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Trump is our Commander

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 55 "When orders are consistent and effective, general and troops enjoy mutual trust."

When has that been the case? When have the orders been both consistent and effective? Do you recall? I don't. To my recollection they never have been. I was born in 1960. From then till now, our marching orders have been weak. That's NOT an attack against Trump.

Trump puts everything he's got into a rally. He holds nothing back. And, rallied, we show up to vote. Who could ask anything more from him? Certainly NOT me! I honor my leader. I am grateful to him with my whole heart. He leads and to the degree we follow, we win.

The thing is, he is NOT our general. He is our commander. There are, to my eye, four basic steps on the chain of command. Here they are: 1) Commander 2) Senior Leader 3) Junior Leader 4) Follower

As a follower, I need to know more about what to do than merely show up for elections or bring others with me. Getting out the vote, huge as that task is, is not enough. If I'm to follow, who will be my leader?

This is why America demands that we come to terms with small, high-performance teams. They must be locally based, locally targeted. My own favorite goal is the cleansing of our curriculum of its anti-American leaning. Yet self-directed matters.

I can't tell a local, small team leader what is most important in his community. I'm not him. I'm not local. He must be respected - and often, he will be a she. Local leaders are just that, leaders. They know their community in ways no one else can.

Self-organization. What a revolutionary construct. Good people can agree that our Declaration and Constitution still matter and decide for themselves as individuals where to fight for America. We can self-organize, self-direct. We can recruit followers and lead them.

Please, delve deeply within your soul. Can you lead? Do you have what it takes? Can you find a mission more important than yourself, more important than your natural hesitation and shyness? If you can, then you may be ready to commence recruiting.

Recruiting is bar none, the greatest act of leadership that exists. A leader takes ownership over a mission, then asks others to agree, to sign on, to join in for the mission. Of all other things, we may say that to lead is to recruit. If you don't recruit, you're not leading.

So, why is that I, as a faithful and loyal Trump supporter, have never received consistent, effective orders? Maybe I just don't join in at the right place, in the right way. I'm not a natural follower. I resist being lead.

And that is PRECISELY were a deeply rooted, proper local leader would come in. He'd find me and recruit me. And I'd be ready to follow his lead. No, I'm not easy, not an easy follower. But if the orders were consistent and effective, you'd have me. I'd follow.

And that is the vision we must blanket America with. We must picture a true Force-America, saving our nation from the betrayal the anti-American forces have mounted. They are better at their orders than we are at ours.

Let's change that. Let's listen to Master Sun, and build a true command of proper orders, and build a true followership of disciplined patriots. Patriots who hear consistent, effective orders and, trusting their commanders, follow with joy and honor.

283 verses completed, 173 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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