John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 32 "Some men advancing and some retreating are a sign of a decoy."
I begin today with a confession. I do NOT understand apportionment, and I should. What I can tell you is that the 16th amendment's two most important terms are: "without apportionment." While not getting the idea, quite right, I do have some knowledge of the history.
Of the three branches of government, Congress (or rather, it's lower House) is the one with the purse. And, from its 1789 inception, Congress hated the limitations imposed on its ability to generate federal revenue. No direct taxes, and this strange apportionment thing.
There is, however, a simple bottom line and it is this. Until the 1913 passage of the 16th amendment, Congress' power of taxation was limited. Afterwards, it was no longer limited. And the result of that, from then till now, has been some men advancing and some retreating.
Here's what I mean. Woodrow Wilson and the progressives passed the amendment, and he and the Democrats advanced. Then, Coolidge and Hoover rose afterwards, but then the Republicans collapsed for the coming 16 years under FDR and Truman. Socialism set in.
Things kind of flipped around under Eisenhower, raising taxes to their highest point in American history, and then JFK actually lowering them. Go figure. Still, it remained all a decoy. LBJ and his Republican allies enshrined Socialism into our law in the 1960s.
But it was far more than just our law. It was our culture. We went from fierce independence to happy dependence in the 50-year period from 1930 to 1980. I promise you, while he'd have been thrilled, Woodrow Wilson could not have imagined the federal revenue taken in in 1980.
Nixon was no reducer of government, and his relationship to China has been misunderstood. He was no globalist. Rather, he was a genius-level geopolitical strategist. He invested into China, in enmity against the USSR, and it worked. He rose until he fell. The decoy continued.
While Carter may have been our first globalist president, his impact was minimal in my opinion. Rather, he set the stage for Reagan who was Nixon's excellent student in geopolitical strategy. We all know it was Reagan who won the Cold War. Alas, he gave us Bush 41.
41 led to 42, Clinton, and now we have the true basis of the coming collapse of the American economy, the false predicate of the "peace dividend," the sell-out of White House power at levels previously not dreamed of by evil men (and the lesson book for Obama to come).
Left leaning, but obliviously busy supporting my family as a self-employed coach, I don't remember NAFTA well, and certainly don't remember Newt's role. I know I could look it up, and if you're interested, please do. I have never properly followed the WTO, have you?
Let's look at Bush 43 over just one matter, light bulbs. I was hooting and hollering and dancing with glee when Trump recently returned light bulbs to the free market. I was still a 43 supporter when that happened, and I was shocked, and enraged. He was a Republican?
Can you see it? Some men advancing, some retreating, it was all a decoy. What was really happening is the Freedom was being bit by bit reduced, whittled away, hollowed out. And speaking of hollowing, America's economy was hollowed out.
I read an opinion peace this morning praising our past economic policies with China, since they lowered risk of global conflict. Lowered? No, not at all. That was always a lie, a decoy. We've built China's economy and therefore its military, raising it up to global power status.
When we started shipping factories off to China, they were essentially zero threat to us. No, it was just corruption. All the top politicians, the rising men who got wealthy, they profited from the shuttering of our factories, the destruction of our towns and villages.
No need to discuss Obama again. Just remember $150 BILLION shipped to Iran, which remains the great treasure chest of global jihad against America to this day. It takes a while to burn through $150 BILLION. Trump is sanctioning it away from them, but there's a way to go, yet.
Which brings us up to this moment. Well, look once more at 2018 first, and 40 Republican resignations in the House. We may all wish for term limits in one form or another. But 40 resignations, simply handing the House to Democrats? Who has adequately analyzed this?
I haven't. I keep sounding off about it. But a proper analysis would look at each resigned seat, and each Democrat that won it, and how that took place. It would look at the failed runs of new Republican hopefuls who lost, as well. How did we let that happen?
Here we are now. How many times have you heard this or that Republican say that he didn't approve of what Trump said on the call to the Ukrainian President, but that it wasn't a crime? Are you kidding me? Not a crime? That's the Republican standard?
There's a phrase for this phenomenon. With friends like that, you don't need enemies. Or, how many times have you heard this or that person say it was unethical? Hear me, if it was, that might be worse than illegal, but of course, it was neither illegal nor unethical. Decoy.
All these Republican idiots hope to advance as they bet upon Trump's retreat. They never learn. They can't learn. They are not for America. They are only for themselves but have no idea that their perfidy reveals their vile weakness. That's how the swamp gets you.
Don't fall for the decoy. All these advancing and retreating men signify nothing. It's just a trick to make you forget that the 16th amendment is what pays them all. And don't forget that Trump has foregone his Presidential compensation. He does NOT seek wealth for play.
Trump has already reduced both taxes and regulations - we can't get started on regulations right now! - and returned power to the people. Our economy surges thereby, along with his withdrawal from the globalist agenda on the basis of America First. Remember that.
And if we give him back the House in 2020 and strengthen his - and OUR - hold upon the Senate, then, oh yes, then we will be able finally to begin to drop both federal revenue and shrink the deficit WITHOUT obliterating our military. Drats, I have to say something about Obama.
Obama and his Republican allies established Sequestration. If you don't know it, please look it up. It decimated our military budget. What greater way to advance the globalist agenda than to weaken American military? Which brings us back to Trump.
Trump absolutely HAD to break sequestration. So, okay, raise spending, raise the deficit, but do a deal to fund the military. There can be no safe America while we lay ourselves bare, while we invite attack from our enemies. Here's one final example. The South China Sea.
Obama, decimating our Navy, simply gave millions of miles of sea zone to China, allowing them to build new islands and take military/naval control. With a hollowed-out navy, we do not have the ability to confront China there so they simply advance. Do you think the world watches?
These advancing and retreating men, over the past century +, have all been decoy to the real decimation of our nation's founding principles, our freedom and economic strength, our military strength. Sure, WWII did summon American greatness on the global stage, and honor to us.
Yes, we did enjoy post-depression, post-war global economic dominance, absolutely. Yet, what did we do with that dominance? We harkened back to 1913, undermined our Constitution, and squandered our strength and leadership in the world.
And that is today's fight. To reclaim our Constitution in its full power to forge freedom and all its benefits. And that is what the MAGA movement is all about. Don't let today's decoys distract you from your mission. You are here to save America, for ourselves and our children.
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