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We’ve Hit the Appellate Court - 53rd Analysis - 22 May 2020

Pasquale Scopelliti

Updated: Jul 6, 2020

22 May 2020 - #PardonFlynnNow Analysis We've hit the Appellate Court... I try. I fail quite a bit, and this is another failure. I can't prevent myself from an "I told you so" moment right now. I'd apologize, but it would baloney. I told you so. And I may have been the first.

2) Here's my story. Judge Sullivan disgraced himself, and betrayed his oath of office on 18 December 2018. I was NOT the first to call his behavior on that date despicable. My friends let me know how wrong I was defending him. They were right. I was wrong.

3) I was angry at @GenFlynn for defending his guilty plea. I knew he was 100% innocent and furious at him that he kept asserting his guilt. So, I projected my own anger onto Judge Sullivan, and tried to grant him the honor of integrity. I made that case, in public at the time.

4) As I attempted to justify Judge Sullivan's behavior, I found my thesis did not stand the test of analysis. Thesis? Yeah. You need to know that word, and its antonym, which is antithesis - read better as anti-thesis - and their child, synthesis. I know, so intellectual.

5) Worse yet is the word dialectical, and worse still, the dialectical method. Isn't all that so boring, and what does it have to do with @GenFlynn and the vile Judge Sullivan? Well, this. I tried to defend the judge, and failed. That was my thesis. I then flipped, and attacked.

6) That was my anti-thesis. Then, when I tried to blend, or at least to negotiate between the two extreme positions, I couldn't. I couldn't find my way back to defended the judge. My synthesis failed. That is, the anti-thesis stood, unmitigated. And then I began to harden.

7) This process - all documented in public - took me somewhere into January, 2019. I'll have to figure out when I read the phenomenal book Licenced To Lie, by the even more phenomenal @SidneyPowell1, but I suspect it followed that failed synthesis. 8) It was one of the most painful reads of my life. If I were a movie producer, I'd option the book and present it as the most horrifying horror film ever. Far more terrifying than the walking dead, justice turned to injustice destroys America Herself. Not that's horror.

9) Licenced To Lie. Licenced To Kill. 007. James Bond, for all the impossibility of not loving him, is above the law. Pause there. Above the law. Licenced to lie. What @SidneyPowell1 exposes in her blockbuster book is that the American Justice system licences deceit.

10) At the very moment deceit is criminalized for the defence, it is licensed for the prosecution. I say again, how did this happen? How did interrogation grow to be empowered to use deceit in trapping deceivers who's lies are their crimes? Does no one see the horror of this?

11) Obviously, Sidney sees it. She is our teacher. There remains an intellectual problem. Lies within lies. The hero of her book, Judge Sullivan, is a liar. He gamed the system, as well as ever it has been gamed. Perhaps others saw this before I did, but if so, I'm not aware.

12) This is where the obnoxious I told you so comes in. Cui Bono? Who benefits? Once I began to harden against Judge Sullivan I found my way back to the Senator Ted Stevens case and completed the following analysis. Falsely convicted, he lost his Senate seat as a consequence.

13) The most shocking moment for me was when I discovered that it was Judge Sullivan who oversaw his false conviction, that led to the loss of his Senate seat. I started paying serious attention. What happens next? Obama's elected and Alaska's seat goes Democrat at the same time.

14) And what's the count in the Senate now? 60 Democrats, a veto-proof, cloture-proof Democrat majority. 60 is the magic number. Obama has 60 Democrat Senators, the last seat of which was Stevens', who was also, at the time, the longest standing Republican Senator.

15) Overseeing all this was Bush 43's AG, Michael Mukasey. Then, we get the changing of the guard, and now Obama's AG is Eric Holder. Interesting guy, this Holder fellow is. Elections over, get this, there's a whistleblower. Don't take my word!

16) So, Holder's got a problem, an opportunity rich crisis indeed. What to do? Make lemonade out of lemons, of course. Release the Brady Material! What? Yeah, there was all kinds of exculpatory evidence on Stevens, proving beyond the shadow of a doubt, his total innocence.

17) So, what does Holder come up with? Release the Brady materials! Genius. Exonerate Stevens. Hell, if we were doing them back then, it could have been a hashtag: #ExonerateStevensNow Amen and hallelujah.

18) Here's what I still don't get. How does the very selfsame judge who convicted Stevens falsely get to be the selfsame judge who exonerates him on appeal? Confuses hell out of me. So it goes. And what happens next? Oh yeah. Sullivan becomes THE Brady Judge. Wow.

19) And Sullivan plays the part well. He's a good looking man. Cool mustache and under lip whiskers and all. He looks the part. Gotta give him that. He has a nice smile, too. So now, at the beginning of every trial, he rolls out his Brady orders. Give up the goods, he commands.

