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The Left Has Its Eyes on President Trump

Pasquale Scopelliti

1) Good Morning, #PardonFlynnNow supporters. Today's analysis will have, in part, a bit of the feeling of a book report, actually, a chapter report from an amazing book you should seriously consider adding to your library. Richard Nixon's The Real War published in 1980.

2) I'm only two chapters into this book and I already feel as if I were nailed to the wall by it. Not personally. It's just that here it is, the beginning of autumn 2019, and the book gives me shivers in that it applies so absolutely to this moment, 39 years after publication.

3) I'm kind of an idiot, I confess. Sometimes I wake up early, and, thinking I'll get back to sleep, I read. Silly me. Reading Nixon does not soothe one back to sleep. It does the opposite; it jolts you awake with the terrors of harsh truth that cannot be put away.

4) The second chapter will be our focus, today. As to the first chapter, I'll just offer, switch out the USSR and switch in China, and Nixon's geopolitical analysis is somehow even more frightening. Maybe it's that we know, now, of the USSR's great fall.

5) Perhaps there's a small comfort in this. Nixon was incapable of envisioning USSR's collapse as late as 1980, and we all know it would NOT have occurred without Reagan's vision, courage, and strength. Reagan, by the way, was famously a reader of Nixon's book.

6) I guess I have to offer just this much more on chapter one. Nixon describes the weakening of the British military and navy, that led to WWII. He likens this to the weakening of our own military leading up to 1980 and lays out the mandate to build strength. Amazing.

7) The eerie similarity to Obama's sequestration is horrifying. Our enemies around the world, today, China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran have all seen our weakness. Trump is rebuilding our military, but we have far to go, indeed. It's actually beyond horrifying.

8) And that brings us, for a moment, directly back to @GenFlynn. He saw all the problems of the Obama policy and called it out for what it was. Among many other reasons, this is why he was ousted from the DIA, and targeted at the end of Obama's administration.

9) Chapter two is far worse. Its title is World War III, and in this, Nixon is deadly serious. There are five sections in the chapter, and their titles are as horrifying as their content. I'll not list them out, as each would deserve its own individual analysis.

10) I have to offer the title of the 5th and final section of this chapter; The Danger: Defeat By Default. On hands and knees, I'm happy to beg. But this terrible book and give it its due. Read it as soberly - or as drunk - as you need to but read it.

11) Let's turn to direct application. The method of the USSR was, essentially, to take advantage of chaos. Sure, to cause it where possible, but usually, there was plenty around to take advantage of. The key, in any case, was to foment or employ societal degradation to advantage.

12) And that brings us back to @GenFlynn again. The Obama administration saw to a fine point the power of Gen Flynn to rally vets, one of the most important voting blocs in America. But more, it saw that after Trump, his rally power for all MAGA supporters was unequalled.

13) Nixon's USSR could NOT have imagined having the kind of ally in the Oval Office that Obama would have been, to them. But reading Nixon's description of their prosecution of WWIII, you can't help but feel you're reviewing Obama's method of destruction from within.

14) So, Obama/USSR had to take out Gen Flynn, and his minions still have to keep Gen Flynn down. Holding him down as they are, they feel free, now, to Impeach Trump. Their Russia Hoax collapsed. So now, their Ukraine Hoax will have to do. 15) Perhaps the Russia Hoax was their 2nd act, and their Hillary Hoax - the hoax of her innocence - was 1st. Now then, the hoax of Biden's innocence is act 3. In all of this, Gen Flynn is the man they fear the most.

16) So, who leaked the Ukraine conversation? I don't know. However, I do know it was someone - or some people - in the White House, or in the Intel Community, or both. And, who opposed Gen Flynn's #PardonOfInnocence? The exact some person or persons, I assure you.

17) What's the plan? Easy. Destabilize leadership, create chaos in American values, remove America's leaders and Her strength, take advantage of Her weakness, destroy Her liberties, obliterate Her position among the nations of the world.

18) There can be no question, the Left has its eyes on President Trump, and will stop at nothing to remove him before he wins a landslide victory and complete mandate in 2020. Yet the pivot point is not @POTUS. The pivotal man is @GenFlynn.

19) Once again, follow the Ted Stevens case with me. Exonerated by Judge Sullivan, too late to have the slightest impact on the Senate's critical shift in power. An illegal prosecution, presided over by whom? The same Judge Sullivan. Have you taken that in, yet?

20) As Nixon outlines the Recipe For Revolution in his book's chapter two, so we can see the recipe for the weaponization of the justice system in Ted Stevens' case. Illegal prosecution? No problem. Political outcome? To be certain. Vindication later? No matter. Victory.

21) I've said it many times. Exonerating Stevens at law - just weeks before his unexplained death by air crash - did NOTHING to change the balance of power in the Senate. Without that balance, Obamacare would have faltered. Who measures this outcome?

22) The same method is employed against @GenFlynn. The same method is employed, on that success, against @realDonaldTrump. If they can take down Gen Flynn, why shouldn't they know, to a certainty, that they can take down @POTUS? They're inextricably intertwined.

23) This is the Soviet method. Obama IS - as in present tense - STILL employing the Soviet method against America, against President Trump, against Gen Flynn. If President Trump pardoned Gen Flynn, by reason of ABSOLUTE innocence, that would devastate Obama's method.

24) Review it with me again. 1st take out Flynn. 2nd propagate the Russia Hoax. Upon the Russia Hoax's failure, cut straight to Impeachment, by means of the Ukraine Hoax. And in all this...KEEP FLYNN SILENT. If nothing else, keep Flynn silent.

25) Obama cannot afford to have Flynn free. I have to say it again. Obama cannot afford to have Flynn free. This is the Soviet method. Destroy a free people's leader of liberty. Suck the destabilized people in. Obama cannot afford for Flynn to be free. It's the Soviet method.

26) Nixon understood the USSR. He understood as had no one before him. Obviously not Eisenhower. Obviously not Kennedy or Johnson, or Ford or Carter after. Nixon was Reagan's teacher. Contemplate that. Can he again be our teacher today?

27) Once again, we must address the phenomenal greatness of @SidneyPowell1 and her patriotic endeavor. Shouldn't we give her time? Shouldn't we wait out the court system? You may say yes, and if so, I honor and respect you. I simply and utterly disagree.

28) Work with me for a moment. If @POTUS were to #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence, today, @SidneyPowell1 could be instantly tasked to root out all the hellacious corruption of the Mueller investigation. She'd not disappear. She'd be tasked to a far more righteous mission.

29) Can we trust the same judge who convicted Ted Stevens, falsely, and thereby altered the balance of power in the Senate? I say no, we cannot. No, we must not. Rather, a #PardonOfInnocence is, and by far, the BEST possible!

30) So, to those of you reading who have access to our @POTUS, I implore, please, crack through the resistance of the same souls who are leaking his most private conversations. Join us. Request a... #PardonOfInnocence Request that he #PardonFlynnNow.


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