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What I Reject

Pasquale Scopelliti

1) After much thought and deep pondering, I've decided to comment on this direction, that of exoneration as opposed to pardon. If this can, if this will occur, then faith in the system will be rewarded. For me, there can be no question that faith in the system is the issue.

2) I hope all @GenFlynn supporters will understand, that when it comes to the man, himself, all I want is his return, his freedom, and absolutely, his justice. All that was stolen from him must be returned and ever so much more than merely returned. He must be fully restored.

3) I don't imagine he'd want it, but for my part, I'd love to see him back in the position of National Security Adviser. I have no problem with and a great deal of respect for the current occupant, Patrick O'Brian. My bet is that the two could work together well.

4) The thing is, what the Obama administration stole from General Flynn, it also stole from America Herself. Thus, whether he accepted or not, I believe the post should be offered to him for his own consideration and decision. It should be his to refuse or accept at his choice.

5) Now, allow me to tell you what I reject. I reject more than just the Mueller investigation. I reject the entire attack on the free democratic transfer of power from one administration to the next. The Obama Administration refused to turn over the reins of power. I reject this.

6) And, for my part as a layman, a non-attorney, I reject utterly the court's standing as arbiter of justice in this case. I believe Judge Sullivan has compromised himself, utterly. I know the DOJ is - in this matter - beyond redemption.

7) It is for these reasons - these rejections - that I have argued all along that a Presidential Pardon Of Innocence has been and still remains the best course of action. On that note, I must speak personally for a moment.

8) In the years of our work and friendship, General Flynn has always insisted upon complete analytical independence from me. Whenever I have attempted - and it hasn't been often - to ask for guidance he has always refused me. He wants no mere parrot for his own thoughts.

9) Far more than I could have, General Flynn understood my function as an analyst. Me, I just showed up with good will and some capability. As a manager, General Flynn knew precisely what to feed me, and what to NOT feed me. He fed me attention. He did NOT feed me information.

10) I say "fed" as if it were past tense. That's because 2016 will always remain captured in the amber of my soul, a perfect moment. Yet, the truth is that this aspect of our relationship remains completely intact to this day. He honors me with attention. He gives me no guidance.

11) It is with that gift of freedom that I beg, with all the humility in my heart, to disagree relative to this push for exoneration. Please allow me my logic, my friends. This is, for me, no mere technical matter. We'll walk slowly now.

11) For argument's sake, let us imagine the court will release General Flynn this coming Monday, March 2, 2020. Let us imagine the case is simply dropped, precisely as it aught to be. My first point in this scenario is that this will NOT, at least NOT for me, equal exoneration.

12) Why not? Everyone else in the world will use that term, should this occur. They will all say General Flynn was exonerated. I repeat, I will not, and here's why not. He is, for me, in ZERO need of exoneration. His innocence is as absolute as any fact can be, for me.

13) Allow me to express my fear of this outcome. My fear is that the court and the DOJ will walk away scott free if the case is dropped. Who will want to go back in and address the miscarriage of justice at every level? Who will take this all the way back to Obama?

14) Which brings me back to trust in the system. At this point in our history, and with completely broken heart, I reject this trust. Rather, I put forward, distrust is all that the system has earned. To trust, now, is to me, to populate the position of willing victim.

15) The justice that my soul aches for would be for the system itself to be put on trial. I want the one man I trust in all of DC, our President, to reach in and say, no, enough's enough. I long for him to accuse the court and the DOJ of their malfeasance.

16) In all practical reality, I cannot say I never hoped he would do so. But, I can say I never expected it. I do not know what he knows. I am certainly not in the circle of those who advise him. I respect him too much to imagine my arguments might actually persuade.

17) An argument is not merely expressed in order to persuade. When it does, that is a wonderful thing. Far more often, and no matter how right it may be, arguments do not persuade. No seasoned arguer such as myself could maintain equanimity without accepting that fact.

18) With tongue at least halfway in cheek, I love to proclaim that I'm always willing to be the last wrong man standing, still holding on to my wrong position. As an arguer, I am also a listener. I am only persuaded when I am. Before that, I make my own case.

19) I'll say it once more. I reject this court's standing to exonerate. I reject the very legality of the DOJ's case against General Flynn. I cry out that crimes were committed, and that this flies back to 2016. It is all the crimes committed that I dream will be tried.

20) No, it is neither a new, nor even a strong dream. It is clearly not an expectation. Yet, my dream of true justice will not die. General Flynn is 100% innocent. Not so for how many countless others. Justice is a two-edged sword. The innocent freed, the guilty convicted.


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