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The Fall of Communism

Pasquale Scopelliti

22 Feb 2020 - #MAGAAnalysis My friend Amy below lays out one of the greatest problems facing the entire world today. I've been meditating on it every since she commented, and I have some answers I'd like to offer today. You will be surprised, I think!

2) Before we turn to the answers I propose, let's lay down some context. In much of my recent work, I've been prognosticating the fall of the Communist Party of China, either directly as, or eventually at least in part as a consequence of coronavirus.

3) One of my main themes is that we got the fall of the USSR completely wrong. We didn't know how to respond, and came very close to losing the peace. Had we not elected @realDonaldTrump in 2016, we would certainly have lost the peace following the Cold War, completely.

4) We have to understand that communism has always targeted America as its prime enemy and ultimate conquest. Communism in America had, until the collapse of the USSR, Moscow as its true commander. After the fall, command shifted to China.

5) We needed to know that, but we didn't. Thus, our failure to respond to USSR's fall led to an open window for China to work its evil will against us for well more than 2 decades. And we, and most especially the Democrat Party and the MSM, have been its willing dupes.

6) The most important place where we failed all along, under the USSR's reign, and then China's succession, has been in the education of our children and youth. We must face the fact that communism has won control over America's education system.

7) Communism? Yes. You will hear over the coming months of this election that Socialism, and certainly Democratic Socialism, has nothing to do with communism. There is a great line there, we will be told. I say no, there is no line at all. Not there, nor from there to...

8) Progressivism or merely the Liberal Left. I say there are no lines separating these four: 1) Communism 2) Socialism 3) Progressivism 4) The Liberal Left Well, no solid lines. Surely there are fuzzy lines, I know. Just not solid ones.

9) What I mean by that is that we may and in fact must, rightly, view numbers 2 - 4 as the witting or unwitting handmaidens of number 1. The fight is against Communism. That Progressive and Liberal Left ideologies control our children's education is just a result of Communism.

10) None of this has ever been more clear than it is right now, with Bernie Sanders - at least for the moment - being far and away the frontrunner for the Democrat nomination. It is the great hallmark of Communism that its main weapon is words.

11) Bernie is a stone cold Communist, who used to be run by Moscow. We know that. Yet, he denies his Communism and instantly tells everyone that Trump is a liar and will spread lies about him, none of them to be believed. Of course he's not a Communist.

12) This line drawn between Communism and Socialism is a stone cold lie. What the Liberal Left has succeeded in doing is making Socialism an okay thing, where Communism is obviously bad. So now, Socialism has attained its greatest momentum in American history to date.

13) Now, we do know, words matter! And I can explain to you while the current Democrat Party has done everything but disavow Obama. He denied his Socialist leanings, and embraced his Capitalism. He is so amazingly rich now that even Democrats see his Capitalism on display.

14) Can you hear the words of his denial in your memory? No, he said, I'm not a Socialist. If you'd like, I can introduce you to some real socialists! What you see there is Obama's understanding that there is no line between Socialism and Communism. And for that, he lost power.

15) So, let's be clear. As a nation we ceded control over our children's education to Liberal Left Progressives who have as one of their most important missions the task to gloss over Communism with more acceptable names. And now we have Bernie.

16) Which brings me back to Amy's charge. She says: "And you must figure out how to build the desire in every human to be a productive member of society and not to just want free stuff."

17) I have to mention my great friend @shestokas and must reference his amazing work on both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. If you don't know his work, you MUST run, not walk, right over here, now:

18) Dave taught me about something from our Declaration that he calls the American Creed. It is a set of 55 words that every American MUST memorize. It is the basis of all our law, and of our culture as a people. I'll share that below.

19) "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness....

20) "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

21) For clarity, let's list out the Declarations simple statement of rights: 1) Life 2) Liberty 3) The Pursuit of Happiness @shestokas walks you through the almost unspeakable genius of that list in his work. Read his work. I command you.

