23 May 2020 - #MAGAAnalysis
The Flynn Factor
It's time to start looking forward. When it comes to @GenFlynn there are three possibilities. 1, the appellate court ends this. 2, it continues to whatever conclusion. 3, there is a pardon. Obvious to my followers, I favor pardon.
2) There is a horrendous problem with a pardon. Forget politics. It has to do with words, semantics. Everyone lays claim to this word with the following component as its defining element: admission, or at least stain of guilt. No matter that this is wrong. No matter.
3) No one seems able to recognize the real motivation. It is to limit the President's power. The President may pardon by innocence, due to egregious misconduct of government, egregious prosecutorial misconduct. Just words. No one cares. So it goes.
4) No one likes the word "pardon." Everyone likes the word "exoneration." What is popular is what counts. The popular people decide. No one takes the time to consider what you do about a corrupted court. We still wait for the court system to exonerate. Again, so it goes.
5) Finally, everyone seems to realize that Sullivan is bent. That's a good thing. Now, there's this appellate court. So far, no one has explained to me how it works. It is a 2 against 1 vote that matters? Is a unanimous vote required? What are its powers? How does it work?
6) We can reduce the possibilities merely by logic. Flynn is one day freed without prison time. Or, he is freed after prison time. Even there...imagine prison. Will he be allowed to speak from prison, or not? Will he have a computer? Can he tweet? Can he do interviews?
7) Who remembers John Bunyan and Pilgrim's Progress?
No one seems to know exactly when it was written, but everyone says that his prison time, in one stint of 12 years among others, allowed its writing.
8) Who has read Field Of Fight? If you haven't yet, correct that deficit right now. Perhaps, while in prison, General Flynn will write his next best seller. We must face this possibility. Hopefully soon put to bed, it remains possible.
9) Logical options. Freed. Imprisoned. Imprisoned with the right to speak. Imprisoned in further silence. After which, unless he dies in prison, he is eventually freed. Have I missed anything?
10) Let's return to the question of a pardon, and the illegality of the current case at hand. The stain of pardon is the horror that everyone fears. It will always attach as an asterisk upon his name, we're told. I of course say, who gives a flying fig about that? I sure don't.
11) We have become, I say, an illogical people. There is a case. At law. This case is a criminal conspiracy. At law. The Mueller investigation was started illegally. It operated illegally. It finally ended in disgrace. Yet, one of its cases - illegally commenced - continues.
12) Why aren't the terms "illegal conspiracy" on everyone's lips? Forget the MSM and the in-the-tank liberals. Try. Forget them for a moment. Why aren't we MAGA souls shouting perpetually and ever more loudly, the case against Flynn is, itself, a criminal conspiracy?
13) We use the term "weaponization" all the time. The FBI and DOJ were weaponized. We say that a lot. Why don't we go the next step? James Comey led a criminal conspiracy. Well, not Jim. Barry. Barack Obama. Obama led a criminal conspiracy. Follow the logic. Try.
14) Obama conscripted every part of the federal apparatus into his evil purpose. He obviously employed his control over the Intelligence Community. He obviously employed the Star Chamber powers of the FISA Court. He obviously employed the vaunted FBI. Obviously. No?
15) Those of you who follow my work know that I'm a swordsman. In swordsmanship we have a very simple principle. Never telegraph your moves. Obama telegraphed every move he made. How did he get away with such a novice's failure? We're idiots. That's how.
16) Everyone knows the word "buffoon." Well, most everyone does. But, most don't know where it comes from. It comes from the word "buffalo." Buffaloes are not smart. They're dumb. Dumb as a buffalo. Buffoon. Obama knew that we buffaloes would never catch him in his evils.
17) The word "exoneration" demands that we be buffoons. We still allow the courts to exonerate, as if the courts had the slightest integrity. We're still believers. We still believe that the courts operate under rule of law. We're still buffoons. My favorite word here is idiots.
18) It is idiotic to trust a corrupted court for exoneration.
It is the very court system itself that has been weaponized.
If that were not so, the General Flynn could not possibly be still at trial. He is still at trial.
19) If we cared about the law. If we were not idiots, legal idiots, then we'd demand that Flynn's trial end, and end right now. Not 8 days from now. Now. As in today. But then, we'd have demanded that 2 years ago. Okay, let's wait. Okay, let's be hopeful.
20) Listen. I can be as hopeful as the next guy. I can. I am, actually. My perpetual response, now, to all who tell me all will be well is, may it be so. You may not believe me, but I mean it, truthfully. May it be so. May General Flynn finally be freed. May it be so.
