1) Good Morning, fellow #PardonFlynnNow supporters, there's so much going on! I probably won't be done with this thread by 9:00 when @POTUS comes on, so I'll take a break at that point. I think we'll be hearing about ding dong the wicked warlock is dead.
2) I've developed a strategy I'll try, for working through the Dreyfus Affair and its application to @GenFlynn's case. I'll get started on that below. But first, wow, how much are we learning about the IC and its own Deep State role in taking Flynn down?
3) There's a new book coming out, by an author I'd never heard of before, Lee Smith. The article below is amazing. I have to believe its facts are correct, but I also believe in multiple corroborations of facts. Here it is, we'll speak more about it below:

4) The one fact that matters - and over which I'd like to gain corroboration from other reports - is that Gen Flynn was about to do an entire audit of our Intelligence Community. That he was going to collect resignation letters from the entire leadership. Wow! Consider that.
5) A resignation letter is not the same as a resignation. You store it, holding it for the outcome of the audits, across the board at every Intelligence agency we have. Then, when any audit uncovers something untoward, the leader's resignation letter is accepted, formally.
6) If this is factual - and I have no reason to believe it isn't - then we understand that attack against Flynn more clearly now than ever before. The phrase, "he knows where all the bodies are buried," comes into new meaning.
7) Hoping this works!

8) No one should care about this. Yet, alas, I have Direct TV and it's raining right now, so my TV is out. I keep checking my live stream - my Internet signal is fine - but nothing so far. Silly old school boy that I am, I have never watched a live stream other than on TV before.
9) Back again. Riveting watching. Such consummate professionalism. Flawless, perfect tone. It's a point I've been making for years. @realDonaldTrump is ready to speak with force, power, intellect, and strength like no other leader of my lifetime. It's easy to be proud of him.
10 Baghdadi died like a dog, whimpering, screaming, complaining and executing 3 children with him. Muslims believe in hell, "Jahannam." They believe that hell has many levels, each worse than the one above. According to their beliefs, you know where Baghdadi is.
11) It's pretty amazing that Trump focused again and again on the proper use of our Intelligence Community. He did not shy away from the reality of its abuse by the previous administration against him. But he emphasized the positive, and what a breath of fresh air.
12) My wife and I keep telling our granddaughter that she'd make an amazing officer in the CIA. Every time we do, part of us winces, over the entire IC's coup against our President, and its attack against Gen Flynn. Yet, we can't help ourselves. She'd be an incredible officer.
13) So, let's return to Lee Smith's reporting on Gen Flynn. I've asked many times before, have you read Gen Flynn's 2010 report, Fixing Intel? If not, what are you waiting for? It's an historic document, freely available, here:
14) Let's make this simple. There are good guys in the IC, and there are bad guys. The good guys want good stuff done. The bad guys don't. Gen Flynn, the great leader of the good guys, had to be taken down. Read his 2010 report. You'll instantly see why the bad guys hate him.
15) Just think about Clapper and Brennan. They're both bad guys, obviously. They used the IC for wrongful, yes evil purposes, and Flynn was their most important target. While Flynn is down, they are up. At least in their own minds and hearts. You know I'm right about that.
16) Which brings me to my current Dreyfus studies. Do any of you remember the famous Dreyfus Affair from high school history classes? I do, but only hardly so, you know, very vague. Well, low and behold, the parallels to today are beyond amazing.
17) History has shown he was 100% innocent. Yet he was targeted, guess what, by whom? Yep, the Intelligence Community in France. He was set up by them for guess what? Political reasons. He was tried two times, each with hellacious outcome.
18) Starting from scratch just a couple of days ago, it's not an easy story to wrap my mind around. Even basic facts are difficult to pull together. If I've got it right, he spent 5 years in prison, most or all at the famed Devil's Island in French Guiana.
19) So, here's the method I've decided to employ. I'm going to select those elements of this complex story that most directly relate to today and offer them in small doses. And here is today's small dose. Consider the following...
20) "On 13 October 1894, without any tangible evidence and with an empty file, General Mercier summoned Captain Dreyfus for a general inspection in "bourgeois clothing", i.e. in civilian clothes.
21) "The purpose of the General Staff was to obtain the perfect proof under French law: a confession. That confession was to be obtained by surprise – by dictating a letter based on the bordereau to reveal his guilt."
22) If you're interested, look up "the bordereau" yourself and you'll be blown away by its direct application to our situation today, along with - and we'll look at this soon - a false Dossier they used.
23) Oh, the quote above came from this link. If you take the time to read it, you'll feel like you're reading 2017 history, as opposed to 1894:
24) Last point for this morning, demanding that Dreyfus come in wearing civilian clothing was the precise, and I do mean exact equivalent of McCabe's call to Flynn telling him the interview was NOT an investigation. Much more to come...
25) With that much covered, I yet again entreat you to join my petition. Please, Mr. @POTUS, #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence
