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World Victory

Pasquale Scopelliti

26 April 2020 - #MAGAAnalysis #Coronavirus #WorldVictory I don't remember the date. Perhaps someone can help me. When was it that @realDonaldTrump first stated that 184 countries suffer from Coronavirus? I knew something, that day, but I didn't know what I knew.

2) What I knew, but didn't know that I knew it, yet, was this. Trump won. No, not an election. Something vastly greater. He won the war. We need a name for this war. Here's a kludgy version. China's Biological World War I

3) There can be no doubt that this is a new type of global warfare. It was forecast by two colonels in the People's Liberation Army, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, in their extraordinary 1999 book, Unrestricted Warfare. You'll be hearing a great deal more about their work soon.

4) As we'll be speaking about them a great deal, we may as well start getting to know them just a little. As I understand it, an approximation of Qiao Liang's family name - in China, your family or surname comes first, might be pronounced in English as Chow.

5) In future, I won't keep explaining that, as I'll just use his family name, Qiao, as given. Wang is obviously a very easy transliteration for us. So, from now on, these two brilliant analysts will be called Qiao and Wang, or the two Chinese colonels. 6) Their work is so rich that we could find a point worth commenting on on every single page. It's almost impossible to identify their most important contribution. And for me, especially so since I'm only about 80% of the way through my first (but not last) reading.

7) The reason I'm reporting on my work in reading Qiao's and Wang's book right now is this. I saw the path to America, and the world's victory over this Coronavirus War in their guidance a few minutes ago. I believe Trump has already won. I'm going to break that down, now.

8) As inspired by Qiao and Wang, I see two factors, both balanced upon a single pivot, that ensure victory. Before I share these three elements, we have to contemplate our two colonels' inspiration, and the basis of their analysis. It was Gulf War I. HW 41's great war.

9) I have to use their initials. If they read this, I hope they will feel no disrespect. None is intended. Q & W analyze the Gulf War - they didn't yet know there would be a second, as their book was written in 1998, and published in 1999 - and they analyze it at genius level.

10) I'm not sure if it's true, although I suspect it is, that warriors have, throughout history from time to time, eaten their fallen enemy's eyes. Why? In order to see themselves as their enemies see them. That is the gift that Q & W have given us in this phenomenal book.

11) I promise, if you read it, you will look back to our 1991 Gulf War and see it utterly differently than you may by any other means. I surely didn't pay much attention to it then, and have never studied since, until now. Reading about it through their eyes is transformational.

12) Consider just two factors, for now. The first is the power of the American relationship, back then, to the United Nations. HW 41 enjoyed absolute, global legitimacy due to his brilliant work with the UN. The power of legitimacy is one that goes far too little attended.

13) The second factor results in significant part from the first. There were, I believe, some 30 nations who actively participated with America in that war. The term our two colonels use for this is straight forward. It is a Supranational Alliance.

14) HW won the war before he even authorized the first aerial sortie. You do want to remember that the war was prosecuted with 38 days of precision air attacks, and then was over in 100 hours of land based invasion. But it was won before it started.

15) It was won due to the fact that no nation, let alone a rogue, small state like Iraq, can win against a coalition of 30 nations, unless it has its own coalition with which to meet and dominate its attackers. One nation cannot defeat 30 nations. It can't be done.

16) Well, in what we might call a kinetic, or a shooting war, America might be able to defeat 30 nations, but we would never need to try. We will always be able to lead a vastly greater coalition than any others may mount. I mean that forever forward. That is my prediction.

17) In future work, however, we'll establish that kinetic, or shooting wars, are, if not receding into the past, quite yet, almost the least important element of today's warfare. We'll come back to that. Tying down the second element in this war that Trump has already won...

18) It is that Supranational Coalition he is already assembling...AGAINST CHINA. Once more, let's list HW's two factors of victory in the Gulf War: 1) Global Legitimacy - in HW's case as blessed by the UN 2) The Supranational Alliance against Iraq

19) So the first two elements of Trump's victory against China can be seen as a direct reflection: 1) Global Legitimacy of the War against China, as a response to their Biological attack,

2) The Supranational Coalition Trump has already commenced creating. 20 The third element of his victory is what I mentioned as a pivot, above. The pivot is this. 100% credibility that China is to blame. I know, blame is word we try to avoid nowadays. So, let's use a synonym. How about the truth? The world has to pivot to the truth, and it is.

21) Here are two examples that I saw Gordon Chang analyze yesterday. First, he stated that Italy, in kindness, forwarded face masks to China, an act of friendship. Then, China has since, SOLD those very masks right back to Italy when Italy needed them most. That's perfidious.

22) Chang tells us that the EU, which has till now been highly favorable to China, received in purchase flawed PPE's (Personal Protective Equipment) and ventilators, defective. In "aiding" nations suffering from the very virus unleashed by China, China profits through trickery.

23) It cannot be emphasized too strongly that this transforms China's role on the world stage, irreversibly, irreparably. But of course, the question of blame goes far, far beyond these recent events, and Trump has been teaching us all this for many weeks now.

24) I have always suspected, and then wiped out all doubt, that China purposefully chose to release this evil upon the planet from the get go. I believe they seeded it and nurtured it into their own population in Wuhan, and then, at the right moment, shot it forward to the world.

