The Institute of World Politics, Washington, D.C.

During his career, General Flynn received a steady string of promotions as he rotated from posts. He served with the 82ndAirborne Div. at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii. He served as the Senior Observer/Controller for Intelligence at the Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana. He also served as Commander, 111th Military Intelligence Brigade at the Army's Intelligence Center at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. He was also named chief of joint war plans for the American invasion of Haiti in 1994. It should be noted that Fort Huachuca is home to United States Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM), the United States Army Intelligence Center (USAICoE), and Libby Army Airfield. In addition, Flynn served as the director of intelligence for Joint Special Operations Command in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Under President Barack Obama, General Flynn served as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012, but was forced out of the position in 2014, officials told The Washington Post. However, other officials have said Flynn maintains President Obama fired him from the Defense Intelligence Agency two years ago because he took a stand against “radical Islamism,” and claimed Al-Qaeda was expanding its ranks around the globe. In other words, General Michael Flynn refused to compromise his integrity, morals and what he thought was right.

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn retired August 7, 2014 as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and from a 33-year Army career. In a ceremony held at DIA Headquarters in Washington, D.C., nearly 500 distinguished visitors, representing more than 80 countries, joined life-long friends and family to celebrate Flynn’s career. From what this author has been able to develop, General Flynn was universally admired and loved by the men and women who served under his command through his military career. In addition, again from those who this author has been informed, that leaving the Obama administration was a firing because Flynn pushed the need from a military and strategic standpoint to carefully monitor and respond to the actions of Radical Muslims around the world.

After retirement, Michael Flynn didn’t take it easy to go play twenty-four holes of golf every day. Flynn formed the Virginia-based Flynn Intel Group, which offered private intelligence and security services, and he signed on with a speakers' bureau. He also made the rounds as a television analyst, including appearances on the Russian state network RT. In late 2015, he sat next to Russian president Vladimir Putin at an RT banquet.

By all appearances, this is exactly the type of person who should be advising the President of the United States on a daily basis. He spent his entire career studying threats and making threat assessments based on actual facts gleaned from field operatives and other sources of intelligence. Retired General Michael Flynn served his country honestly, morally and with admiration from those who worked for and with him.

After more than three decades spent largely behind the scenes, Flynn ‘suddenly’ became outspoken and started taking more extreme positions politically; which surprised former colleagues. During the month of February 2016, Ret. General Flynn tweeted "Fear of Muslims is RATIONAL". Later that same year, he co-authored a book, ‘The Field of Fight’, on how to combat radical Islam. It was during the 2016 Republican National Convention he became widely known, when he whipped the crowd into a frenzy over the transgressions of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, leading the chant of "lock her up!" Remember, Ret. Gen. Flynn is a registered Democrat; which garnered him attention, animus and hatred with the Democrats.

The Democrats began a campaign to discredit Ret. Gen. Flynn for the rest of 2016 and through the time he spent as the White House National Security Advisor. When Donald J. Trump became the Presidential Candidate for the Republican Party, the coup began in earnest; First to prevent Trump from becoming President; Second, in the unlikely event that he did become President of the United States. The Democrats of the election year 2016 wore blinders. Instead of focusing on campaigning in every state, the Clinton campaign focused on a media campaign that was doomed to failure, due to the nature of the media campaign and the time of that campaign. 

The biggest difference in the campaign was Trump focused on what was possible, how he would help to bring relief to American workers and small business owners, the backbone of the American Economy. When he compared himself to Hillary Clinton, he used her proven record and her proven background to his record of achievement in the private sector. He didn’t go negative for negative sake. Trump used Obama’s old intelligence advisor in his campaign. Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn.

Ret. Gen. Flynn knew the internal workings of a White House Staff, from first-hand experience. He knew the military that Trump respected and admired. He knew the international intelligence necessary for a President to have at his fingertips and had the ability to steer Trump clear of areas of extreme controversy, where no candidate should go. In addition, Ret. Gen. Flynn had resources the Trump campaign could rely upon during the campaign. One such source was Pasquale ‘Pat’ Scopelliti, who authored, ‘Scopelliti’s Dawn Analysis’ for Ret. Gen. Flynn.

