8 May 2020 - #PardonFlynnNow Analysis
The DOJ has Dropped its Case Against @GenFlynn
Have I shared with you that at 2:30 AM, 9 November 2016, the moment the call was made, I was on the phone speaking with Gen Flynn? It's true.
In many ways, yesterday felt the same.
2) Victory can be a strange thing. Imagine a running race, you see the victory tape in front of you, lunging forward it breaks on your chest. You win. Now, imagine you're running, and running, and someone drops the tape in front of you with no warning. That was yesterday.
3) In each case, your body's momentum carries you forward after the race is over. You can't both win and stop running, instantly. In 2016, I don't think any of us had anything left to run on. More depleted than can be expressed, we were truly and completely spent.
4) Those of us working with all we have for Flynn's case simply couldn't have known what AG Barr would do, yesterday. We knew we were winning, that was crystal clear, and great honor goes to AG Barr and US Attorney Jensen whom Barr brought in for the Flynn case.
5) I have to pause on the question of AG Barr. A few weeks back, when he opined about how difficult his job was due to Trump's tweeting, I called that out as insubordination. His friendship with Rod Rosenstein has always made him suspicious to me, much as I like him, and I do.
6) But, having seen little action that might satisfy, and then, hearing on national TV his whining about his boss, I lost my patience and came out, right here at Twitter, against AG Barr. I did, I quickly reiterate, leave an out for myself, and today, I'm taking it, happily!
7) I always said, if AG Barr clears Flynn, he'll be good by me. Obviously, he's good by me today. I want to encourage you to take the time to watch this interview. I'll say more about it below...

8) There's a fine line a law man has to walk between loyalty to his boss and loyalty to the law. The evil Comey played that line, with loyalty to neither his boss, the nation, or least of all the law. But, that fine line is what he danced upon. His day is coming, I now hope.
9) As a coach, I wish I might have spoken with AG Barr before he went public with his grievance against Trump's tweets. There are better ways to express one's needs. We Sicilians (I'm an honorary Sicilian, but actually a Calabrese) know how to do these things.
10) But as of right now, I am letting Barr off of that hook, completely. As I've said, free Flynn, and you'll be good by me. AG Barr has freed Flynn. Have you noticed how often Gen Flynn's wife Lori has discussed how he is her, and America's Saint Michael the archangel?

11) In case you're not familiar with the image, Saint Michael stands with his foot on the back of Satan's neck. In this particular image, he also holds the Scale of Justice, the ancient balance in his hand. Satan has been judged and is about to be executed. Justice.
12) We must return to November, 2016. We know that on 10 November, Obama warned Trump against Kim Jong Un, and...and imagine this...General Mike Flynn. Take a moment with that. The greatest propagator of nuclear armaments in the world, versus our own General Mike Flynn.
13) And the story is beginning to come out. General Flynn was the lynch pin. He was the pivotal requirement. Obama had to take Flynn down. HRC failed to defeat Trump. Go figure. The Obama team had, essentially, no real preparation for that. We have to linger there.
14) Sure, they'd done their oppo research. Yeah, they had this ridiculous Steeler Dosier. Yes, they'd been surveilling every person they could. Yes, they'd weaponized the entire Intelligence Community. But, those are just good housekeeping practices for them.
15) I have a picture of purple clad HRC throwing lamps, screaming, yelling, fist punching Secret Service agents' chests, upturning furniture and tearing down curtains before she composes herself to come out and speak...eventually. They weren't ready to lose.
16) And yet, having defeated her himself, Obama had the instinct. He had a feeling. And, Mr. Cool himself shows up to meet with Trump, the very first time the two have ever spoken, and warn him against General Flynn...and Kim Jong Un, too. Who do you think he cared about more?
17) Let's cut back to today. There is a great and mighty man, Judge Emmet Sullivan, who may still deem to judge and sentence General Flynn. You heard right. We're not quite done, friends. Judge Sullivan still has his say. You'll want to read this article:

18) Here's the key sentence:
"Judges generally grant such motions, but Sullivan could demand answers from the department about its reversal or even deny the motion and sentence Flynn, a less likely scenario."
19) If you take the time to read the entire article, you'll see how hard Reuters works to bend the story still. I have danced with Reuters' reporters. They're competent. They know their job. They never quote me. Never. Their job is to spin the story. My quotes never help them.
20) Let's talk about Judge Sullivan, again. Here's another quote from the story:
"Sullivan at a 2018 hearing expressed "disgust" and "disdain" toward Flynn's criminal offense, saying: "Arguably, you sold your country out."
21) As you hear all the laudatory praise for Sullivan coming in during the coming days, remember he said that. "Arguably, you sold your country out." Can you say disbar? Can you say impeach? Judge Sullivan betrayed his oath of office. I imagine Van Grack was not pleased.
22) Van Grack? He was the prosecutor. Note the word, "was." He is no longer. He quit. Not his job at DOJ, although maybe he should consider life after the DOJ, soon enough. He quit all his case work, yesterday. Can you say dirty as hell?
23) But even he had not accused Flynn of treason. As I so often say, linger here. A judge is not a prosecutor. It should be simple logic. A judge is supposed to weigh the charges leveled against the presumption of innocence. He presumes his defendent innocent.
24) What a judge must never do is level a new charge, uncharged by the prosecution. Just bend your mind over that. 18 December 2018, the vaunted and righteous Judge Sullivan yelled out a new charge at General Flynn. And, it remains this man who may still sentence him.
25) And what charge? Treason. The ultimate hanging offense. Even evil, vile Van Grack had not charged that. Even the decrepit and frial Mueller himself had not charged treason. Our nation has not yet taken it in. We have not addressed this gross malfeasance of justice.
26) I hate to do it, but it's timely and pertinent. You'll be hearing, again and again, how Sullivan exonerated Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, after a false charge. You'll hear how he brought forward Brady Materiel, exculpatory evidence on Stevens' behalf. The story twists.
27) Senator Stevens lost his seat due to the false conviction...presided over by whom? Yep. Judge Sullivan. And what did it mean that Stevens lost his seat? The balance of power in the Senate switched to a cloture-proof 60 for the Democrats. That is what ensured Obamacare.
28) Senate in hand, complete power over the legislative agenda, what did it cost the DC power structure to exonerate Stevens? Nothing. No remedy at the Constitutional level whatsoever. Rather, the look of righteousness was extorted.
29) The truth is that Judge Sullivan's reputation as the Brady Judge was handed to him by Eric Holder. The new AG realized that, at no cost, an exoneration would provide cover for what really occurred. So, he reached out to Sullivan and provided the exculpatory evidence.
30) I struggled with all this, mightily, until Sullivan refused @SidneyPowell1 her Brady Material requests. And, he didn't just say no. Nope. He wrote a 95-page brief explaining how General Flynn's guilty plea destroyed any obligation upon the prosecution to provide the material.
31) One of my friends called that a 95-page fart in the wind. Thing is, it still stinks. And, it is this judge who may still reject the DOJ's filing and still sentence General Flynn. Let that sink in. Seriously. Let that sink in.
32) No, by no means, no, I am NOT predicting that Sullivan is so tone deaf, so unaware of the direction the wind is blowing, that he will do so. I imagine him just a tad more politically intelligent. Yet, be aware. He might. And, I have to address that.
33) Go back to Obama. Who would have believed that an outgoing POTUS would focus himself, his team, all the powers of the Federal Apparatus, of the Intelligence Community, on bringing down his successor? Have you really taken that in? I still struggle with it.
34) What the Flynn case reveals is a traitor president, focusing all his waning powers on a single citizen, an esteemed warrior, for the solitary reason that General Flynn and Trump together were an unbeatable team. Obama knew. Obama chose.
35) Here's a prediction for you. Obama will rue his attack against General Flynn for the rest of his life. And, the history books will report in generations to come that Obama gave up his entire legacy over this criminal enterprise in his waning days. Obama did this.
36) Sullivan may even now put forward a sentence, rejecting the DOJ's filing. He may see that as his job, what he owes his masters and cannot fail to give them. I do NOT predict he'll do so. I am, sadly, NOT certain he will not. I am ready for even that. You should be too.
