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Trump has True Volunteers

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 44 "Excessive rewards are a sign of desperation."

So why didn't the Minneapolis protest build to a greater crescendo than it did? The protesters were, I propose, too well paid. Social media flash mobs and bussed in paid protesters have proven to be a vast loss of money by left wing billionaires.

Consider the protest - apparently half a million strong or so - on Trump's inauguration. It succeeded, to be sure. There was adequate shock and horror that HRC had lost, and her supporters needed just such an outlet for their heartbreak. I can understand that.

No cares about the celebrities on a stage, or the knitted caps they wore, that's all fine. But consider the violence that attended, on the streets, and against police. It wasn't honest protesters that were executing such violence. It as paid protestors in sky masks.

So, here, today, we have an Impeachment attempt - with NO vote on the House floor - and over what? Millions of dollars paid to Hunter Biden by a Ukrainian company. Can no one see the desperation revealed thereby? Millions of dollars? To an invisible Hunter Biden? Where's Hunter?

Let's spell it out. One point five BILLION dollars from China. Is anyone denying this? Did it not occur? It went to whom? Hunter, right? Is that not an excessive reward? If it is, I think it is, then it is likely a sign of desperation. Who's desperation, who exactly?

I'll answer that, but let's spell something else out first. One hundred fifty BILLION dollars sent to Iran. Our President decides - again no vote in Congress - to send $150 Billion to Iran, and why? To have them pause their nuclear program, per their word. We trust them. Right?

The Communist Manifesto, which I read regularly, maps out precisely how to corrupt a society. No, it doesn't use those words, of course. It simply points out the weak spots and urges any and all to attack, attack, attack.

Who is desperate right now? The globalist elite that has ruled America since the 1930s at least. They are freaking out, like never before. Why was Biden allowed to be the Ukraine man? Why was he allowed to become a billionaire with his son in China? He was needed, that's why.

The Vice President of Barrack Obama couldn't be left without his rewards. And, he was obviously the perfect tool by which to negotiate with powers against America, but the very powers that Obama needed. Follow it out. The steps are actually quite simple.

Ukraine was the nation that most opposed Stalin, and the one he wreaked most hellacious havoc upon. He wiped out their independent farmers, by means of a starvation strategy against them. Please look it up. Stalin and Ukraine. Today, Ukraine remains Putin's problem.

And where was Uranium One's base of operation? Ukraine. So, we've got Mueller and HRC and team, all wrapped up in Ukraine. If you don't know Uranium One, please look it up. This is terrible stuff for America. One fifth of our uranium supply sold to Russia. Millions to HRC.

What the globalist elite never imagined was that their massive payouts might be observed. They never thought for a moment that their perpetual billions of dollars might reveal their own underlying desperation. Give me a break. No one needs billions of corrupt dollars.

Obama was desperate. He had to pay off Biden, and he did. He had to pay off Iran, and he did. But Obama was no truly powerful man, not at all. The owners of the billions of dollars - he was no billionaire at first, Obama wasn't - those are the truly powerful people.

Let's discuss leverage. How does $1.5 Billion pay itself off? If you're China and you invest that much money, where's the payout? The answer has a T, as in Trillions. Here's a simple example. What's the best aircraft carrier technology? If you can pay a billion for that, you win.

Again, and again and again - ever since we began our pro-China economic policy - China has danced its way around us, stealing everything we failed to nail down. Joe and Hunter Biden's $1.5 Billion is just another ongoing facet of that so-easy strategy.

What we see in the end is simply this. Communism has failed, and Socialism is merely its more softly named handmaiden. It is desperate, and always grants excessive rewards in lieu of its inability to grow capital. It destroys capital and pirates the cash capitalism creates.

Let's end our contemplation with a word on volunteerism. As I always say, if you want to pay me, reach out and make an offer! But what I have done as a volunteer since 2016 has never been motivated by cash. Trump won due to himself, volunteering, and due to us, his volunteers.

Look at Giuliani right now. He is volunteering his work for Trump. Who lauds him for that? I do, that's for sure. And yes, I know, he gets media time he couldn't buy. I get it. But still, he is unpaid for his work and the media is attacking him over that fact.

A volunteer is the opposite of one who is paid excessive rewards. Trump has true volunteers, and we should be proud of ourselves. More, was should know that we have The Way, Heaven, Earth, Command and Discipline on OUR side. Excessive rewards are what you do in lieu.

272 verses completed, 184 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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