25) Trump doesn't go that far in his public statements, because he doesn't need to do so. The pivotal information he has seeded into the world - the unquestioned truth - is that China shut down domestic flights into and out of Wuhan, to points in China. But...

26) But, it force vectored the virus to the rest of the world by way of international flights into and out of Wuhan at the same time. And, when Trump banned travel to or from Wuhan, China used all its power to dissuade and then attack him over this. Guilty, beyond any doubt.

27) That's the pivot. Guilt beyond doubt. The truth of more than mere blame, the truth of pure culpability that cannot be questioned. I'm sure you see it. Global legitimacy over the necessity of retaliation can only grow to a boiling point. Trump's already put that in place.

28) And then there's that number, 184 nations. He keeps on repeating that number. Can you hear it? It should be obvious. He is coalescing what may be the greatest Supranational Coalition in human history. He is forging a monster alliance. He will not fail.

29) Here, again, are the three elements that predict Trump's coming victory in this war, almost to a certainty: 1) Legitimacy 2) Coalition 3) Truth in the form of Blame Let's turn legalistic for a moment as we look at the coming victory.

30) In law, the two most important terms of all are: 1) Damages 2) Remedies It is Trump's great predilection to win wars without shooting any bullets or dropping any bombs. He will, in extremis. He doesn't like to, though.

31) Looked at legally, Trump may win this global war without firing a single shot. He may establish that the destruction of the global economy, on top of the deaths of - as of now, and as of the official count - hundreds of thousands of souls is criminal, globally criminal.

32) The international term Trump will use, he may already have begun to do so, is "crimes against humanity." To send out infected citizens on international flights to every part of the globe, while limiting their internal travel is, to my eye, the greatest crime ever committed.

33) I've been looking at this since January, using the following four stage model in analyzing China's method of attack: 1) Biological 2) Economic 3) Social 4) Military To date, the model has not failed in any way. It is not that biological attacks have never been used before.

34) To my eye, though, a true, full global pandemic has never been employed at war, before. How long will it take the world to recover from the uncountable trillions of dollars lost through a complete shutdown of the globe's economy?

35) The world will never be able to replace the lives lost, not in any way. The very curve of human civilization has been bent towards hell. We may grieve those lost, and that is part of life, of course. But, the world will never fully heal the loss itself, all those souls gone.

36) The scars of our isolation, heaped on top of the loss of our beloveds, those scars will be in all humanity for, how many generations? My call is at least 3 generations. Those of us aging now will go first. Those in young adulthood second. Our little ones, third.

37) The scars of this war will, I project, continue to be there for at least the time it takes for all three generations living today to be replaced. And then, the Biological War of 2020 can be properly relegated to the history books, its real force finally spent.

38) For all that, it is on us, most especially those of us of the elder generation, who must join with Trump to fight and win the Social War of 2020. It's not just our internal emotions rent in our isolation and loss, it is our very social bond under direct attack.

39) I offer, and will continue to express this guidance. We must blame China. We must allow our souls to find and name our enemy. And, we must unite with others, especially those on the other side of the political aisle, in union against our shared enemy. Survival is at stake.

40) It will rightly be said many times. The Chinese people are not our enemies. They are not. But, there are some 89 million members of the Communist Party. Unless they recant and rebel, those 89 million are our enemies. That is no small number of enemies.

41) It is not small in comparison to our total population of roughly 320 million. Ah, but here again Trump knows how to win. 89 million is a tiny fraction of the 1.4 billion - that's billion with a B - citizens of that great nation. This is how Communism always works.

42) Communism always creates a faction of very literally die hard loyalists to the cause. It empowers them, while charging them with the infinite mission of rooting out all opposition. I assure you, it would not be difficult to identify 200 million anti-communists in China.

43) Once that number becomes united and led - and maybe a good deal less might be needed, the 89 million are not of 100% loyalty! - the fall of the Communist Party of China can occur in mere weeks or even days. Governments fall hard and fast when their time has arrived.

44) If I were advising our war effort, I'd have a single, concentrated point of focus. Here it is in four points: The Rights To: 1) Life 2) Liberty 3) The Pursuit of Happiness 4) Property Please mind, this is NOT nation building I'm talking about.

45) I say, empower the Chinese to have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, based upon the assurance of those four rights for each and every person. These sacred principles are the basis of freedom. They are not merely American ideas.

46) All peoples have the right to create their own government. Yet, here in America we did discover those four rights as the best possible foundation for any form of government. It is not the responsibility of America to do the building for others. That breaks our principles.

47) Every person knows that a revolution is created on the streets, behind barricades, fighting the evil empire's vast resources with almost nothing, often using fingernails and teeth facing bullets and bombs.

48) Yet every person also feels the unstoppable force of the will of the people itself once roused. Have you spoken with an Egyptian discussing the ouster of Morsi, and the rise of Cici? I have. It's like a time machine to feel what our forefathers felt about King George III.

49) In revolutions, people sing. Have you thought about that? Music unites the fighting spirit of the people, most especially in the face of repression and evil control exerted by the great and the mighty over the weak and the poor. It is an innate sense of justice.

50) So that's how I see Trump has already won this war. He's got all the elements he needs in place. All we need do is join him. We need to blame China for what it has perpetrated upon this earth. We need to find ways to unite with all our own people for this coming victory.

Thread ends at #50.


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