37) Turn another angle with me. Here we have the criminal enterprise of the Mueller Investigation wreaking havoc. Page, Manafort, Stone. Manafort under death order by solitary confinement. Middle of the night FBI agents and, no kidding, Frog Men invading Stone's home, etc.
38) Bent investigations that would put a smile on Stalin's or Beria's faces. You're Sullivan. You're a Federal Judge and the Flynn case comes to you. Oh, who remember Judge Contreras? He accepts the guilty plea, Flynn's plea, and then recuses. Are you kidding? Recuses? Why?
29) Alas. We know the answer. Contreras and Peter Strzok and Lisa Page are best buds. He's fully turned, in the coup attempt, and more. Yep. He's a FISA judge. Don't let me keep going. If you're not aware, do a bit of research, you'll find it. Flynn's first judge, bent as hell.
30) So, here you are, you're the second Federal Judge to oversee the Flynn case. Do you see that it is 100% bogus from day one? Of course you do. Now, it's on you. Forget the DOJ and the Special Counsel's Office. It's on you. What do you do?
31) If you're an honest law man or woman, you dismiss the case yourself. It doesn't take 45 minutes of analysis to see how dirty this thing is from top to bottom and inside out. You dismiss the case. Oh, but wait, are you bent? Are you corrupt? A dirty judge? Oh. Problem.
32) How wonderful to exonerate Ted Stevens after he lost his Senate seat. Your masters praise you. You get a fabulous reputation. You act high and mighty when demanding Brady Materials be delivered in every case from then on out. You're the Brady man. Isn't that cool?
33) Let's turn to a principle of interpretation. Don't judge a man by his words. Don't judge him by his reputation or his praise. These are things easily won. Rather, judge him by his actions. Think about that 95-page fart. Why? Why not get Flynn his Brady Material?
34) The answer is again simple. A Sicilian mindset gets you there. Sullivan is a dirty judge. He was owned by those who oppose Flynn. How do you refute that? Look at Don Vito Corleone. What was his great power? Among many, his ability to corrupt Senators and judges was key.
35) Don Corleone, we are told, jangled Senators and judges in his pocket like so many coins. He may be fictional. Sullivan is not. If he was going to be the Brady Judge, the Flynn case was his moment. He failed. My friend @TamaraLeigh_llc enters our story now.
36) Tamara can tell you how corrupt judges, ensconced in a corrupt system - far beyond the court itself and to include the entire political machine of her state - how it destroyed her life as she knew it. Federal, state and local, our justice system has betrayed America.
37) Did you know that General Flynn was a Democrat? His wonderful mother fought endlessly in their state for Democrat progress against a corrupt system. The entire Flynn family carries her spirit within. They fight for America. All of them.
38) The lives of the entire Flynn family have been taken over by this evil case against their beloved brother. America owes more to the Flynn family than we may ever repay. So, let us all be clear. Sullivan should have dropped this case from day one. Anything less is failure.
39) Having failed so far, I fear Sullivan may still be captured within his obligations to forces of evil in America. I fear he may still sentence Gen Flynn, rather than accept AB Barr's righteous decision. I hope, passionately, to be wrong. But, I am steeled to any outcome.
40) And that brings us up to the moment. We don't yet know what Sullivan will do. Should he accept the DOJ's motion, I will deem him smart. He can never win back his honor, as he has disgraced himself beyond redemption. But, he might at least be smart.
41) Let's walk through the scenarios. First is Flynn's wrongful sentencing. I can't - even me - I can't imagine it any worse than 6 months in Club Fed. I am confident that General Flynn would come out walking tall, should that occur. They will NOT break him.
42) Or, a bit more likely, a 6 month sentence, suspended and Gen Flynn walks free from the court, all done. I'd understand this outcome, and CELEBRATE Gen Flynn's completion. But, I'd decry this outcome as you, who know me, might expect.
43) Sentence imposed or suspended, the court and Judge Sullivan will further dishonor themselves should those occur. What then, again, in that scenario? Gen Flynn returns.
Let's meditate upon that return.
I'm thinking @marklevinshow. I'm thinking... ask me anything.
