1) #PardonFlynnNow supporters, here is today's question: Who is Peter Strzok? And what day was it, exactly, that he interviewed @GenFlynn? The best I've found in my search was "two days after the Trump administration's take over." I know, that's not a date. Let's figure it out...
2) The inauguration was on the 20th, a Friday. Saturday's the 21st, Sunday 22nd, Monday the 23rd - the first formal day of the administration - and then Tuesday the 24th. Since this is merely logic, I'm not certain. But I think the Strzok/Flynn interview took place that day.
3) We now know that Strzok, since fired for his lies, considered Flynn's statements to be honest. The reports - the famed 302s - were subsequently changed. Changed by whom? Lisa Page, Strzok's lover and a highly placed FBI attorney.
4) If you're not confused yet, I am, you're smarter than me. Who is whom? What are their positions, as in job titles? What are their positions, as in politics? Trying to keep it simple, THEY, the FBI, are attacking Trump, the new President, on day 2. How? By interviewing Flynn.
5) So now we return via our time machine, back to France in 1894. We know who the traitor was. It was NOT Dreyfus. It was a spy named Esterhazy. We know - and this was established in 1899 - that it was he who betrayed France to Germany. What happened to him? He went free.
6) In spite of overwhelming evidence against him, a court gave him his freedom. Then, shaving off his famed mustache, he instantly fled through Brussels to England. He lived the rest of his life with his French Army retirement income, no problem.
7) We can't say the Peter Strzok is Esterhazy's exact equivalent, as we don't know that Strzok spied for anyone other than the corrupted FBI leadership. What we can equate is this. As Dreyfus was 100% innocent, so also is @GenFlynn.
8) Everything that Esterhazy did was falsely attributed to Dreyfus. Dreyfus' conviction at law was false. Esterhazy's exoneration at law, granted by a court, was false. Who is today's Esterhazy? It's more than just Strzok. It is his boss, McCabe, and his boss, Comey.
9) If you don't want to believe the following, I'll understand. The key to discovering the truth, the fact of Dreyfus' innocence, came out due to - get this - a salacious, fake dossier that the government created with the hope of shoring up their false case. It was proved false.
10) I know it's hard to keep up. Esterhazy was a spy, in the pay of the German government. He generated a simple note about an advanced weapons system, and for pay, submitted it to the German ambassador. The French IC got this note, and FALSELY attributed it to Dreyfus.
11) Dreyfus spent FIVE years in imprisonment, including solitary confinement, shackles on his feet so that he could not even get out of his bunk, and as the sole intern on Devil's Island which had to be reinstalled only for him. Remember, the government knew his innocence.
12) The court that convicted him knew his innocence. The court that freed the actual perpetrator of the crime knew his guilt. Yet, somehow, the truth came out and the court system, to save its own face, eventually freed Dreyfus.
13) I can't introduce a new character yet, today. We've already covered too much ground. But, I do have to tag @JosephJFlynn1 as tomorrow's tease. Okay, you beat it out of me. Captain Dreyfus had a brother, a rich executive who spent his fortune and fame for his brother.
14) In tomorrow's work we'll look at Dreyfus' brother, and his wife too, without whom he'd have died in prison. Family. It is everything. Nothing compares to family. Not government. Not law. Not society. Family is everything.
15) So, let's cut to the real chase. The very moment the French government attacked Dreyfus, they knew they were wrong. To save face, they persisted for years following. This cuts straight to today. The FBI has disgraced itself. The Mueller Investigation was an illegal operation.
16) Yet, all the people in power still honor the Mueller investigation at face, not truth, just to allow perceptions to be positive, when truth is negative. The Mueller investigation falsely accused Gen Flynn. Why is its false prosecution/persecution still authorized?
17) Allow me to be emotional. I have come to detest the word "exoneration." In the 1890s Esterhazy was exonerated while Dreyfus lingered imprisoned. The French courts were completely compromised. Their exoneration was as false as was their judgment.
18) The only thing I've come to care about is freedom. Hell with "honor," "pride," or "exoneration." I just want Flynn to be freed. I couldn't care less about judicial decisions, as their "honor" has been utterly destroyed. How is Flynn still under prosecution at all?
19) There is a simple answer. America has been taken over by corrupt forces. Trump is the only bulwark we have against them. They took Flynn out, and are keeping him out, for the simple fact that he's their enemy. They have the power to do so. Gotta respect them for that.
20) So, let's respect ourselves. Let's request @realDonaldTrump that he pardon our innocent hero. Just post a tweet like so: Please, Mr. @POTUS, #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence
