1) I believe that the mandate of the #PardonFlynnNow movement is reaching broader numbers of people. Part of my random data is just how many times I'm challenged that he must not be pardoned, but rather exonerated at court. I do respect this challenge, greatly.
2) I'll show my age by mentioning the great Perry Mason. Or the movie, 12 Angry Men - in both of its versions. How many countless other cultural heroes do we have who fought for justice in a court of law, and safeguarded the American Way. We assumed Rule of Law.
3) The cultural roots go deeper still. Consider every Western film you ever saw that had a sheriff roll into town and fight all the evil gangs and grubby bad guys, until law was established over the criminal forces of darkness. Law and Order were the ultimate heroes.
4) Right now, @SidneyPowell1 is the new sheriff we all want to believe in and support. We want Rule of Law, and somehow, we've been led to believe that a pardon is kind of like a get out of jail free card. It has the feeling of cheating. Or of rushing. Of disrespecting law.
5) There are two great problems with this line of thinking. The first is that it completely misunderstands the power of pardon given so sacredly to the chief executive of our nation. It may be his most sacred power. It empowers him to right what went wrong. We've missed this.
6) The history and concepts are complicated. I do proclaim, however, that I have worked through them again and again, and if you're interested, you'll find more than you need as a starting point for your own research at our website:

7) The key is that a pardon may be granted in order to undo the evil outcome of justice gone wrong. No admission of guilt is entailed. Quite the contrary. The proclamation of innocence, and of injustice before the bar of law is an absolutely righteous use of that power.
8) Lawyers are just humans - far from perfect, often dedicated to injustice in spite of the high calling they've been given - and judges are usually just lawyers who have been promoted. Lawyers and judges may well be dedicated to injustice. You must contemplate that.
9) The power of pardon is the very closest thing to a king's powers we retain in our Constitutional Republic. And for all the logistical questions, please just take my word for this - or check out my work at above website - the President can do this at any time.
10) Quietly or loudly, he can simply state, I pardon General Flynn because he is completely innocent. The court system got this wrong. The prosecution is illegal. The DOJ should have vacated this case months ago. I will not allow this travesty of injustice even one more day.
11) There are no logistics involved, only decision. Should the president choose to do so, he can do it today. All done. And he should. Before I turn to the second great problem in trusting the courts, allow me again to speak to the question of days.
12) Of the hundreds and hundreds of times I've been challenged over this pardon thing, not one person has ever responded back when I ask if they're counting the days? Gen Flynn is the greatest campaigner Trump has. We're in an election year. Come on, can't you admit it?
13) The other side knows Gen Flynn's power to rally. To rally the veterans to vote for Trump and to be of good cheer and joy. To rally every MAGA supporter with his clarion call to courage and steadfast endeavor for our nation, to fight the fight for our freedoms.
14) You must let me intrude in, myself. I was directly involved in the analysis, in 2016, that led to the deployment of Gen Flynn to rally the veterans. We won over 5,000,000 veteran votes for Trump, as compared to 2012 and Romney. I can assure you the other side knows this.
15) Yes, yes, Gen Flynn knows where the bodies are buried. This has been established and is not in question. What everyone seems to miss, and no one ever responds to me about, is the number of days of Gen Flynn's silence, and its cost to our 2020 mission.
16) So then, riddle me this, all you wait-and-it-will-work-out people, how do we cover the days lost? And can we not just be honest and respect the other side for their powers, their evil powers? They have our greatest champion on the sidelines. That's an impressive power.
17) Imagine you're a football coach, facing the New England Patriots. Wouldn't you LOVE to have the power to sideline Brady? You can use an illegal attack, prosecuted by the DOJ itself against him, and he can't throw a ball on the field. Admit it, you'd love that power.
18) That is a PERFECT analogy to Flynn's case. The other side had him sidelined, where they desperately need him to be. That is the only motivation behind his prosecution. And every day they're granted is a good day for them. Every single day. Are you counting?
19) Moving to the second great problem with the exoneration by court theory, we must address law itself. Try to hear me. The prosecution is illegal. I suspect I must say that a few more times. The prosecution is illegal. The prosecution is illegal.
20) So, what should have occurred, assuming the court cares to do its proper duty? It's simple, and no one knows how better than Judge Sullivan. 100% of the prosecution's evidence should have been demanded by the court from day one. Why? Does the name Brady mean anything to you?
21) Brady was a case in which the obligation of the government's prosecutors was established to be for Justice, NOT conviction. This fact is obliterated in practice every day in America today. If you follow it out - and please research it for yourself - we have no Rule of Law.
22) Consider @SidneyPowell1's book name: License to Lie. How can justice be served by a prosecutorial license to lie? The answer is it cannot. We have obliterated justice. Justice itself has become a lie. How does this tie to @GenFlynn's case? It is 100% direct.
