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The Fault of the General

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 10: 9 "In War, the following are not natural calamities, but the fault of the general: Flight Impotence, Decay, Collapse, Chaos, Rout."

I've heard tell that the one and only, most important fallacy of the left is that our leaders cannot be questioned. If there's a single point obliterated by today's verse, it is that leaders must not be questioned.

We'll work through each of the general's failures carefully in coming days. Right now, just go quick. Where is America in flight? Where impotent? What decay to do you see and witness? Collapse, are we collapsing anywhere? What about chaos and rout?

In every case you might select, the failure of the Democrats is easy to view. No, not just the Democrats. The globalists. The Republican collaborators with the globalist agenda. It's almost as if Master Sun's list is their true agenda, their ultimate goal.

But why? And since when? The key answer is this. After WWII, not one Western Democracy knew how to withstand the global rise of Socialism. Taxes rose, as we've discussed before to 94% under Eisenhower. Everyone was supposed to be a tax slave. This was the post-WWII answer.

Read the list again: 1) Flight 2) Impotence 3) Decay 4) Collapse 5) Chaos 6) Rout

That's what actually happened to America in the post-WWII era. Our jobs flew outside, to other nations, as did our factories. We were impotent to stop the hemorrhage. Our entire set of principles as a nation decayed. We felt the very collapse of our people, our history.

In 2015, when @realDonaldTrump came down the escalator, chaos and rout were where we were. These are NOT natural calamities. They are the fault of the general. Forget Obama. No. It was the Republican leadership who created these calamities.

A supposedly "Republican" general is Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court. Along with the conviction of Ted Stevens in his false case, Roberts' decision to support Obamacare is how we got where we are. He is purportedly a Republican Justice. Go figure.

Need I mention the evil John McCain or his mirror image follower, Mitt Romney? As Trump would say, what a couple of beauts. What McCain and Romney, our 2008 & 2012 candidates led to, was flight, impotence, decay, collapse, chaos, and rout. What a list. How true.

In the coming six days we'll walk through each of these failures, perpetrated by the general. Get used to it. Generals are just humans too.

292 verses completed, 163 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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