1) We will turn to China, and its hellacious but completely unnecessary catastrophe in a moment. Communism fails this way, as we've discussed. But first, we have to discuss last night's debate a little. It was fun. No getting around that. They were ready to RUMMMMBLLLLE!
2) When you hear Democrat analysts saying that last night's winner was Donald Trump, you get a sense of the utter collapse of the Democrat Party, as we watch. Something you'll be hearing from me more and more as we roll forward in 2020, is how political parties die.
3) I just learned yesterday, that when friction matches were invented in the 1820s, they were called "locofocos." I won't share the story right now, but have you ever heard of the Locofoco Party, from Tammany Hall? No? Me neither before yesterday. It's an incredible story!
4) I don't know if anyone is able to count the number of political parties that we have spawned, arose to some degree of success, peaked, declined, failed and died. It's a new passion of mine to study how parties die. Follow me here...
5) I am NOT predicting the death of the Democrat Party, but I wish I were. Rather, I am calling for its death. I'm not saying it will just happen. I am saying, it's time for us to put it out of its, and our misery. Its day has come and gone. The Democrat Party must die.
6) Let's be respectful. Every one of the 6 candidates on stage were talented, even - and I hate saying this - Elizabeth Warren. By the way, why don't we call her Betty? It's a great name! They all did their damndest and it was a slug fest worth watching. I loved every minute.
7) My personal favorite was Mayor Pete. He could never win, but in the strange world where he might have, I'd at least not object to hearing him speak. That man can speak. The rest, sort of. Passion and fury, sure. Well, not Mayer Mike, he is a robot. He's not human.
8) Now mind you, I will be analyzing the polling numbers through the election. But it's simply impossible for me to even fear a Trump defeat right now. I know, I'm not supposed to say that. But come on. If you watched last night's Democrat debacle, you have to know. No way.
9) Respect them as we may, they can't win. Not a one of them, and certainly not all of them, and none of them are going to drop out. I'm positively slobbering with anticipation of the Democrat Convention. Where's my popcorn? Oh wait, I can't eat popcorn due to my diabetes. Alas.
10) So parties die, evidently. Again, I'm not saying that this is the end of the Democrats as a party. I am saying, they can be killed and we owe it to America to do so. America has no further need of this party. It was a hell of a romp, but now, it's time for the party to end.
11) And that, finally, brings us back to China. Have I mentioned the end of the USSR? Oh yeah, I have. Who among us predicted that? I was there, back then. I had no idea in advance. Did you? Who saw that coming? I don't remember anyone forecasting its fall. But fall it did.
12) If you haven't watch the HBO miniseries on Chernobyl, oh my, you must. That show does the best job presenting such an event that's ever been produced. If you want to understand China today, you MUST watch this series.
13) There's a direct connection. The Democrat Party is America's closest equivalent to the Communist Party. And obviously with angry Bernie as its leader it grows ever closer to simply being the Communist Party of Amerika. Red Amerika rising. It will fail, but the threat is real.
14) I keep saying, we must prepare ourselves for the fall of Communist China. That really does mean each of us. We must envision a world where communism has finally given up its death gasp. After China's Communist Party falls, the jig will be up.
15) I won't linger, but the next jig we'll have to debunk will be socialism. I don't buy that there's any real difference. I consider socialism to be merely the cosmetic cover that communism requires. But, that'll be another fight. Right now, Communist China is falling.
16) The USSR was born in 1917. It died in 1992. Chernobyl took place in 1986. Consider it. Think of the time it takes a full sink to drain. It doesn't happen instantly, it takes time. The USSR took six years after Chernobyl to fall. There's a lot of dirty water to drain out.
17) No, Chernobyl was by no means the only factor that killed the USSR. Ha! I have to give another I just learned, recently. Gorbachev was a prohibition fan. Yep. He tried banning vodka. If you're not laughing, you don't know how to say wodka. He did. He prohibited liquor.
18) Yeah, we know that Reagan outspent Gorbachev with advanced weapons. Maybe Gorby could have kept up, if he hadn't wiped out the revenue from vodka. And there you go, that's communism. So no, Chernobyl wasn't the only thing. But, Gorby was right in saying it was the main thing.
19) With a bit of an outbreath, I just can't keep up with all the reporting. Nor can I pull out all the cogent points from the articles I'm trying to organize. Okay, let's try to go one at a time. This is the most horrifying.

