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When Will the Market Come Back?

Pasquale Scopelliti

1) So, what's your call? When will the market come roaring back? Could it be tomorrow? Or, will it eventually find a bottom and gently walk back, slowly, over the coming years? In either case, you know what I'm going to say... #KeepCalmBuyStocks

2) It could be tomorrow, though. Wouldn't that be a blast? What if you bought a stock last Wednesday, and by this coming Wednesday you doubled your money? Your choice! You can leave it in. You can sell and buy some more, again. Or, you can just take your cash, your choice.

3) But, the DJIA could lose 3,000 more points this coming week, and that same stock could be merely half of what you paid for it last week. That's how risk works. No one knows ;what will happen. And more, no one understands it while it is happening either.

4) It drives me crazy. Every damned day you see people on TV explaining what the market thought, how it felt, why it did what it did, where its going and what to do about all that. Friends, it isn't lies. It's just malarkey. They don't know. No one does.

5) The market does not think, feel, reason or decide...ANYTHING. The market is just a collection of results that occurred. This person sold that stock at that price, and obviously some other person purchased it from him or her. Millions and millions of times. That's it.

6) Each investor, each seller or buyer has emotions, and rationales, yes. And yes, humans are pack creatures whose brains are often run by the pack itself, not thinking their own thoughts, not feeling their own emotions. Yes, herds do have emotions and each member is affected.

7) Thing is it just isn't a rational procedure. No one knows where the next bottom or top will be. No one knows how long a trend will run or when it will turn around. We used to be able to say they're just sheets of paper after all, anyway. Now, they're just digits in a computer.

8) Relative to this very moment - it's Sunday, 1 March 2020 - every American should rally. We should all become buyers. If we were rational, that's what we'd do. It is just so simple. You pick a company that you believe will exist in a year, 2, 3, 4 years forward, or more.

9) My buy orders are in on Giant Supermarkets and Walmart for the sole reason that I personally drive there and buy stuff from them. That, plus I don't think they're going to go out of business. Of course, I could be wrong. They might. And then, oh no, I lost my bet.

10) I only bet money I can afford to lose. I couldn't care less about today's or tomorrow's price. No top or bottom will affect me. I'll just smile wryly, and hold, and if I can lose any more money, I'll bet some more on the dips. That's it. #KeepCalmBuyStocks


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