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The President Is Angry at Right People

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 40 "If officers are prone to anger, the men become weary."

Have you ever had an angry boss (and who hasn't)? Then you know how completely wearying it can be. No matter what you do, it's never good enough. If you raise your results, you instantly need to raise them more. The snapping and yelling, it's insufferable.

Right now, we have an angry President. Yet, for some reason, I don't see us losing hope, faith, or patience with him. I think it's because he's angry at the right people. What's more, he is NOT angry with us, his people. He always remembers us. He never forgets.

Consider today's current heads exploding incident in DC (written 8 October 2019). Trump is pulling 50 special operators out of harm's way, following his conversation with Turkey's President. He doesn't want to write to their families about their deaths. He cares about each one.

You'll never hear this from the media, but what other President do you remember so willing to take political heat over his unwillingness to lose even a single soldier unless he sees America Herself at stake? In his shoes, I'm not sure I'd care as much as he does.

Yet every day he steps up, ready to take the heat. And is he pissed off? Damn straight he is. The entire apparatus of the swamp fights him at every turn. Even his best allies often have no view to the perfidy of the swamp, or how it has set the assumptions and agenda.

So yes, you bet, he is very angry. Yet, rather than tiring us, it endears us to him. And, how do we know where his heart is? He's never angry at us, his supporters. Rather, he never forgets so much as a single promise he made in his campaign. Promises matter to him.

For Trump, we're not the world's police. We're not supposed to spend trillions of dollars on eternal wars without objectives. He wants to bring our boys and girls in uniform home. Is this weakness? Absolutely not. It is strength. If we're going to fight, we'll fight and win.

As to my own geostrategic view, there should be a Kurdistan. And, the further Bush 43's administration fades into history, the more disgusted I grow with it. We fought and bled for Iraq. And what results? It becomes an Iranian puppet state. On our watch.

So, if we're going to help the Kurds, we have to be ready to face war with Iran, war with Turkey, the threat that would result to NATO, and the conflagration of the world's great powers - Russia and China to be specific - that would result. Let's talk about that.

The Cold War was, per Nixon's assessment in his book The Real War. In that book, he calls it WWIII. My own assessment of that war is that we won it, but that we instantly lost the peace that followed. I'm not the first to use the term "waging peace." We've lost the peace.

Who lost the peace? Obama lost the peace. Trump came into his office the recipient of a lost World War III Peace. What is his global strategic vision? It's so simple, clear, and compelling. America First. Bring our boys and girls home. Build up our military infrastructure.

Be ready for any attack against us. Stop aggressing beyond our reach. Don't play with fire. Use fire when needed, but count the cost of every America life lost, first, last and in between. The media attacks his sanity. I attack theirs. His rational love of life is righteous.

I supported Trump before I had the slightest clue that he'd do everything in his power to avert WWIV. And I never feel like he's mad at me, at us, at his supporters. Rather, I feel his love for us in his every act, his every tweet, his every rally. Don't you?

Soros is an angry boss. His minions are feeling tired. Consider Antifa. Every one of its mercenary masked attackers must be paid. Busses must be paid for. When was the last time they were effective? They're weary, as rightly they should be. Evil is tiresome work.

Obama? I don't know if he has the energy to be angry. Millions here, billions there, he's so rich now that anger might be, well, not a natural emotion any longer. For the rest of his life he can be the President that mattered. His ego, and his bank account can comfort him.

Obama obviously has no power left to use in any direct or meaningful way. He's not angry about that, I bet. Rather, he's just another party boy happy with his rich, swamp-empowered life. It must be good to play video games and smoke pot. Don't you think?

But listen to the media officers of the pro-Communist Amerika. They're angry. They're piping hot. Their heads are showing up on the walls around them they're so head-explosion mad. And here's my call. Their precinct captains are tired, weary. They offer them nothing.

I say again, Master Sun offers us clarity amidst all the confusion. Angry officers, weary men. So simple. So clear. So powerful. So true. I say again, Master Sun's vision of victory, his guidance of its indicators in advance is precisely what we need.

A word must be said about our former friend Matt Drudge. If, like me, you turn to him still, you see nothing but the messages of the angry left. Impeachment this, evil Trump that, on and on. You can feel the anger dripping in almost every headline.

Don't buy in. America Herself knows that Trump's rage is against the foes of America, both foreign and domestic. His rage is against all his enemies within the White House, too. His rage is against those who would destroy America and profit every step of the way.

That's not the rage that exhausts his men. That is righteous indignation, the rage that every one of his supporters have longed for, against a system that forget, abandoned, and betrayed them. It energizes us. We're not weary. The other side is, as well they should be.

268 verses completed, 188 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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