20) The ultimate failure of communism is deceit. It lies. It lies and lies and lies some more. From the article, we know there are incinerators. Contemplate that. Imagine you're there. Your mother or daughter, your son or father has died, and now, they're being incinerated.
21) In the article, we're told that 100 corpses per day are being burnt. The logic fails. All these portable incinerators and only 100 corpses? Yet, we know that over 60 million Chinese citizens are in lock down. Their numbers are false. Period. False. This is communism.
22) There's so much in this one article that I could easily do an entire thread on its points alone. But, we must move forward. The last point from it I'll comment on is this. They're not just burning bodies, they're burning cash. Yes, cash. They fear it's contaminated. Cash.
23) Our next article is, well, I expect, prophetic. Consider its title, and especially the term "Mao-style." There is a deep history here which well look at next. But, if you have the time, please read this article:

24) Communism is the story of "heroic" dictators. Marx dreamed of such power, but never attained it. His great student Lenin succeeded and took control over Russia, creating the USSR. The worship he enjoyed is hard to imagine.
25) His successor Stalin rose far higher. They each killed millions. It seems that a communist dictator's worship is tied to the number of millions he kills. The more killed, the greater the worship.
26) Chairman Mao was not to be outdone. His evil reign killed uncountable millions, possibly as many as Stalin and Lenin combined. Perhaps most notable was his children's revolution. Imagine. Your government wants your children to betray you. Imagine that.
27) Here's just one quote from the article. Again, I could do an entire thread commenting on this single story, but here's the one:
"Housing complexes in some cities have issued the equivalents of paper hall passes to regulate how often residents leave their homes."
28) Going back to our Democrat Socialist Party for a moment, "hall passes?" That's where we end up. And for how many in China? Nowhere less than 60 million people. The control knows no end. Here's our next article:

29) The first paragraph:
"Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for tightened control over online discussion and increased policing to ensure "positive energy" and social stability, state media said Saturday, as the country struggles to contain the deadly new coronavirus."
30) In a state of overwhelm, it's tempting to offer more articles. I won't. We must turn to the transformations of this world again. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union fell. There can be no doubt left, the Communist Party of China will fall. The world will transform.
31) It is time to kill communism, completely. In full, as in China. In light, as in the Democrat Party in the USA. Let's linger there. More and more, you're hearing that the founding fathers of America did NOT create a democracy. They created a Constitutional Republic.
32) It is an almost perpetual theme we hear now, that the Electoral College must be eliminated; we must have ONLY a democracy, or, as the founders called it, the rule of the mob, an unconstrained majority wiping out all the rights of all minority factions.
33) How many parties do they have in China? No, not two. One. And that one party rules its 1.5 billion people with an iron fist, an iron fist that has led to the Coronavirus catastrophe. Please, please take that in. This catastrophe is NOT biological. It IS political.
34) So what do we do? First, trust our CDC. They're doing an amazing job. We, here in America, are safe. It may be that a few of us will die from this disease, but the number is, and will remain, infinitesimally small. This disease will not kill us. Take heart and be calm.
35) Second, no, we do not know if this will be the final crisis of the CCP. But we do know that Communist China will be forever weakened by this hellacious catastrophe. Its power will never recover. Hear me. Never. It may take another set of factors to kill it, but die it will.
36) And, we must contemplate that we're already there. This may actually be - we can't know this - the actual death gasp. If so, it is time NOW to begin to assess a post-communist world. Hmm. Do you think that Bernie has contemplated that? I'd say not.
37) As communism itself finally falls, socialism will come under greater and greater scrutiny. Why? Because the entire economic basis of all nations is capitalism. There is a direct tie between it, and freedom. And, the trajectory of history is for freedom. Go figure.
38) Let me say again. There are only four rights that matter. Here they are:
1) Life
2) Liberty
3) The Pursuit of Happiness
4) Property
39) As we see in China today, once again, communism abolishes all four rights. We'll parse out socialism's rights another day. We can establish absolutely, right now, that communism completely abridges all four, and it is that abolishment that is killing the CCP right now.
40) I say again, parties die. They're born, rise, peak, decline, fall, and die. So in China, as it was in the USSR. So here, as for the Locofocos, the Democrats. It's time to end the Democrat Party. Let's figure out how to do it. Although, it may just die on its own. Who knows?