23) Standing is the legal term in play, here. The prosecution only has "standing" if the US Government has suffered damage, legally the term is "injury." But what we know with 100% certainty is that the government did NOT suffer any injury whatsoever.
24) With no injury in hand, the prosecution should NOT be granted standing before the court. The court MUST quash the case, or, the court itself enters into the corruption of the prosecution. The court gives up its own standing as arbiter of law or justice if it fails this.
25) Let's one more time go back to Brady Violations. The prosecution is entrusted with the grave obligation to offer exculpatory evidence. It is empowered with sole discretion over this matter. Here we must linger. This is where the swamp has its greatest power.
26) Trusting the prosecution to be for justice, not conviction, is one of the stupidest ideas in legal history. It is to grant the fox the management of the chicken coop. This is not justice. This is not Rule of Law. This is the very definition of a kangaroo court.
27) You know, as do I, that Gen Flynn never committed a single crime. Yet, the prosecution has been empowered to deliver false accusations without consequence. It has been empowered to withhold all evidence that would exonerate Gen Flynn. How does this happen?
28) Ted Stevens. Please, please check out his case. You'll see that the honored Judge Stevens convicted him, he lost his seat in the Senate, and if you follow out the timeline, you'll see that Obamacare needed his seat vacated in order to be passed. All of this occurred.
29) Then, weeks before his death in an airplane crash, Former Senator Stevens was exonerated by Judge Sullivan. Too late to save America from Obamacare, though. Why do I remain - to my own observation - the only soul complaining about this? What good did exoneration do?
30) The answer is none. Exoneration did NOT ONE thing to REMEDY America's loss from this case. What does remedy mean? At law, it means that injury has been addressed, and compensation has been rendered. There was NO remedy for American in Stevens exoneration. None.
31) So I say, so what? So what that the court exonerated? We still got Obamacare. And I say again, who addresses this? Not one time has any of my opponents ever responded to the correlation between Stevens and Flynn. Not one time.
32) What does it mean that the court has, so far, failed to quash this illegal prosecution for its lack of standing? It means that, unless the court throws the case out, the court itself has honored an illegal prosecution. Courts across America do so every day.
33) You can't just blame the prosecution and let the court itself off the hook. The logic of that fails completely. Sure, the court may not know at first. But its job is to learn the truth and then act for justice. In Flynn's case there is only one justice. Throw the case out.
34) Yet, even if the court finally throws the case out now, I will still be far from satisfied. This case has cost us what, about 700 days so far? And how many more days will it steal before declaring the prosecution illegal? Oh wait, we were only begging for exoneration.
35) Please forgive my dripping sarcasm. This court has NO standing to exonerate. And, again, so what if it lets Gen Flynn free, finally, after all this time and the devastation it has caused? That's not remedy. It won't make him whole. And it won't make us whole, either.
36) The only way the court might redeem itself in my judgment is to finally state, emphatically, that the prosecution was 100% illegal from its inception, and that Gen Flynn is rightly empowered to recover all his costs and losses and damages at the DOJ's expense.
37) I do NOT consider this court to have its own legal standing as arbiter of law and justice. It has forfeited that right. I hope it may improve its actions here at the end, but that will NEVER qualify or cover for all the loss entailed. No more so than Stevens' exoneration.
mentions 38) For just a moment, change view with me. Do you realize that Chief Justice Roberts oversees the FISA court? Where is he on the topic of illegal investigations of American Citizens, by way of the Steele Dossier? Do you see it? The court system 100% corrupted.
39) And follow the bouncing ball. Roberts makes the most distorted decision in SCOTUS history over Obamacare. Ted Stevens vote against Obamacare would have stopped it. Judge Sullivan's conviction of Stevens is what paved the way for Obamacare in the Senate.
40) Can you follow the connections? Look again. Why has Nancy Pelosi NOT brought up an Impeachment vote on the Floor of the House? She doesn't have the votes. So, no matter, just attack as if she did and the entire media calls it an Impeachment when it isn't.
41) Simply use the power of attack and win at politics while utterly undermining the Rule of Law in our nation. This is pure and simple, the Communist agenda. Communism demands the destruction of Rule of Law. How does it accomplish this? Simple.
42) Take every moment of fear or risk and define that moment as unfairness in society. Establish Social Justice as the higher mandate than Legal Justice. Destroy the law. Establish Party Power overall. And then, laugh as the millions die of starvation.
43) And that brings me back yet again to the mandate of pardon. The court has lost its standing. It is fully compromised with the prosecution's illegality. Who can address that? Who might fix it? The answer, of course, is @POTUS with his power to execute a #PardonOfInnocence.
44) There is no other act @realDonaldTrump might execute that would so fully target the illegalities of the injustice system as this pardon would. And as to @SidneyPowell1, she would be the greatest Bracy Czar possible, and could be empowered to change our injustice.
45) So, I conclude again as I always do, please consider joining me in the request for the true remedy we need. Join my petition: Please, Mr. @POTUS, #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence
