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Pasquale Scopelliti

31 May 2020 - #MAGAanalysis #KillerMike #PlotPlanStrategizeOrganizeMobilize 1 of 2 Threads Today Please, watch the entire video.

2) Killer Mike would most likely disagree with most of the positions I stand for, but maybe not all, maybe not as many as might appear. Let's cut to the heart of the disagreement, before we map out his complete righteousness.

3) I should qualify, I don't know the man or his work outside of this one amazing video. Judging from this video, this is precisely the kind of man I want speaking today. His impassioned voice of reason is what we need. There is no way to not feel his integrity.

4) The context for Killer Mike's hatred of Trump is here, in this WashPo article. It's not a bad article.…

5) In 1967, the Miami Chief of Police explained he'd be bringing out the shotguns and dogs. Let us be clear. This is precisely how escaping slaves were hunted down. It is more than merely racist, it is rooted in the animalizing of black people. It is noxious and evil.

6) So, here's Trump quoting it. Doesn't that stand as first face - prima facie - evidence, and isn't it essentially irrefutable that Trump too is a racist? The fact is, it might be. I don't think so, but intellectual honesty demands I respect that perception, that reading.

7) And yet, here I am, and I don't believe that Trump has a racist cell in his body. I think he loves all Americans First. So, my reading of Trump's words are, when you loot, people shoot. That is, looting leads to shooting, factually. Put it another way. Cops shoot looters. Why?

8) It's not just cops who shoot looters, looters shoot looters. Looting is nothing other than mob-based theft. It is always accompanied by massive vandalism, fire, and arson where the fires are purposeful. Looting and death and destruction and shooting are factually inseparable.

9) Whatever hatred there may be, if I had the power, I'd bring Killer Mike to the Oval Office. I don't know he'd come, but if I could persuade him, I would. I believe that Killer Mike's emotions - including his Trump hatred - would all be acceptable to our President.

10) I looked up #PlotPlanStrategizeOrganizeMobilize and was unable to find any source for it that didn't reference Killer Mike. So, of course I had to look up his wiki, and you should check this out! This is a great man.…

11) If you know me, you know I'm about to go deep, and a bit intellectual now. Killer Mike supports Bernie Sanders. Sanders is a Socialist. Funny thing, many of my Bernie Bro friends vote for Trump. Killer Mike refused to vote for HRC. That's a bond of connection.

12) What does this mean? The most important thing is the moral failure of capitalism. Yeah, that. For my entire adult life I have striven to find, to build out the theory of a moral capitalism, and I think I've found the answers. I'll discuss the answers another time.

13) The victory we've allowed Socialism to claim is that it protects the weak against the strong. In this, it blends both politics and economics with an irresistible moral appeal. Morality always includes protecting the weak against the strong.

14) Let's be clear, capitalism favors the strong. But, it does not automatically favor the illicit strong, that's what corruption does. The term for that is Crony Capitalism. It's not a strong enough term. It means when the law, and the political machine determine winners. 15) In America, we're supposed to monitor our Crony Capitalist corrupt politicians and vote them out. We're supposed to organize movements where we stop buying from such evil companies. Killer Mike and I completely agree about all of that!

16) But here's where I essentially worship on Killer Mike's altar. He has credibility. He has family who are cops and loves them with all his heart. He loves his city, and stands up as a duty to help his city in this time of need. How is that anything other than heroic?

17) He's unashamed of his emotions, and describes what we all saw on that horrible video. And, his use of the animal-as-prey, and white-cop-as-hunter is the most powerful analogy we could possibly consider. I agree with him. There is no other way I can see the video.

18) No matter how much my own better angels wish America was past racism, obviously we're not. And, I'm not naturally inclined to agree with "systemic racism" as a term, but watching the video, I find myself no longer able to disagree. We have systemic racism in America.

19) I will never be the same again. It was impossible for me to imagine Chauvin doing the same thing to a white man. It was impossible for me to imagine that George Floyd's blackness had nothing to do with his execution. You can lynch a man on a tree limb, or with your knee.

20) Face it. Lynching is a thing in America. We're not done with it yet.

21) But Killer Mike offers a path forward. Stop burning down your own house. As a white man, I could never say that to a black neighborhood. There's legal term that explains why. I have no "standing." I'm white. I can't give guidance to black people suffering white racism.

22) But I can say...what Mike said. I can say, I stand arm in arm with you, and if you'll accept me as your brother, in spite of the color of my skin, I will never betray you or abandon you. I will always stand together with you.

23) Beat up the politicians, the police executives who are elected, the mayor of our city...beat them the polling booth. Now that's America. That's the America I stand for, and I'm with Mike.

24) Don't be mad at me, please. But I embrace Mike's video as a MAGA moment, no matter how much he'd disagree with me. Mike's video is precisely the America I want to live in, where we fight it out, down to the local level, for the political leaders who represent us.

25) #BallotsNotBullets. That's America. And we on the right, we'd better watch out, the left has Killer Mike leading them to #PlotPlanStrategizeOrganizeMobilize. We'd best pay heed. That logic is irrefutable. Honor to Mike.

26) Here's an idea. We don't we in the MAGA movement make it our commitment to organize our support for clean up and rebuild efforts to restore our cities after the looting and arson has devastated them? Why don't we put all the focus we can on helping?

27) Why don't we take the us-and-them away, and respond as just Americans? And I mean everything from showing up with a broom, to finding our wealthiest business investors and creating inner city investment funds. Why don't we help the inner cities to rebuild?

28) We can't be patronizing. A check does NOT cover disrespect, and it doesn't make up for what has been lost. We can never bring George Floyd back to life. We can never console his family. Our apology will hold no force, as we have no standing.

29) But we can be serious and true and focused and dedicated. We can embrace the problems we have allowed to propagate to become our own problems to solve. MAGA is more than big enough for that. It essentially defines our very purpose.

30) Perhaps we need an 11th plank in our platform. In the America made great again that we fight for, "little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

Thread ends at #30.

P.S. I intended to do a thread on Justice Roberts, and though it would be 2 of 2, today. I realize now, I'll wait till tomorrow. I'll talk about that traitor tomorrow.


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