1) Earlier this morning, I withdrew my support from AG Barr as you can read below. I had NO idea of the McCabe development at that time. Never have my worst fears been so completely confirmed, so rapidly before. I am aghast.

2) What we are witnessing may be called Coup 2.0. And, we are learning the very nature of the swamp itself. To be 100% clear, it is the DOJ itself that has become the greatest enemy of our Constitutional Republic. Until this very day, I had not understood that.
3) Let's back up. I don't know who Jeff Sessions is in the real world. But, although I held my tongue and kept my silence back then - I'm not proud of that - I knew the moment he recused himself that we were under attack as a nation.
4) I had NO idea what would come. I had no idea of Comey's role, or the FISA court, or all the infinite layers of the Intel Community and their perfidious role in Coup 1.0. I just knew that Sessions had betrayed his boss and his nation. I knew it viscerally, instantly.
5) Perhaps part of why I kept my silence was that Sessions betrayal was passive, not active. He did not work, directly, to foist off the will of the people in an election. Mueller did that dirty work, and who knew where Sessions actually stood? Not me. But...
6) I judged him viciously then, and more so now. By his recusal he placed our nation at risk, and put it into the evil hands of our nation's worst actors. I bristle at his recusal to this moment. That he has any reputation left in America is to our disgrace. He should be shunned.
7) As I stated earlier, the Comey case was my first clue that AG Barr might be on the wrong side. Perhaps in future, I'll allow "might" to mean "is." I didn't, but I was alerted. No need to go over the traitorous interview with ABC again, you can see my earlier comments.
8) But now this. McCabe won't be prosecuted. Flynn is prosecuted. McCabe not. This is not justice. This is injustice. I must quote from Ephesians 6, below...
9) Ephesians 6: 12
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
10) You must forgive me for I cannot find the words to express my nausea, my disgust, my absolute fury, and yes, my complete righteous indignation. My furious anger that cannot be contained. I'm angry.
11) Calming myself down a little, I do NOT - and let me make that 100% clear - I do NOT blame Trump one iota. He is the victim here. No, not so much as we, America Herself. But it is he that is being attacked. They're attempting to take his seat away from him, all over again.
12) Let me attempt to turn to our Constitution. It is unclear to me if the DOJ or the FBI are actually properly nested in, grounded in Constitutional strictures. I've never been sure. But, I can tell you this. There can be NO separation of the DOJ from the Chief Executive.
13) That's worthy of slow, careful, meticulous thinking. The Department of Justice is a branch of the Executive. There is ONLY one Chief Executive. The DOJ serves at his pleasure, entrusted by us, the American people, as the branch he needs to execute his work.
14) The President is, for better or worse - depending on our wisdom as voters - the one and only, sole chief officer. This idea, that of the Independence of the DOJ, is treasonous. And no, I'll not apologize or qualify that term. It is a branch gone rogue, right here in America.
15) There is and can be no Independence of the DOJ from its chief executive. If there is, guess what, we get the swamp. There's history here to cover, some of it personal. Since 2016, I've been very actively involved. As such, I've pondered where we went wrong countless times.
16) What, actually, is this thing we call the swamp? How did it come to be? What are the forces that make it so mighty? And, how did this happen here, in America? I have mostly been mystified. Stunned and horrified. Now? No more. I see the code breaker now, today. It is the DOJ.
17) The DOJ is the place where our two tiers of justice reside. The good and the great, the right persons suffer no threat or risk, and are unbounded by law. Andrew McCabe can be the biggest crook in America, yet he goes not prosecuted. And note the reason why, the stated reason.
18) He is not being prosecuted so that the DOJ can distance itself from our POTUS. Contemplate that. Is this a legal reason? No, patently not. McCabe is either a criminal, a despicable user of his power for personal gain illegally, or he is not. Obviously, he is.
19) To state that we are not going to prosecute because we believe he was completely innocent - outside of denying all the facts of the case - would be at least a legal rationale. No, what we see is politics at its very, very worst. It is, really, just the coup continued.
20) So let us bring the political jury of the #MAGA Movement in. AG Barr has now disgraced himself, utterly. The entire DOJ is in question. The coup continues. It simple enters the new phase I've called Coup 2.0. It's leadership has shifted from the House to the DOJ.
21) I say "shifted." That's not quite right. From Sessions' recusal to Barr's betrayal, the DOJ - with the FBI and the FISC - have ALWAYS been involved. My friends and fellow patriots, we must recognize, our government has now become our enemy, purely and completely.
22) To my eye, there is only one man in the government holding back the flood tides. That is our president. He has allies, and I applaud them. Devin Nunes. Mark Meadows. Jim Jordan. Many other heroes, to be sure. But none of them face what @realDonaldTrump faces.
23) This sad day, I know why I supported @realDonaldTrump more than ever before. He stood, when others ran for cover. He speaks the truth when others lie. He needs our help, our support. Pay attention to that. In fact, let's look at that deeply too.
24) My great teacher relative to twitter and politics is @TamaraLeigh_llc. She taught me about the role and function of twitter during 2016, when I was paying it no attention to social media whatsoever. She was part of Trump's Digital Army. She was a leader in the movement.
mentions 25) A real coup requires either the support, or at least the passive acceptance of the people. It is We The People, NOT surrendering, that is the ultimate bulwark of American freedom and hope of the return of justice. President Trump knows this, and leads us.
26) And right here at Twitter is where the great battle has been fought so far, and won so far, more than any other place. It is right here at Twitter that we owe our nation our loyalty and enjoy the mandate to express our voice, as does our leader.
27) I am just one voice. And, using it, I say AG Barr must resign. And, if he doesn't, I urge our President, it is time to fire AG Barr, today. No, I don't expect him to do that. I never expect such things. I simply state my position. AG Barr has disgraced himself, and must go.
28) Of all the planks in the #MAGA Platform, none is more important that a return to Rule Of Law. McCabe's evil joy in his safe security against prosecution this day labels this nation a land of persons, not laws. He is a PERSON. Our laws don't apply to him. He is above the law.
29) And we know, with clarity and certainty now, that @GenFlynn is beneath the law. He gets no equal application. He gets no honest adjudication. And Sullivan? Dirty as McCabe and Barr. These matters show that justice is, for the moment, completely lost.
30) But hope is NOT lost. We may still speak. We have that much, and a good deal more. We are Americans. You can abuse us only so far. Then, when we really wake up, be alert. The day of reckoning cannot be staved off forever. We shall arise and Make America Great Again.