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The World Is at War With a Hidden Enemy

Pasquale Scopelliti

28 March 2020 - #MAGAAnalaysis #Coronavirus Answer: The last Premier of the USSR. Question: Who was Mikhail Gorbachev? Answer: The current world leader who has studied the USSR's fall most carefully. Question: Who is Xi Jinping? "We are at war with a hidden enemy. We WILL WIN!

2) I don't know about you, but as I observe @realDonaldTrump, I so frequently find his communications layered. Perhaps we might call it super-packed with meaning. The world is at war with a hidden enemy. We will win. What are the layers of that statement?

3) And note the video clip Trump pushes out. The World Health Organization has NOT been our friend. We know that they colluded with China is suppressing information about the Coronavirus. We know they're a huge part of the global order that detests Trump. They are a hidden enemy.

4) What we see is that Trump always "works with" his enemies. He never stops negotiating. How did he persuade Ghebreyesus to say such a nice thing about him? That took work, I promise you. Getting his enemies to say nice things about him is one of Trump's specialties.

5) There are a couple of dynamics here to note. First, go back to the Wollman Rink in NYC. The mayor and the city had messed up for years, the rebuild getting worse and worse. Trump forced them to let him take over, and he got it done under budget, before deadline.

6) Mayor Koch and the entire city government hated Trump, but by fixing the rink, they had to recognize his success. The second dynamic is that of personal force and leadership. Trump knew he could successfully lead, by force of his own will and capability. 7) I believe that, just like the World Trade Organization previously, the World Health Organization is far more dangerously opposed to America than has been understood. They are allied with China against us. The fact that they hid information about Coronavirus is my evidence.

8) As always, I don't want you to take my word for it. Please read this article. In it, you will see both Trump's negotiating posture, and the fact that he - and we - are dealing with a hidden enemy here, and not just the virus!

9) This old article dates back to 2000. Yet, you can feel the themes we've become familiar with within it, and there can be no doubt that its content is as pertinent today as when it was published.

10 "The World Health Organization primarily faults the United States for not requiring mandatory insurance or offering social welfare programs to all citizens—in other words, for being a free country with independent citizens." Sound familiar?

11) But who is the real hidden enemy? To be sure, it is the Communist Party of China - the CCP - and, yes, it is Xi Jinping. I believe it is completely correct that Trump praise Xi every chance he gets. This is negotiation. And of course, the art of war is based on deception.

12) A recent TV series sheds light on the process. It was called Tyrant, and portrayed a fictitious Middle Eastern nation, struggling in today's world. Its dictator had a video of Omar Gaddafi's excruciating death he watched over and over. He did not want that to happen to him.

13) I've stated many times that when the USSR fell, China immediately knew that its friendship with us had ended. We were friends of convenience, allies together against the USSR. With it gone, our alliance could not possibly stand. They always knew that would happen.

14) It was a hidden declaration of war, but there can be no question that declaring war is what they did. China is the great hidden enemy, and Xi is its leader. And Xi knows what happened to Gorbachev. Let's go back to the World Trade Organization for a moment.

15) In my studies, I've come to understand the false case that was made, and possibly believed - wrongly - by many when the WTO welcomed China in. It was put forward that entry into the WTO would force China to compete, and it was believed it would be at great disadvantage.

16) That was how China was granted Most Favored Nation status, in order to offset its otherwise crippling inability to compete. It was even believed that this competition would force China to lessen its totalitarian grip, and become more like liberal democracies. Progress!

17) What was completely hidden, or perhaps merely completely misunderstood, was that China's Communist Party had always known how to steal from other nations. It has always been a pirate nation. Not just intellectual property pirated, either, but actual economic power too.

18) What China - and the Clinton and Bush administrations too - knew was that China instantly became the hidden 4th member nation of NAFTA the moment its Most Favored Nation status was established by the WTO. I've written on this before, but I'll quickly review it for you.

19) Every advantage, in any trade agreement between any nations accrued instantly and without negotiation to China's benefit. Multilateral (many nations signing a single agreement), or bilateral (just two nations) no matter. China is always the hidden additional nation.

20) But as we've seen, all that is now gone, as of last December when Trump killed the WTO. China instantly capitulated in its trade negotiations, knowing it no longer had the previous advantages. And, also knowing that its economy was dying, maybe already dead.

