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The Six Constitute of the Way of Terrain

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 10: 8 "These six constitute the Way of Terrain. It is the general's duty to study them diligently."

Which six? Those we've gone over, and which were listed in verse 1: 1) Accessible 2) Entangling 3) Deadlock 4) Enclosed 5) Precipitous 6) Distant

Don't be upset if you can't remember them, or even if you've been keeping yet they look as foreign as can be. That's the very purpose of today's verse. Joyfully, Master Sun knows you can't remember these things at a glance. He couldn't either, and neither can I.

Just now, I had to go look up the list of six from only 7 verses previously. And I've analyzed them one by one each day since then, but I don't have them memorized yet. I've told you I've been studying this book for over 30 years, and have read somewhere around 50 translations.

Every time I read it, I learn more. Every verse I analyze together with you here deepens my learning. So also, today's verse. I hadn't remembered Master Sun explicitly stating that the general's duty is to study these six forms of terrain. It's a bold statement.

Speaking of study, back in chapter 1 when we got started with this commentary, I wasn't reading Giles each time as I do now. I'm going to share his version of this verse next, followed by his fascinating comments. Keep up now!

Lionel Giles, #SunTzu 10: 13 "These six are the principles connected with Earth. The general who has attained a responsible post must be careful to study them."

Seat belt buckled? This is where it gets REALLY interesting! Giles adds: "Or perhaps, 'the principles relating to ground.' See, however, Ch. One, paragraph 8." I bet you have NO idea what that verse tells us, do you?

Lionel Giles, #SunTzu 1: 8 "Earth comprises distances, great and small; danger and security; open ground and narrow passes; the chances of life and death." So, here at the beginning of chapter 10 we sneaked right back into the beginning of chapter 1. It shot right over my head!

Now, I brag, I have memorized the list of five fundamentals from chapter 1 verse 2. We've gone over them so many times I'm hoping you have as well. 1) The Way 2) Heaven 3) Earth 4) Command 5) Discipline

Now look again at today's verse, and consider how many of this list are encoded, hidden within. I'll give you a moment before I go ahead and take the honors myself. Give it a try!

Did you? No? Seriously, see how you might put the two texts together. As opposed to an analysis, this is called synthesis. Go on now. Try!

No more nudges, winks or nods, here I go. Today's verse begins with the fascinating phrase, "The Way of Earth." What does that tell us? It tells us that there is a Way of Heaven, a Way of Command and a Way of Discipline as well. We must learn to see The Way in all things.

The next thing we learn is that the general has a duty, which is to say he must discipline himself. Holy cow! There is a discipline of Command, of Earth, Heaven, and The Way. The five fundamentals are all over and throughout this one little verse.

Did you see that for yourself? Without Giles to take me there, I never would have seen it. And, I'd not be studying Giles if it weren't for Minford. Thread within thread there is a tapestry to these studies. Do you see the lovely image emerging?

I believe I'll leave it at that for today. You can apply the five fundamentals or the six types of terrain to history, politics, or the MAGA movement for yourself today, agreed? Now, go be disciplined. Master The Way of study!

291 verses completed, 165 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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