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The Five Factors of Victory

Pasquale Scopelliti

1) #SunTzuForMAGA Update 22 Jan 2020 Hello fellow students, it's been about 2 1/2 months since I made my last posting on Nov 1. I just calculated, and it was 294 days in a row that I posted on Master Sun's counsel, last year. I can tell you, that leaves a mark on your soul!

2) Much has occurred in the MAGA Movement since then, it seems an eternity ago. Today, my update is essentially a review of our method, and we'll focus at the very core, the very heart of Master Sun's guidance, the Five Factors of Victory.

3) They come from chapter 1, verse 2, and are: 1) The Way 2) Heaven 3) Earth 4) Command 5) Discipline

I'll briefly offer my reading of where we are for each. 1) The Way Perhaps more than anything else, the current impeachment effort shows both how the Democrats have lost their way and how we in the MAGA Movement draw ever nearer to the heart of the way.

The Democrats have determined that they cannot win in the coming election. This is patently obvious. Thus, the only way they have any chance at all is to remove @realDonaldTrump by this means. Yet, the know it will not succeed. Why do it, then? In order to pretend relevance.

Lacking all relevance to the mission of Making America Great Again, this is their only tactical option, yet it embodies no strategic force. All it does is embolden us, knowing that what we voted for in 2016 was, in fact, The Way.

2) Heaven In our Declaration of Independence, Master Sun's reference to Heaven is expressed by this phrase: "The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God." There are many profoundly religious and deeply spiritual people in the Democrat Party, and even wonderful atheists as well.

But, the Democrat Party has lost more than just its way, it has lost its tie to a rational approach to our nation's well being as written into our founding documents and laws. The Party is now bending ever farther away from our founding principles.

has made such extraordinary progress, in spite of all their opposition, in restoring Heaven's light to our nation. And we in the MAGA Movement feel it. We know we're on the right path back to the foundation of America's greatness.

3) Earth Earth is the practical place where all combat occurs, and to be sure, the coming election will be political warfare at its greatest. From Trump's rallies to @parscale's data and organization, we are more well prepared for this battle than ever before.

Perhaps the greatest single data point is the exploding number of Democrats coming to Trump's rallies, and getting signed up in support by the Trump team. As there were once Reagan Democrats, the number of Trump Democrats is growing exponentially, rally by rally.

What's more, as the Democrat Party leans ever more leftward, with ridiculous policies that would destroy America as we know it if enacted, the loyal, true base of Democrats realizes it holds no voice within the Party apparatus. The Party and its leadership have betrayed them.

America is not ready - and will never be ready - to destroy itself on the altar of Socialism. This is neither The Way, nor the will of Heaven. It will fail upon the Earth.

4) Command The split in the Democrat Party as embodied by Biden vs Sanders is incurable. The acrimony over 2016 does more than linger, it grows ever deeper. There is no unified voice of Command. You simply cannot win an election battle without that unifying voice.

Whereas @realDonaldTrump + the foolish impeachment strategy has united the Republicans under our @POTUS as we have not been since 2015. Even the Never-Trump RINOs in the Senate know to fear our roar and our wrath should they betray us.

Trump has bonded with both McConnell and McCarthy and the Party is united even at the Party apparatus level underneation his leadership. And as to his commanding voice to us, consider his Twitter account and his rallies. He is our leader and we embrace him completely.

I will confess that I am able to fear the defection of 34 Republican Senators in the vote to convict. I fear it, but I deem my own fear irrational. It is driven by decades of despair and distrust. For what it's worth, I am actually NOT a Republican. I am just a MAGA man.

Where the Republican Party leans to globalism, and the "free trade" that wiped out our manufacturing base, etc., I personally and absolutely despise it. Where the Ryan House failed again and again to deliver its support to Trump, leaning away from the MAGA mandate, I'm appalled.

So, it is my sad nightmare that 34 Republican Senators might betray us, I am - since I do not rationally fear it - unable to war game my way through that possible outcome, yet. I hope never to have to. And again, when I look at us, we are united under our Commander, completely.