20) And our man Holder? Also a good looking man, he now establishes his pristine reputation as an HONEST AG. He cleared Stevens. He gave up the Brady materials, and will no longer allow any prosecutorial malfeasance on his watch. He's a new kind of AG, to be sure.

21) So, here we are in 2019, and I've smelled a rat. Something stinks in Denmark/DC. And it suddenly hits me. Obamacare. There's just no way in American Hell that we'd suffer Obamacare if there weren't a 60-strong Democrat majority in the Senate in 2009/2010.

22) Go slowly with me here. You can exonerate Stevens all day long and twice on Sunday, yet still leave his Republican Senate seat in Democrat hands, and what have you done? Nothing. Nothing whatsoever. Nothing to remedy the Constitutional Crisis that was thereby created.

23) Constitutional crisis? What the hell is that? I've meditated long and hard on that question, and I think I've found the answer. It is when a conflict arises between the granted, or stolen powers of the government - stolen BY the government - wipe out the safety of WTP.

24) Please, I request, dive deeply with me here. The very purpose of a government is to protect the weak against the strong. It is to protect, to safeguard the rights of the people against both mighty majorities, and against the very government itself. Did you see it?

25) In a free, democratic and constitutional republic, the government must safeguard the people from the power of...the government. That conflict is the very essence and meaning of Constitutional Crisis. The government whose purpose is to protect, is the threat itself.

26) Let it never be said that Holder and Obama do not understand the Constitution. Rather, they are its experts, indeed. There is no other way they could so effectively exploit its most fundamental weakness. Butchers are always outstanding anatomists. They know how to kill, well.

27) And in 2009, Sullivan was their scalpel. What they accomplished, in exonerating Stevens by giving up the Brady material, was the inoculation against the charge of injustice. Oh, they were the good guys, indeed. And it is my painful claim that I was first to uncover this.

28) I am a prideful man. I fight hard for my own credit. I'd apologize if I could, but the apology would be as patently false as Holder's justice was. So, you'll find no apology here. Stevens' exoneration was, and I do apologize for foul language, pure fucking bullshit.

29) What a shill game, with all of America as the shills. Sullivan is a very bad man. He is NO Brady hero, afterall. He is merely a Democrat plant on the federal bench. He does what his masters allow him to do. He is, in fact, the perfect representative of Swamp Protector.

30) Sullivan, and Van Grack, are licenced to lie. Precisely as Holder and Mueller are licenced to lie. Precisely as the prosecution all across America is licensed to lie in the pursuit of criminals who are only criminals due to the fact that, by the law, they lied.

31) I have a principle to propose. Once upon on time in America, we used to have the principle of the presumption of innocence. I know, so long ago it's almost a fairy tale now. Yet, what if, in a fantasy, we allowed the defense the following power...

32) If the defense can show a single lie perpetrated by the prosecution, then the trial is ended in that moment. We have to admit. Our principle - The Presumption of Innocence - has been lost. It's gone. And with it, the very idea of America as the land of Justice is gone, too.

33) Go back with me to 2009. Stevens is exonerated. Who benefits? Holder, obviously. Stevens too. But most of all... Wait for it... Obama benefits. Obamacare benefits.

34) What does this net Stevens? Nothing. He dies weeks later in a mysterious airplane accident. Can you say Hillary Clinton assisted suicide? Can you say doesn't pass the smell test? Give me a break. We steal his Senate seat by a false conviction. Exonerate him. Now he dies.

35) This is the America we live in. The is the America where the Constitution is lost. This is the manipulation that left has mastered. This is the stupidity we surrendered to. I surrendered to. I did. I wasn't watching. I didn't realize this in 2009. I am ashamed of that.

36) And this is the America where @GenFlynn is the zero point target of Obama. As Stevens fell, so also do we destroy Flynn. So also do we destroy Trump. So also do we destroy MAGA.  Say it with me. Obama hates and destroys America. Be clear. This is now.

37) And that brings me back to the Flynn case. Right now, due to Sidney's Mandamus Petition, an Appeals Court has been empanelled. Who knows how such courts work? I don't, yet. I'll be grateful for any guidance. But in this moment, Sullivan's perfidy must be established.

38) We're in that moment. Should we allow King George his Stamp Tax? It was around a mere 5%. Our forefathers rebelled against such as that. What does the federal government tax us at now? Only with Trump's reduction, around 15%.

39) Who knows what our Constitution actually required? I don't. I don't know the true protections our Constitution gave us. Do you? What I do know is the difference between Justice and Injustice, fairness and unfairness. You do too. Gen Flynn's case is pure injustice.

40) Judge Sullivan is lost, within the powers and amenities of The Swamp. His honor is no longer His Honor. His honor is gone, forever. And I claim, please show me who came here first, that I am the one who saw that. First. Have I mentioned that I care?

Thread ends at #40.


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