22) One of the things Dave and I argued about until he trounced me was the lack of a key element in that list: property. Here is Dave's answer, in reduction. No, it's not there, but it IS in the Constitution! Dave teaches me that the two documents are basically tied, parts 1 & 2.

23) Please carefully read the 5th Amendment: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury...

24) "except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb...

25) "nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

26) And this is the most important part: Nor shall be deprived of: 1) Life 2) Liberty, or 3) Property

27) We find the exact same list in the 14th Amendment: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

28) "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law...

29) "nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." We can't get into the why of how the Declaration offers The Pursuit of Happiness, whereas the Constitution offers Property as fundamental rights. And we need not. I have the answer!

30) The answer is that there are four fundamental rights. We simply take them in this order: 1) Life 2) Liberty 3) The Pursuit of Happiness 4) Property

31) It's critically important to follow the order. You'd naturally give up your freedom, your happiness and your wealth in order to extend your life. The answer to the question, 'your liberty or your life?' is the very basis of slavery. People will take life. It's natural.

32) So also with happiness. Free an unhappy, or enslaved and happy, the choice is unhappy freedom. This, by the way, is the very basis of the Communist lie. They need people to sacrifice lifelong liberty for the 'happiness' that enslaves. Why the quotes around 'happiness?'

33) The Communist lie of happiness always fails. Look at the War On Poverty results. It led to slums under the vicious spiral of drug addiction and gang control. Send a person a check every month - universal income - and drug lords will end up with all the checks.

34) And Property is the weakest and least of the natural rights. Anyone would pay for happiness, freedom, or life. Thus the strange phrase, "it's only money." Yet, when you understand the inexorable logic of our most basic rights, the phrase makes perfect sense.

35) There is a strange inversion here. The moment you're allowed to confiscate someone's property, they can no longer buy happiness, and unhappy, their freedom isn't worth fighting for, and unfree, enslaved, they may as well die. That's how you kill the human soul.

36) Okay, don't go off on me. I know that happiness can't merely be "bought." Thing is, if you can't buy food, or pay rent, or afford your healthcare, then you're not going to be happy for very long. An empty stomach does not a happy soul inform. Nor does a toothache.

37) We can go up and down the four rights again and again, and I'm sure we will. One of the great American themes has always been you invest your life into your endeavor. You must be paid a fair compensation by which to live that life. Do you see how that covers all four?

38) In my meditations on this topic, I've discovered a new way to express these rights. They are also commands, and then, statements of personal victory. Each command begins with be, like so... Be: 1) Healthy 2) Free 3) Happy 4) Wealthy

39) Again, the Communist lie is this. Since you can't be wealthy, we will make you healthy. Healthcare is a right, not a privilege, Bernie keeps pounding and pounding and pounding. You can't be rich. We'll cover your health. We'll take the money from the rich guys.

40) So on that point. No, healthcare is not a right. I won't linger on the many points of argument and hope you'll be happy for the moment with the brash statement, there is no right of healthcare. Oh, okay, here's the logic...

41) Health...CARE. That means one person is serving another. Serving? Working. Spending his or her life's energy on work which must be paid. To care is something one person - or entity - puts on offer. Playing games with who pays and then, oh my, one payer system?

42) The one payer, the government, is the greatest expansion of the State over us, We The People, you could possibly imagine. The State then determines what care we receive. We're too poor to buy it ourselves, so we depend on the State that takes everything from us.

43) Go back to the Declaration with me: "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

44) If you create the new right of healthcare, the government will never again - NEVER - require the consent of the governed. Why? Because their most fundamental right of all - life - is now in the control of the government...the State.

45) Let's turn positive. Can you imagine being the living owner of all four conditions called for between our Declaration and our Constitution. You'd be able to state... I am: 1) Healthy 2) Free 3) Happy 4) Wealthy

46) Oh wait, did I miss a beat in my logical flow? Perhaps I did. Sure, unhealthy life is better than death, but come on, how long can that go on? For a while, but it's not what our right informs. But yes, I am the guy calling health the equal of life. Let's discuss that...

