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The Polls Lead To Millions Of Dollar Expenditures

Pasquale Scopelliti

19 July 2020 #MAGAanalysis The Polls Lead to Millions of Dollar Expenditures Make no mistake, politics is a very lucrative business. If you read the story - I know, it's painful - you will see the money flowing. On the basis of today's polling.

2) “The president’s weakening poll numbers over the last several months have made down-ballot races more competitive,” said GOP pollster Whit Ayres. While saying he believes Republicans will win many of the contested seats, Ayres added, “It’s fair to say the map is expanded.”

3) Yet who measures the measurers? Who tests the testers? We've discussed the dynamics of psychological operations many times. We won't go deep again right now, but I have to ask, could this be the most sustained Psyop ever executed? Could it be Trump is strong, not weak?

4) Listen yet again to the certainty the other side exudes. Julie Pace is, in my opinion, an in-the-tank Swamp defender. She adds on in this story:

5) “This campaign’s problem is the president is alienating so many people that their pool of potential voters is getting dangerously too small to win,” said Brendan Buck, a Republican who advised former House Speaker Paul Ryan." Brendan Buck, eh? A Paul Ryan man.

6) I may have missed the link, but I found no polls linked to in either AP story. It appears we have a new "fact." Trump is doing terrible in the polls. We have now so well established this "fact" that we don't even need to show the polls themselves anymore. We now own the truth.

7) Here's my last quote: "He’s shown little concrete interest in police reform following the deaths of Black Americans and has instead focused much of his energy on defending prominent displays of Confederate monuments." Can't you just hear the arrogant self-certainty?

8) So here's my theory. 100% control over headlines. Near 100% control over polling operations. Tilted questions. Biased selection methods. Thumb on the scale models of voters, or mere random collections of adults polled. They have selecting polling as their lead punch.

9) Have you heard of the Uniparty? If not, it's a term you need to come to know. The reality of the Uniparty is the real reason I just can't force myself to register as a Republican. If you don't know it, please read this small article:

10) Controlling the polling outcomes, and the headlines, the Uniparty is able to fundraise on both sides of the aisle. Democrat money sources are encouraged, and the money flows in. Republican money sources are fearful, and the money flows in. Money everywhere.

11) Let's go strategic. First, I don't know if Trump is strong or weak now, as no data source is yet credible to me. I working furiously to build a credible data source, myself, and hope you'll help me. Send everyone you know here:

12) Getting back to the Uniparty, Bush 43 did everything but give Biden a rousing endorsement, recently. Can there be any doubt that the entire Bush family voted for HRC in 2016? Can you doubt their friendship with the Clintons or the Obamas? Do you think they'll vote Trump 2020?

13) Today's Republican Party has foisted a pure myth that it opposes the Democrat agenda. Personally, I will never forget my shock when, after the 2010 election, Congress still gave Obama everything he wanted. Who remembers Boehner and Cantor. Uniparty, anyone?

14) Imagine. John McCain was the Republican Presidential Candidate in 2008. Can you not see the gleam of joy in his destruction of Trump's healthcare plan? This is not only Roman Senatorial behavior. It is at the Coliseum, choosing the death of a gladiator.

15) And there's something I just noticed. Look at the crossed arms and joyful smile on Mitch McConnell's face. McConnell appears to have had his vote count all the way down to one. Trump loses. The Uniparty wins. And stay strategic with me. What did that one vote mean?

16) That one vote, the one to give death to Trump's healthcare plan, meant this. It meant that the House would go to Nancy Pelosi. How so? The one great issue that the Democrats had in 2018 was, do you remember?, healthcare. That is how the Uniparty plays.

17) Here's another part of my theory. The powers that be in Washington DC, all know that the polls are lies. They know that Trump is strong, not weak. But, together with the MSM, they've decided to steal the coming election with lies. And, they're committed to a Democrat Senate.

18) What will Mitch McConnell lose if the Senate turns Democrat? Not much. He doesn't need to be its leader. He's just a Swamp creature doing his Swamp job. His life will not miss a single beat if the Senate turns. He is very rich, already, not to mention how rich his wife is.

19) Let's go back to the money flow. No one in the vast money flow of the political season needs his or her candidate to actually win. The more contested the seat, the more necessary for there to be HUGE money spends. How much money is there in advertising?

20) And who gives the money? Yes, gives. Those who find some benefit this way or that. We have to plumb this dynamic. Not only do money flows corrupt politicians, corrupt law, purchased thereby, corrupts the entire health of our nation.

21) I'm sure I could go find the story, but simply hear me. My very first true disaffection with Bush 43 was over light bulbs. He authorized a government takeover of the light bulb industry, that demanded the increase of cost in light bulbs by immeasurable factors.

22) I was still loyal to Bush 43. So, I wrote it off to merely normal corruption. But, it soured my heart, far more than I realized at the time. I never expect the rich, the mighty, the dynasties to be 100% honorable. I'm sure the Bush family still makes money from lightbulbs.

23) Can you imagine being a lightbulb lobbyist? I can. It's not hard. Some corporation hires you to wine and dine Congressmen and Senators. What a tough job. Hell, you even get to think you're saving the planet. You're a good guy.

24) So also, today. You're a pollster. Who pays your tab? You're expected to generate anti-Trump polls. And, who wouldn't agree with your results? Trump is bad. Trump must be defeated. You feel good about your poll results, showing how bad Trump is.

25) Again, follow the money. Democrats raise money from donors. Republicans raise money from donors. What's to NOT be happy about? The money flows. And flows.

26) Allow me now to talk about my poll. I don't, and won't control who responds. I seek, with all I am, true Biden supporters. I seek, with all I am, those who judge Trump to be a failure. I have organized a structure to give you all voice. Tell me why you oppose him. Please.

27) Reach out. A point appears to need to be explained. I offer you two paths. One anonymous. One On The Record. In our On The Record (OTR) polling, we ask your name, That's what OTR means. You give your name. In our anonymous polling, we do not ask your name.

28) As I look at the data we've procured so far, we just don't have enough Biden support for the data to be meaningful. That is my great goal. I need to get Biden supporters to sound off, both on and off the record. I ask again, look at how neutral my questions are.

29) Focus with me. These are 100% neutral questions, no lean or bent at all: 1) Will you vote? 2) Who for? 3) Who should win? 4) Who will win? 5) How do you identify: D, I, or R?

30) Once we get adequate data to begin to track the truth in America, we will offer an honest appraisal. Right now, I trust no data, at all, not even my own, due to its tiny numbers. But, we'll soon correct that, and I promise, if I have to call for Biden, I will. That's data.

Thread ends at #30.


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