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Who is Him?

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 6: 30 "Scrutinize him, know the flaws in his plans."

Who is "him?" In the case of #MAGA, sadly, it is the Democrats. The correct way for a two-party nation to operate is this. It should make no difference whatsoever as to which party wins any given election. Both are good. None are evil. All are patriots.

I don't know if we've lived up to that ideal, but I do know this. Once upon a time, we were closer than we are now. Nixon lost in 1960. He won in 1968. I am no fan of Kennedy's. But I can see that he gave our nation something. And not just his life! He had no choice in that.

So then, who do I blame? Surprisingly, not Obama. I blame Bill Clinton. To my knowledge, he was the first true criminal to enjoy the oval office. I'm not saying other presidents did not commit crimes. I am saying, previous presidents, to my knowledge, were not true criminals.

Okay, let's go back to Kennedy. His daddy was a true criminal. And, without the Giancana mafia machine in Chicago, Jack would never have been elected. But I don't blame Jack for that. Bobby is another story, for another time. He should never have targeted his friends.

Jimmy Carter is many wrongful things. The one thing he is not, is a criminal. Consider that. How wonderful is it that Ronald Reagan made him a one-term president? How much does America owe Reagan? It's not possible to calculate. That Reagan saved America is beyond doubt.

Both of us Democrats, my wife voted for Reagan in 1980 and 1984. She never fessed up about that to me until many years later. Me? Vote skeptic that I was, I didn't vote. And, idiot that I was, I never appreciated Reagan at all. I detested him back then.

Obama is a special case. He is, of course, half white. But, in today's America half white is still black. America's first black president. I knew, in 2008, that he was scum. He was. He is. But I was THRILLED at the moment of his election.

What kind of idiot am I? How wrong could I have been? I wrongly thought that, by electing a black president, America was about to heal itself of evil racism. If I'd been more politically astute, I'd have realized the opposite was about to occur. I did not understand evil.

America did not merely elect Obama. It also elected, unwittingly, Valerie Jarrett. Half black, half Iranian. Go figure. She is him. Master Sun tells us, know the flaws in "his" plans. He means Valerie. Know the flaws in her plans. She lives in Obama's DC mansion. She is he.

HRC defeated Bernie Sanders. She defeated the socialist candidate of her party. Joe Biden appears ready to do the same thing. He leans socialist, but does not carry its flag. Sanders? He does not stand a chance. Not one chance. Never has. Never will. Socialism is a loser.

Yeah, Socialism defeated the Czar. So what? The Czar of Russia was a loser. The Czar was an historical relict, a power from a previous time. His fall was irreversible. 1917 was a moment of hope for Russia. Alas. Czars were nothing in comparison to what was coming.

Is America safe? Not for a moment. We are attacked from without and from within. Our constitution is in question. Our Democratic Republic is in question. Our Judges and Justices are so often corrupt. Congress is owned by special interests and their pocketbooks.

Who is "him?" It is the combination of MSM, the Democrat Party, the corrupt Judiciary, the #NeverTrump elite of the Republican Party. It is "he" whose plans we must know, whose flawed plans we must know. There is no such thing as a perfect, as an unflawed plan. The Democrats are in freefall. They have no leader. They have no ideas. They have no actual reach. All the key models predict @POTUS reelection. The models are right. The only thing left to the left is impeachment.

Not only is impeachment guaranteed to fail, it virtually guarantees @POTUS' reelection. When that's your only plan, you're screwed. The weakness in your plan is VASTLY greater than any chance, any hope of victory.

Whoa, wait! What about the economy? What about tariffs and the collapse of our economy? Isn't that @POTUS' only strength? Ha! No. He has and continues to cut regulations. Forget tax cuts, as if their impact would dissipate (it won't!). The deregulation of our economy matters.

Linger. Tariffs create an umbrella under which new enterprise in America is protected. It inspires new investment, here. Do NOT believe the idiotic economic forecasts of doom and gloom. Principles drive all, and @POTUS is the master of principles.

The flaws in "his" plan? "He" has no plan. He is floating adrift on a sea of old ideas, old beliefs completely disproven. Whether "he" is Joe Biden or any other look alike, he has no chance. His plans are utterly and irreparably flawed.

I'll post @POTUS 10 principles again below. They are not flawed. I don't imagine he has a flawless plan. But I am here to predict that his 2020 plan is vastly stronger than the enemy's. They don't have the principles that follow...

1. Remember The Forgotten Americans 2. Rule Of Law 3. American Jobs 4. Quality Of Life For Every American 5. Heal Our Cities 6. Build The Wall 7. Make America Wealthy Again 8. Make America Strong Again 9. Make America Safe Again 10. Make America Great Again

The Democrats have become, if not the party of Socialism, then the party of deceit. Of theft. Of advantage over virtue. Of dependence. That is NOT America. They may think it is. Let them. That is the flaw in their plan.

140 verses completed, 282 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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