47) Logic must be compelling. And, if there's a single gap the entire logical chain falls. So, you reject my called for equivalency, Life = Health, then I'll have to pay attention, and I will. I do however offer this! If you're not dead, then you're still healthy enough to live.

48) Once again returning to Amy's statement. Every person must be persuaded to desire to be a productive member of society and not just want free stuff. I believe that what we've covered today offers that answer. But now, let me point away from education and to the family.

49) As a man, I am also a father. And, as a father, it is my job to teach each of my children, grandchildren and yes, my brand new great granddaughter about the four commands. And more, I must teach them not by words but by my own life example. Think about that.

50) If I am not healthy, free, happy, and wealthy, how can I hope to teach my great granddaughter that her life offers her that potential, that promise, that these are her rights, but that they require her to claim them, to judge all her decisions by them?

51) Before there is a family, there are two souls in love and children arrive. If the parent does not claim these rights, and make the decisions in life to realize that potential, then how can that parent build a family with integrity and strength?

52) By surrendering our children to a Communist education system we are abdicating our rights as parents. We betray them to the enslavement the school system enforces. The first failure though, was our own to claim health, freedom, happiness, and wealth for ourselves.

53) The second failure was not having claimed these rights and joys, ourselves, we are not empowered to grant them as the most important gifts our children deserve, from us, ourselves. Then, sending them to free schools paid for by taxes and run by Communists, we completely fail.

54) Forgive me, all you Liberal Left teachers who have dedicated your lives to our children. Many of you are wonderful people, honorable to your core. However, many of you are not. Many of you care more about what your union gets you than the fulfillment of your mission.

mentions 55) But no, I will not retract the attack the it is Communism that runs our schools. I can't. I'd have to believe there were real lines - as from above - which I completely reject. Our textbooks would have been happily approved by Moscow, as they now are by Beijing.

56) Analysis, analysis, analysis, so...what do we do? What action can we take. I'll go quickly. Make a decision. Decide, first to be healthy, free, happy, and wealthy. Start doing the right things for yourself. That's a tall order, but you can do. You can.

57) Next, look to your family, each member. Walk down the list of four treasures, and find the weak member. Address your child's health. Discover what they're enslaved to, if they are, and free them however you can, if you can. You can. Happiness and wealth come next.

58) We have to focus on happiness for a moment. The founder's version of happiness came from ancient Greek and Latin literature, as well as the Judeo-Christian tradition, and centered on virtue as opposed to vice. Vices are pleasurable. The pleasure dies.

59) The Pursuit of Happiness was the lifelong search for virtue in place of vice. Virtues build true success and are the only basis of real happiness. That is the happiness our Declaration refers to. Not mere momentary pleasure or wrongful advantage, but ultimate happiness.

60) Here, a critical point about the line between family and community is required. I love community, I do. But I am not a community man, I'm a family man. Before I can tend to my neighbors' needs, I must address my family's needs. Do you see the logical flow here?

61) We may call them concentric rings. I must first draw a ring around myself. I cannot serve my family if I'm not alive, etc. Then, having found those virtues in life and made the right decisions - and learned from the wrong ones - I may then serve my family.

62) I bet you get the logic. So here are the rings: 1) Self 2) Family 3) Community 4) Nation

63) Of course we could draw other rings. And, I'd be thrilled to be challenged over my logic. These matters are so important they can afford no logical errors, and logic to be strong, must be tested, challenged. So by all means, show me where I'm wrong and I'll thank you.

64) Communist China will fall, sooner or later. Bernie will not become President. Our schools and our youth hear the siren song of Socialism, but we can address that, as laid out above. But the battle is great, and the fight is fierce. American Communism will not go down gently.

65) But down it will go. What is your most urgent target upon which to take action? Follow the list of commands, and the rings of application, and you too will be a patriot hero, exactly as American has always relied upon.

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