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They Failed to Take Down Our President! Now They Are Attacking Our Stock Market

Pasquale Scopelliti

1) Did you watch the Debate last night? If you did, you're seeing the demise of a Party before your eyes. You can feel the pure panic setting in to the top candidates remaining from the largest field ever sported during a primary season by any Party.

2) I'm reading a book that @KateScopelliti forced me to turn to, away from all the other books I'm reading. I'll tell you more about it when I'm further in. But, in the few pages I'm in, the authors offer a cogent theory as the basic premise.…

3) I'm giving no spoiler to share it. Their premise is that their Tump-like fictional president has spooked China with an existential threat. The communist party faces its own doom due to the changes this president has made, and in fear for its life will do anything to stop him.

4) I can't tell you anything more of their story, but I can take their premise and apply it to the coronavirus. Imagine this scenario. Having seen every attempt to destroy the real Trump, the real CCP were involved directly in the Mueller investigation, the impeachment and...

5) And with both of those having failed, decided to take down the American stock market which, they hope, will end up destroying Trump, allowing them a weak president who will go back to the old ways, allowing them to continue plundering America's wealth.

6) So, in this scenario, looking around the world and seeing all the strengths and protections that Trump has put in place, and measure our national mood and the quality (the complete lack thereof) in the Democrat field, they had to find a way in spite of all that.

7) Therefore, they decided that a global game of economic chicken was the way to go. They decided to destroy their own economy, knowing that this was the only way to destroy the Trump Bull Market on Wall Street and around the world. m

8) As we've discussed, what do communist nations do when under stress? They harden control, and the best way to do that is to wipe out millions of your own people. In this scenario, though, they had to both harden their reign of terror AND wipe out their own economy.

9) This scenario has the ruling powers in China being willing to protect themselves, easy to do with their own advance knowledge, and envision themselves still in power after they take Trump down, and able to rebuild with renewed thefts from American wealth.

10) Having tried everything else, this game of chicken commences by selecting the most perfect virus in their bio-warfare capability and releasing in Wuhan, while employing every necessary step to ensure the virus punches forward with pandemic force.

11) Remember, in this scenario, the pandemic is not the goal, but the tool. The goal is to destroy equity wealth around the globe, frighten the entire world while taking away Trump's greatest accomplishments in one fell swoop, and replace him in November.

12) While apparently broad in execution, such a strategy has but a single, fantastically narrow objective. Remove very literally, at all costs. No loss is to great to suffer for this most critical of all objectives.

13) If this scenario were true, it would reveal the transformation power this one great leader has, making him the greatest threat the CCP has ever faced. Now let's turn away from the scenario and just look at actual facts.

14) China created Capitalism. We now know that they have employed every tool of Capitalism, not only in their global trading, but also in running their nation. I was utterly stunned to discover that privately own business in China comprises 60% of their economy.

15) I was even more stunned to discover that 80% of the jobs in China are in privately owned business. I was further shocked to discover the the control China employs over its entire economy is executed mostly through the banking system. Banks that are, well, Capitalist.

16) I don't understand how all this works well enough to decide if I even think they're actually a Communist nation at all. I'm beginning to think that Communism is just another tool, and nothing other than a facade, empowering their merely totalitarian state.

17) Merely totalitarian? By that term I simply mean non-ideological. That would mean they believe in nothing other than power and money. Communism, as a mere facade, would be a far greater hoax than anything the USSR ever achieved.

18) Do you remember how Marx called religion the drug, the paliative of the people? Perhaps the Chinese have perfected, have mastered the art of Communism as the paliative of the people. They're very possibly ONLY a dictatorship in reality. Interesting, no?

20) It's also important to understand that in fact this would NOT be a new strategy, just a new tactic by way of bio-warfare. Ever since Lenin, starvation has been the most effective and least costly mechanism of mass murder. It has many advantages to the government.

21) Starvation is one of the most horrific ways to die. It lingers and lingers, your body's will to life fighting it every step of the way. So, it creates maximum terror throughout the entire community suffering it. It divides people. It turns humans into cannibals.

22) Picture what the Chinese government has done, if it released its own weaponized virus into its own population. First, those that die of it wipe out all the good things the governments needs wiped out, as far as the strength of the community goes. Then starvation follows suit.

23) And what did all this cost the government? Almost nothing. They only need to slightly repurpose biological warfare assets they were already investing in anyway. And remember, if the scenario I present was right, their targets are, the real targets are, in order...