21) I will now speak very personally. I have long been right, my analyses correct, enough, enough that I'm absolutely allowed to be wrong. I don't care. Believe it or not. I often have NO DESIRE to be right. Not when my analysis calls for negative outcomes. I hate being so right.
22) What I want is, right now, for the appellate court to end this debacle of illegality. I want it to free Flynn. I want Flynn back. But I'm the guy who has to face the factual possibility that they may not. Every step of this case has been one illegality after another.
23) So, we're expected to believe that law will suddenly now matter. I hope it shall. More than I can express. I hope it shall. But, I have no trust. And, I've lost all patience. I am impatient. I am not trusting. I am skeptical. Okay? I suspect I've covered that adequately.
24) By one means or another, our hero will eventually be freed. Maybe next week, or the week after. Maybe after 6 months in prison. Maybe after 5 years. Hopefully, we will soon know which. I say now, if it includes prison time, we must rebel.
25) I'm a businessman. I'm a coach. My business requires that I be right here, in my home, in my office serving my clients. When I take time off, I try to relax. I travel with my family. I love to travel with my family. I love to tell my clients, don't call me, I'm off.
26) If I'm anything, I am NOT a rabble rouser. I do not got to marches. I do not protest. I don't have the time. Hell, I don't even believe in protest. It's so, well, arm slapping. Oh, we show up and shout. And then what? Well, whatever. I'm not a protester.
27) But if @GenFlynn is sentenced to even a single day in prison, then I will be there. I will protest. I will show up and shout. General Flynn's sin, his crime, is to tell the truth.
General Flynn's crime is to tell the truth.
General Flynn's crime is to tell the truth.
28) That should not be a crime. If it is, then I will protest. And I'll hope that I will be incarcerated too. Well, but then...there's my family. My family needs me to work. It needs me to NOT be incarcerated.
29) If you wish to understand the forces in play, you need to read the works of my great friend @shestokas. He explains the dismemberment that American Revolutionaries faced at Great Britain's hands. Literally. Head off of neck. Arms and legs pulled from body by horses.
30) That's our future, friends. If, If, if we allow Team Obama to win. If we allow the courts to be in Obama's hands. If we allow Flynn to be imprisoned. If.
31) Good news. We won't. We will not allow Obama's control over our court system to imprison Flynn. We won't. We all know he's 100% innocent. We don't care about the book he'll write while in prison. We want our leader back.
32) So, now we turn to the future, for real. In the future, Flynn will be freed. We will have our leader back.
Imagine that.
33) Let's picture that future.
Now that will be a rally.
Here's the definition: a mass meeting of people making a political protest or showing support for a cause.
34) I'll be there. Literally. I will show up.
I know you will too.
We shall rally.
35) And we shall vote.
36) But voter fraud! Let us analyze, let us do a failure analysis of 2018. We did NOT overwhelm voter fraud. We did not win so largely that voter fraud could not overwhelm our numbers. We lost the House in 2018. Do you know the numbers?
37) Do you know your district? How did your district vote? Your community. Your state. The nation?
What did you do?
How did you rally your friends?
How well did you fight?
38) Don't believe me. I did nothing. I am a hypocrite.
My community voted for Democrats, and I didn't do a damned thing. I didn't organize anything.
I confess. I failed.
In 2018, I failed.
39) But in 2016 I didn't fail.
In 2016, I helped.
And in 2020, so can you. This year. Now. You can help and so can I.
The fight is now.
40) My wife and I wrote a book. You should buy a copy. General Flynn wrote the foreword. The foreword alone is worth the price of the book.
41) I have no idea what will happen this year, 2020. Why don't I have a prediction? Because this is too important.
My predictions are not important. All that matters is what we do. Not what we say. What we do.
42) At law, all that matters, the only important thing, is General Flynn's case. As I've said, the problem is that it is a criminal conspiracy from the get go. Still, the appellate court can end this criminal conspiracy now, and I most assuredly hope it will.
42) Yet still, we must prepare for the worst. We must be ready to attend to the appellate court's perfidy, as we have observed every perfidious act of injustice so far. I hope so desperately to be wrong. I hope.
In spite of all, I hope.
43) But hope is NOT a plan. Hope is not a strategy.
Hope may not be trusted.
Hope is, often, the worst threat we face.
44) May it be so is, it is, what we may hope.
It is is not what we may plan. We plan for that which is so sadly most likely. We plan for that which is worst.
45) Planning for that which is worst, I'll be there, and I hope you will be too. I will be there to protest, should protest be required...
Or, I'll celebrate right here without leaving my home.
Thread ends at #45.