21) I've studied that a bit too, since December's unbelievable fall of the WTO. China has always used its billions of people to force labor in factories, the very existence of which were stolen. Stolen from America, and other nations around the world.

22) Forcibly manning these plants, they very literally burn out and burn through the labor force, always ready to conscript new slave labor at need. Along with zero regulations - no OSHA or EPA to face - they pollute the air and environment with abandon.

23) They have protected their own market with high tariffs, but benefited from no or low tariffs not only here in America, but around the world. Not taxed by us as are our own plants, these stolen advantages were the entire basis of the false economic might. Now, all that's gone.

24) Without our plants being relocated there, and losing our market due to Trump's negotiating power, none of the advantages of slave labor, low quality requirements, rampant pollution, etc., are of any benefit. It all rests on stolen factories and plants, stolen technology.

25) Also shocking to me has been the discovery of how far China has gone in its attempts to run its economy AS IF it were a capitalist nation. But, a dictatorship can never pull that off. They force gigantic firms to deliver social services, and control their production.

26) These studies have deepened my belief that Coronavirus absolutely IS to China, as was Gorbachev's Chernobyl. Were it purposefully developed, dispersed, nurtured, and vaulted out into the world, or merely an opportunistic development from nature, no matter.

27) The fact that its information was suppressed, and that China pleaded for Trump to NOT impose a travel ban shows irrefutably that China wanted to send its infected citizens in planes to America to implant the virus here directly. That is an act of biological war, period.

28) As you may recall, I analyzed a sequence of four types of attacks, one leading to the next. This is what I put forward: 1) Biological Attack 2) Economic 3) Social 4) Military I sadly still stand behind that forecast, all four attacks of which now supported by facts.

29) The fact of the biological attack is now blatantly obvious, and its direct impact upon our economy like nothing that has ever hit America. This surpasses 911 by immeasurable factors. And the biological/economic impact leads to social factors immeasurable as well.

30) Now we must turn to the military attack. It has absolutely commenced. We are, right now, under military attack by China. Right now. We'll discuss it below, but take the time to consider this article and its significance.

31) Who knew? You don't need a missile strike or the most advanced torpedoes ever created. You don't need a guidance system or the cost of munitions and the risk of your own materiale. The virus, once released, is free of cost. It has attacked an Aircraft Carrier. Imagine that.

32) It could have been dropped into a drink in a Vietnamese bar, while the sailors were on shore there, recently. Talk about an invisible, hidden enemy. And consider the force projection. A missile strike may take down a ship. A virus disables it, and then spreads on and on.

33) So the carrier has to dock in Guam. What are the chances that Guam will become our next Coronavirus hotspot? The force vectors, the ability to project destructive force of this virus is beyond any military power ever employed.

34) One of the favorite topics of left leaning public health types is the term "the immune system of the herd." China is 100% aware of this. It's nothing but a fancy phrase for the older, less politically correct term: survival of the fittest.

35) Regardless of the virus' morbidity rate, the number of people it kills. and assuming India catches the virus too, China will always remain the nation with the largest population. Culling the herd in this manner only strengthens the herd. That is how cold blooded leaders work.

36) In war, we always sacrifice lives on the line for our nation's need. It is not a difficult calculation to imagine that China feels well and safely protected behind the outer perimeter of its herd, where the weakest always die first. They gave their all for their nation.

37) As I read these stories, I see the global power matrix shifted in China's favor, in a way it could never have otherwise accomplished. And, it comes at the very moment of its own economic demise. Again sadly, I am not alone. I so wish I were wrong.

38) "There also seems to be an escalating series of provocations, especially in the Taiwan strait, we are seeing this with the PLA Air Force and Navy." That's just one point. Please read the article, it is very short. But also very, very chilling.

39) Like the TV show's dictator, Xi too is a tyrant, and he does not want to suffer the fate of Gorbachev. He does not want to be the Premier under whom Communist China falls. He must shift the global power matrix, and now.

40) Micheal Pillsbury puts forward that there is a 100 year plan for China to dominate the entire world, without peer, by 2049, 100 years after Mao created the current government. That 100 year plan is in greater risk right now than ever before. It is an existential moment.

