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Worst Case Scenarios

Pasquale Scopelliti

1) Question: are you ready for a true worst case scenario over @GenFlynn? It's obviously not pretty. Ready?

2) However the appellate court works - and I have no idea how it really works - let's imagine that the Bush 41 and Obama judges vote against Flynn. 2 to 1, we lose. What now? Okay, let's say Sidney goes to the SCOTUS. Uh huh. First question then becomes, will they take the case?

3) Okay, SCOTUS takes the case. Next question when? Soon or not soon? Okay, let's be optimists. They take the case soon, ala, before November. Whew. I wouldn't want to bet on that, again, we're optimists here. So, SCOTUS takes the case before November. Whew...

4) Admit it. Hear me now. I WANT to be wrong! Got that? Sadly, I have not been wrong once since, well, at least 2018 relative to the Flynn case. Okay, but pray God I'm wrong, right? SCOTUS takes the case some easy time prior to the November election. Whew, right?

5) Oh wait. Roberts. Obamacare. Have any of you been following my Senator Stevens, Judge Sullivan Obamacare analysis? I broke that. I did. Stevens' loss ensured Obamacare, as shepherded by Sullivan. Walk it through. Sullivan ensured Obamacare. Hold onto that. Please.

6) So, Sullivan ushers in Obamacare by stealing Stevens' seat, and who takes it over the goal line, goal dance included? Roberts does. Chief Justice Roberts, anointed by Bush 43, grants Obamacare legal status as a tax, in spite of its own claim that it's not a tax.

7) So, we have a court, 4 conservatives, 4 liberals, divided by Roberts. Are you following? We imagine - hopefully WRONGLY! - that the appeals court determines Sullivan is right, the DOJ is wrong, Flynn's case continues. What's the immediate win? Time. Time. Again...time.

8) We slow down again, nooowww. Time. The election. Have you guys heard me? Flynn is the single most dangerous thermonuclear weapon Trump has. If Flynn is released, Trump's odds of winning explode. I can prove that to you over and over. I already have. So, can I have that?

9) If I'm a Democrat adviser, I have a single bit of counsel. KEEP FLYNN SILENT. Whatever it takes. Shut him up. Silence. Days. Weeks. Time. The longer you can, the more chance you have of winning. KEEP FLYNN SILENT. Amen.

10) Friends. Shut up and listen. We can not depend on law. Law was done back in 2016 when Comey cleared Hillary. We have not lived in a lawful country at least since then. Remember...I WANT TO BE WRONG! But sadly, I've not been wrong one time yet. Not once. And I weep.

11) Back on case, and hellaciously assuming Flynn is not cleared - which again, I WANT HIM TO BE - we arrive at SCOTUS and who are we depending upon? Obamacare Roberts. I have to say it again... Obamacare Roberts.

12) So here's the next thing I don't like to say. Trump needs Flynn to win. Flynn helped Trump win in 2016. No one. Not one person on our side admits it. We're idiots. We are. We must admit it. We let the other side win and win and win, and we lose and lose and lose. 2018?

13) We'd just won the Kavenaugh case and we were pissed. But, not pissed enough. And no, don't try. I couldn't care less about voter fraud. When you really win, no fraud can take it from you. It has to be close, which means you didn't really show up. We lost the House in 2018.

14) And what else happened in 2018? Flynn was 100% silenced. He tried. The powers were too great, yet again. He spoke up. He was shut down. And what did we do? Nothing. We didn't do - forgive me - a goddamn thing. We let Flynn be silenced and we failed. Failed. Hear that?

15) We didn't march on our state capitals. We didn't make a noise. There was no million man march on DC. We didn't even have the gall to put on pussy cat hats. Nope. We didn't do shit. Again, usually I don't curse in public, but I can't stop myself right now.

16) We let Flynn fall. We didn't rise up. I am ashamed. I didn't even call for such rising, myself. When, when the hell, when the hell will even I have had enough? I let this happen. I've been yelling and analyzing my ass off, but what have I done? Nothing. Not one damned thing.

17) I've had enough. There shouldn't be an appellate court. Nope. We shouldn't wait. If I could - and sadly I can't - I should get myself arrested for climbing over the White House fence, trying to get Trump to Pardon Flynn. Can't you see it? The courts are NOT adequate.

18) I'll try to catch my breath. I'm so furious I can hardly think. From the moment of the Nunes Report in February 2018, the ONLY answer has ALWAYS been a Presidential #PardonOfInnocence. No other answer works in a world of corrupted justice. AG Barr? Not good enough.

19) Sullivan? Corrupt as can be. Face it Americans. Face it with me. We lost America. We lost Justice. It was a fine run, 240 years from 1776 to 2016. But we lost America long ago. Flynn's case is our last chance. After that...I can't say what.

20) If they let me, I'll visit Flynn in prison. If they imprison me, he and I can eat our meals at the steel tables, together. I don't trust these people. Nor should you. So, what do we do? Simple. As I've been saying... #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence


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