Mr. Scopelliti’s excellent work was praised by Ret. Gen. Flynn, quoted with permission:

“Pat’s keen analysis throughout the entire campaign, right up to election day itself, was not only extremely useful but relevant to our team’s decision-making process. We won in a decisive way and there’s no question that Pat’s work helped us all during this very hard-fought campaign to win back America's very heart and soul.”
Michael T. Flynn
Lt. General (Retired)
United States Army

Mr. Scopelliti provided what I would call parallel event line horizon analysis of polling data. I wish I had met Pat during the campaign. His analysis was spot on and I can see why Ret. Gen. Flynn relied upon it. He took raw data and used it to predict the polling trends of both Trump and Clinton. By reading his analysis, this author clearing could see the disastrous results for the candidates in the Democrat Party. 

By drawing out the initial analysis, one could easily predict the animus the DNC and the Clinton campaign would have against the General as a registered Democrat. During the campaigns closing days before the 2016 election, one could feel the momentum swing from Clinton to the rough-around-the-edges Trump. There were many voters who voted for Trump; but vehemently denied doing so.

Here is some of what Pat said in his analysis to Ret. Gen. Flynn: 

“Prognosticators and pundits all struck out. Even well-respected pollsters and analysts, such as Chris Stirewalt and Larry Sabato failed, as did all the news outlets with their vast resources, such as the AP and FOX. Of course, the mainstream media failed utterly. CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, the Washington Post, New York Times, LA Times and more were all totally wrong in their calls. But it is obvious to anyone that their left leaning political agenda and pervasive dishonesty go hand in hand to concoct and support the outcome they desire. Scientific polling operations did no better. Gallup, Quinnipiac, Pew Research Center, Harris Poll, the Monmouth Poll, Nate Silver’s FiveThirtyEight, Reuters/Ipsos, Rasmussen, and countless others got the call completely wrong, too.
The general pain amongst them was so great that one polling operation, Rasmussen, published the following claim. Their victory call for Clinton had her up by only 2 percentage points. So, they decided by some strange polling logic that, with their call the least wrong, they were entitled to head the class as the most accurate of the other pollsters who got it more wrong than they did. Wow.
So, exactly why did nearly everyone miss what you will find strongly proclaimed in the analyses here, Donald Trump’s decisive victory? In a word, a new analytical method was needed to account for a completely new phenomenon.”

This is where what I am calling Event Horizon Analysis came into play. The harder Trump worked and showed up in communities that had never seen a Republican Presidential candidate before turned the election. The analysis Pat uses is similar to that I used as a financial advisor and stock advisor to my clients in my forty-five years in banking. It is one of the most sound ways to analyze trends. 

I suppose you are asking, “What does this have to do with the Democrats targeting Ret. Gen. Flynn?” The answer is everything. 

Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (Ret.) had become a valued advisor to the “enemy” of the Democrats. Yes, I said enemy. That is how the Democrats views the candidate for President, Donald J. Trump. He stood for up for “Cleaning House in DC”. Ret. Gen. Flynn recognized early that Trump was not your ‘traditional’ Republican candidate. He realized that Trump stood for the average American Citizen. He realized that Trump held the same moral compass as did he.

The reason Michael Thomas Flynn, Retired Lieutenant General was targeted by the ‘Democrat Machine’ was his training, his education, his entire background was to stand on the ‘Wall’ and defend the citizens of the United States of America from enemies both foreign and domestic. It had become obvious that Hillary Clinton, viewed herself as “heir-apparent” to the “Throne”, as well as did her supporters. Ret. Gen. Flynn could not buy into that philosophy or program.

You may wonder why I used the “Democrat Machine”? I too come from a very long line of Democrats. My great-grandfather, William C Hendricks was a Democrat. He was a State Senator from Butte County, California to the California State Legislature. He was appointed the first Director of Prisons by the then Democrat Governor. He was elected Secretary of State for the State of California. His first cousin a Democrat was the 21st Vice President of the United States of America, Thomas Andrews Hendricks; and was previously was U.S. Senator from the State of Indiana; who hung his hat with the Political Machine, Tammany Hall of New York City. Their Uncle, William was third Governor of the State of Indiana as a Democrat. I have spent a lifetime studying my genealogy and my family. As such I have gained a lot of knowledge about the Democrat Party for the past one-hundred-seventy years.

The very pursuit of Ret. Lt. General Michael T. Flynn has been a “Hit Job” from the very beginning. He was being interrogated when told by the then Comey FBI that they were just gathering information about election interference and election fraud. As it turns out, Michael Flynn was their target, he was assumed guilty and it was up to him to prove himself innocent. President, Donald J. Trump should clear Lt. General Michael T. Flynn (Ret.) of all charges and clear his good name. His guilt was that he disagreed with the Platform of the 2016 Democrat Party.


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