41) So, that's all the bad news. We are at war, make no mistake about it. We are at war, right now. But, the good news is right here too. We are at war, and Trump is leading the charge. He's even telling us this in calling the Coronavirus the hidden enemy, again and again.

42) Let's go back to January. Trump knew that the Chinese economy was imploding, and all its economic might shown to be the result of simple piracy, now contained. He knew he killed their economy. He knew what he was doing, and of course, how he did it.

43) For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. He knew a response would come. I propose that that is why he was able to act with such lightening speed, just 10 days, from the moment he knew about the virus till he imposed a travel ban on...China.

44) Never before in the history of the world has any nation responded to a biological threat the way the Trump administration has, and America knows it. By Gallup, of all people, a 60% approval rating for his handling of this crisis? Amazing.

45) And the entire nation feels the military footing of this moment. Everyone is talking more and more about how we must muster, as we did in WWII. Let's talk about that. A Psyop does not have to be a bad thing. Preparing a nation for war is not an easy task.

46) I came out of my office yesterday afternoon, and found my son watching the movie Pearl Harbor on one of the cable channels. I was stunned. Why that movie? And why right now? The parallels were overwhelming. To include Chinese soldiers shooting at American soldiers.

47) Jon Voight's portrayal of FDR at FDR's wartime leader best was amazing, too. I didn't remember that. But the real power is in the attack itself. The greatest, and dumbest first strike in all of modern history. America did NOT want to join that war. No way. No how. Until...

48) While I wouldn't put it past him, I have no idea if Trump got that movie planted. If he did, that's Psyop at its very best, and most beneficial. Maybe it is still that even if Trump had nothing to do with the programming choice. Here's how that might have worked.

49) Trump is giving these daily briefings - I had already noted the Fireside Chats similarities - and he's pounding away on fighting this hidden enemy and WINNING. Pound away, pound away, every day, every day. What's the image that comes up, subconsciously? A first strike.

50) As they say, a first strike ethos is in the air. Or, with Trump's media mastery, ON the air, as in the airwaves! You younguns, that's an old school term for TV. TV signals used to come through the air, literally. We used to have antennas we had to always adjust. No kidding.

51) So, we're on a wartime footing, and Trump is pounding it into our minds that we got hit with a first strike. He never uses those words, and rightly not. But, he keeps hitting us with this information and its on us to delve its meaning. And he keeps telling us, we're winning.

52) I believe him. We are winning the biological war. Having done what needed to be done there, what's next? Oh, the economic attack, of course! So, the biggest bill in American history as an economic stimulus. Read that bandaid. Read that, a little boost to get through. Cool!

53) And now to all my fiscal hawk and constitutional hard liner friends. We have always and rightly bent the laws in times of war. Lincoln did so more than any other president, period. But, its what we always do and there's a damned good reason. It is the order of our rights.

54) Here they are again: 1) Life 2) Liberty 3) The Pursuit of Happiness 4) Property Try to remember, we sacrifice property for happiness, happiness for liberty, and liberty for life. In that order.

55) Friends, we are at war. You're going to see property, happiness and liberty sacrificed. War threatens life. We pull out all the stops. It is what must be. It isn't pretty, but it is real. And Trump is our leader, and oh my, how fortunate we are.

56) Here's another thought. Imagine Trump knew all along he would wipe out China's economic might and that they'd respond by every power and force they have in their Communist death gasp. Imagine he knew that they study Gorbachev and won't go down as gently as he did.

57) Perhaps, like FDR knew we'd have to get into WWII, Trump knew we had to be ready for China's military attack, and thus, do the deal, but get the Military its millions as instantly as he could. Maybe he knew war was coming.

58) And what about the Social attack China has executed in giving us this virus? Social distancing is the response. And what is that doing to us? Why it is strengthening us as never before. Guess what's been canceled? Public schools. And where are our children? At home.

59) The schools are expendable. How about that? They've been the greatest force against our nation's greatness we suffer. They're all shut down, and good damned riddance. Wow. And in our homes, what are we doing? We're spending time together like never before in our lives.

60) We are at war, friends, and we're going to win. We'll beat the virus, and rebuild our economy bigger, better, faster, and stronger than ever before. We'll be a better people. And our military is ready. Attack us at your peril. So, maybe intelligently, they'll not!


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