24) The real targets are: 1) Their own people 2) Their own economy 3) Global pandemic 4) Global financial meltdown 5) Global terror 6) Global equity markets 7) Wallstreet 8) Our coming election 9) Trump

25) We can stop them. First, if you've never bought a stock before, now is the time to begin. Find a few dollars you can afford to do without. Figure out what companies you believe might be most hardened to win after any downturn. And buy that stock on every dip. And don't sell.

26) But, what if you already have risky stock but are still in profits and maybe should reduce your own risk? Well, sure, sell on rises, again, risky stocks you think won't be worthy of holding. But limit that as much as you can. Always picture a coming bull market in the future.

27) This is called the buy and hold strategy, and it is one of the most successful stock strategies ever found. What's more, by NOT panicking you've taken the first step in defeating China's economic warfare attack. That really does matter.

28) If we in the #MAGA movement decided that every one of us would buy stocks, to the degree we could afford, we could do more than stop them in their tracks. We could give our great @POTUS the support he deserves. He needs our help, and we owe it to him.

29) Second, and ABSOLUTELY MOST IMPORTANT, we all need to identify this as economic warfare. We need to close ranks, get all hands on deck, and buckle down to the mission. Whatever we suffer on the mission, we MUST succeed in reelecting @realDonaldTrump.

30) We must take back the House and strengthen our hold over the Senate. We have never fought an economic war before. By uniting in our economic support of Trump, we will defeat our enemy, and build our wealth, both at the same time.

31) If all of us buy stocks, we will stabilize the market. And imagine that. The rest of the world cowers in horrified shock and terror. Fear is everywhere, on every TV channel, on the front pages of every newspaper. What has history - and Barron Rothschild - taught us?

32) Baron Rothschild taught that when blood is running in the streets, it is the time to buy. And not just stocks, either. The car you want that's on sale. Another rental property to add to those you have, if you're a real estate investor, and at terror-sale prices.

33) Where your competitors in business are cutting loose their best employees, and those employees are lost, wandering the streets of terror, scoop them up and earn their lifelong loyalty, and yes, at often lower salaries than you'd have had to offer before as well.

34) People forget the difference between a job and unemployment. In a bear market, you will find the best employees you'll ever hire, if you approach the bear market with calm wisdom. This is today's #MAGA mandate. We must keep calm, and purchase on.

35) By the way, do NOT go out and wipe out the food stocks in every grocery and convenience store. Purchase supplies carefully, and intelligently. That fifth gallon of milk is going to sour before you get to it. When buying supplies, be calm.

36) Now let's turn to the CDC. I believe it is doing an amazing job, and I trust it. I trust Trump's leadership. I trust that the good people there and at our NIH will work tirelessly and brilliantly on our behalf.

37) In closing, I want to turn back to our Great Depression and WWII. We were still suffering the consequences of the fall of our stock market in 1929, all the through 1941 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Don't buy all the stories about FDR's genius policies.

38) It was actually WWII that was required to wipe out the devastation that lingered, and return America to the path of economic might. Our industry was at its very weakest when the war began. It was the war that mustered us. Have you ever heard of Victory Bonds?

39) For all the vast wealth of the elites and the power and wealth of our government, the tiny contributions, in the form of bonds, that even the poorest people purchased was required to ramp our capability up to speed to fight Global Fascism and win.

40) The greatest, most horrible war ever fought in the history of this world, was over and won in just four years, starting from a point of greatest weakness. That's America. That's who we are. We rally. We face the call and stand up and walk forward when everyone else runs away.

41) Be clear, I do not know if China employed a weaponize virus or not. It is only a scenario. It could easily have arisen by as-yet-unknowable causes. But I do know this. Whether China's evil masters planned all this or not, we are under economic threat without doubt.

42) Let me say this another way. The DC Swamp runs on the lifeline of money. Corruption always ends with an exchange of cash for benefit, somewhere, by some means. The thing we have to realize is that swamp creatures in DC are globalists. What does that mean?

43) It means that the DC Swamp is no mere Capital city. It is the global nexus of corruption. We must expand, we must explode of vision of what the swamp itself really is. It is the world's checking account. We make the deposits. They write the checks. Around the entire world.

45) By any means, planned or otherwise, we are in economic war, now. And as in WWII, me must rally. If we buy what we may call Victory Stocks, now. We will win this war, re-elect Trump and absolutely continue our mission to Make America Great Again, protecting freedom everywhere.

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