5) Discipline I cannot discuss our discipline without again opining, raging really, over how we, We the MAGA Movement, gave up the House in 2018. Our lack of internal organization and discipline as a movement is what cost us that tool of governance. Shame on us. Shame. m

It seems I am almost invariably hit with "voter fraud" as the excuse allowing us to foist blame for that defeat onto the unfair other side. Pah, I say. I don't care. I wish I could, but I have less than no ability to affect it, and do not accept the argument no matter.

I say that voter fraud could never overwhelm a properly organized and disciplined movement. Yet, I think that @realDonaldTrump has given us the true answer. He was NOT on the ticket. Followers of our leader that we are, undisciplined as we are, we failed to show up.

Between that loss and this ridiculous impeachment, I cannot force myself to fear lack of discipline for the coming election. More, it's impossible for me to not predict we'll retake the House as well, and strengthen our MAGA representation in the Senate, too.

By the way, there is an even greater failure we demonstrated in 2018. We were ramped up for, what, 5 or 6 weeks over the Kavanaugh appointment hearings? And then, since we won that one too soon, we completely forgot about it by the time it came to vote. Short damned memories.

I've come to understand that within Master Sun's counsel flowing from Command to Discipline there must be a robust, free-flowing, rapidly adaptable Chain of Command. At the top is the Commander. At the bottom, we his followers. We still completely suck in between.

I have reduced the concept of a Chain of Command down to these four elements, as inspired by @jockowillink's work: 1) Command 2) Senior Leadership 3) Junior Leadership 4) Followers

I condemn us in the middle, doomed to mere followership below. Don't get me wrong, I worship on the altar of proper followership. But, no entity can withstand the lack of a proper middle. Sure, we'll win 2020, as Trump will be on the ticket. But, what will we do in 2022? In 2024?

Assuming that we do not suffer the betrayal of 34 Republican Senators, we shall have the tiniest bit of breathing room after the November election and before 2022 in order to begin the long, slow slog of building out the middle, Junior & Senior Leadership beneath the Commander.

And the Democrat's Discipline? You simply cannot have Discipline without Command, and they have no Command. HRC put paid to that, and is still mucking about, wounding her Party more and more. Yes, you can hear my evil laughter. Yet, underneath, it saddens me.

I don't want to win due to weak opposition. I'd rather they were at their best. There is, I put forward, a truly patriotic Democrat Party in potential, a small seed lingering from the past, that may one day, hopefully, reemerge all that way up to the place of Party Leadership.

I say again, you can see the erosion of Democrat Discipline in the growing movement of Trump Democrats. In other analysis, I will map out a renewed, MAGA Democrat plan for them. As long as they're MAGA, I couldn't care less what their Party brand might be. Bless them!

I say that the famed Democrat Discipline we used to so rightly fear is now in tatters. Ragtag far-left, Soros-funded actions will not win anything in 2020. And, should we ever organize our Discipline and build out the middle of our Chain of Command, we'll never allow that again.

In conclusion for this "temple planning" session - see my previous work on Master Sun's counsel to catch that reference - victory is clearly in sight. It is not assured, more than anything as it lays still in the hands of just 34 potentially traitorous Republican Senators.

In case you may not quite follow the math, conviction in the Senate requires 67 votes. Assuming that Democrats all vote to convict, it only takes 34 traitorous Republican Senators to remove Trump. I ain't no Senator's son, are you? I don't trust 'em. (I love that song!)

Yet again, I suspect - truly suspect - that that is a purely irrational fear, an over reaction due to long experience benefiting from worst-case scenario analysis, but ultimately not much to fear. Assuming that, and with our leader ON the ticket, I believe victory will be ours.

What say you all?

P.S. While I truly do miss the daily rhythm I enjoyed for those 294 days, I have decided I will complete the remaining verses of Master Sun's great work, after the election. I do pledge, however, that I shall complete it.


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