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Using Intelligence

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 27 "Humble words, coupled with increased preparations, are a sign of impending attack."

But how would you know? How would you know that increased preparations were being engaged? It's a pretty big question. A point I've made many times is worthy of your consideration again here. There's a reason the last chapter of this book in about spies, intelligence.

The commentators share an amazing story that illustrates this verse to perfection, and no, I'm not going to retell or quote it. Go find it, you'll love it, it's truly an awesome story. Subtly, so subtly, the story completely hinges on intelligence.

In the story's case, we're using the word "intelligence" in both ways. The information your sources provide, AND your ability to process that information and make wise decisions. The losing general has neither, the winning general has both.

So, with his superior information and intellect, the winning general plays the losing general with false indications, humble words, and hides his own preparations to destroy his enemy, win the war, and regain 70 cities. Seriously, go read the story!

Let's look at the humble words. In such a situation, they're never backed up by substantive action. Let me give you an example from modern China and our American globalists. First, we have to talk about Richard Nixon for a moment. He wasn't as dumb as he looked.

Have I mentioned that I'm reading Nixon's book, The Real War, published in 1980? His geopolitical mastery was simply off the charts. By the way, a very young Hugh Hewitt was on the writing/editing/project team for that book, and some of the writing has his sparkle.

At that point, 1980, the USSR was ahead of us in weaponry and military might. Reaching back to the early 70's when Nixon and Kissinger were building their China strategy, China was indeed a backward nation economically, and as to weapons, far behind USSR and USA.

The deep and abiding hatred between USSR and China was the wedge Nixon needed, to push them further apart, and he did so brilliantly. By offering friendship to the weaker player, he tipped the scales against Russia. He gets far too little credit for this.

And I believe there was a picture of Reagan carrying Nixon's book around during the 1980 campaign. Nixon's anti-USSR, pro-China strategy really doesn't get enough credit when assessing the collapse of the Soviet Union. His impact was not only Watergate.

Now, with USSR's collapse, what happened? The balance tipped again, and who failed to notice? Washington D.C. Now, with China on the rise, there could be no question that they'd soon turn on us, but no one noticed. This was the basis of the pro-China humble words.

No longer needing them against Russia, the new theory that was dominant was that, in their weakness, if only we'd help them, then they would become good citizens on the world stage. Thus the WTO and ultimately, their favored nation status therein.

They're so weak, we were always told from that point forward. Now, if only we help them out - no one was saying it, but for example, by shipping uncountable 10s of thousands of our plants to them and shuttering them here in America - they be good friends.

And all the while, what was going on? They were making preparations against us in every possible way. And their intelligence? They have a better intelligence capability against us than we do against them by orders of magnitude. They've penetrated our entire society.

Okay, you forced it out of me. The ancient general was Tian Dan, and the story is the battle of Jimo, or the Fire Cattle Columns. Here's a terribly boring version of it. You should read it in Minford or Giles. But, here's a link for you:

I absolutely guarantee you, the masters of China's strategy, laughing at us young, naive Americans - 5,000 years vs not 300 yet - ALL know this story. They know how to use humble words, based on superior intelligence, while preparing in secret for our utter destruction.

Who watched the Chris Wallace interview with the President of Iran last night, on the Bret Baier show? (Written 25 Sep 2019.) No, of course we didn't bomb the Arabian Oil facility, the Yemenis did it. We are for peace. Here's our peace plan. We only defend ourselves. Wasn't us.

But if it had been us, why has America sold such defective defensive systems to Arabia, and wouldn't that be a blow to America's reputation? And of course, we're not building an atom bomb, why would we have joined Obama's anti-bomb agreement if we were? No, no. We want no bomb.

He mentioned at one point, 17 continuous hours of negotiation with John Kerry. I'm thinking, hire me. I'll negotiate with them. And it won't take me 17 hours to get a better deal than they got. They're such idiots. I'm sorry. I'm ready, coach, send me in. I can play center field.

I just have to reiterate. The entire Obama deal with Iran, to include his evil 150 BILLION dollars to them - the greatest treasure fund of terrorism ever transferred - has always stunk to high heavens. And how was it sold to us? With the humble words of peace.

Further, the Green New Deal. It's going to create jobs. It will be a technological windfall for America. It will empower us to take charge of the economy of the future. It will save the planet in 12 years. It was what we Americans are, and have always been about. Innovation.

And what will it cost? Forget the cash. It will cost the destruction of our entire economy and way of life. They have been preparing for out utter destruction for at least 100 years, the left has. And it's always sold with humble words, all the while preparing.

Honey, I think you'd have to agree, our relationship isn't doing so well. We need to go to therapy to see if we can't work out our problems. Okay. What isn't being said? My divorce attorney informed me that if I don't go to therapy, I'll get less from our divorce settlement.

As Master Sun teaches us, we must learn to hear the drumbeat of war defining the rhythm and delivery of humble words. If we can't do it, we will learn the ignominy of utter defeat. Or, maybe we'll learn how to speak softly and carry a big stick, ourselves. Our choice.

255 verses completed, 201 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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