44) The media will explode. Every FOX show will want Flynn for their entire hour, if they can get him. Certainly, Hannity will be there for us, to show the story, and to give Flynn back his voice. Hey, did you watch Hannity last night? He was on his game! What a great show.
45) But let's go beyond the media. Be clear. General Flynn has suffered more, sacrificed more, carried a heavier burden for America than any other patriot you or I know. Let me speak about his spirit, his strength. I've said it many times, he's the strongest man I've ever met.
46) None of us can imagine his suffering over these past years. None of us can know what it took for him to face these horrors. And obviously, not just him. His wife Lori. His sons. His brothers and sisters. The Flynn family has borne the burden for America, together with him.
47) Turn to election 2020. There is no voice in America able to speak to the 20 million strong veteran community more powerfully than General Flynn. He rallied them for Trump in 2016. If he is freed before the election, he will do so again, and with greater force than before.
48) But let's imagine that Sullivan slaps General Flynn in prison for 6 months or more. Then, he will not rally us and our veterans. But, his power and reach will grow. If they place him in shackles, they will create a far mightier and more implacable foe than they can imagine.
49) None of that is my prediction. My call is that sometime in the next week or so, Judge Sullivan, smelling the shift in the political winds, will finally and completely release General Flynn from this evil persecution. I imagine he'll try, and fail, to protect the prosecution.
50) But, my real call is that justice will prevail. That means more than General Flynn's full freedom. It also means true and full compensation. Wealth? Absolutely yes. They destroyed the meager wealth General Flynn had. They destroyed his reputation and opportunity.
51) If the prosecution and court system fail to provide financial remedy to General Flynn, the would they caused will fester and grow. We've discussed before, and will again, the judicial imbalance of power in favor of prosecution. General Flynn's case will always represent that.
52) Let us leave the law to the lawyers for the moment, now. Sooner or later our General will return. I hope, and predict, soon. What then? Here, I ask you to join in. What would you like our POTUS to do with and for Gen Flynn? I'll share my own recommendation below.
53) I've heard many say Director of the FBI would be an elegant step. I agree, although I have other ideas as well. But imagine the sheer beauty of bring in our own Saint Michael to cleanse the evil that has polluted the FBI. Imagine his foot on Satan's neck, there.
54) Here's an example. This interview is one of the best I've ever watched. I hadn't seen it before I met General Flynn, personally. After, as you can imagine, I began to do my research. You have to watch the entire video!

55) The key moment is Abu Ghraib. The horrors are discovered and made public. General Flynn is sent in to fix the problem. It takes him about 3 days to shut it down. As I so often say, take that in. Why doesn't every American know that that is part of General Flynn's resume?
56) The behavior of the 7th Floor of the J. Edgar Hoover building is worse than Abu Ghraib. They have destroyed the very meaning of Rule of Law in America. There might be no better replacement for Chris Wray than General Flynn.
57) But there are many other possible paths for our hero. My own favorite would be a return to the National Security Council, as National Security Advisor to the President. The elegance of that overwhelms my imagination with joy. I deem it his best posting, by far.
58) Let's talk about strategy and tactics for a moment. What I've learned is this. If the Trump team takes on a strategy, they devise tactics for execution that someone like me could never have imagined. They are as tactically solid as any entity ever has been. And creative!
59) Should Flynn go here or there, etc., those are actually tactical decisions. And, from Trump's statement that Flynn will return "bigger and better than ever before" I am 100% confident that Trump has a plan, and that that plan will be...AWESOME!
60) General Flynn and I have NOT discussed his vision. I have no real idea where his mission may be. I don't even know if he's had time to process or allow a new vision to form. It's very possible he needs the time to decompress that he deserves. He's paid his dues and beyond.
61) I return again to his wealth. Whatever may occur, we should all dream that vast wealth beyond measure will find its way to him in small recompense for all he has lost. And not only for him. Rather, for justice' sake itself. Allow me a single, passionate example.
62) If I were king of the world, I would right now have in front of me the entire balance sheet of Covington Burling. I would demand that they transfer their vast holdings to General Flynn's account. I'd put them out of business so completely, they'd be gone forever.
63) That brings us to our other hero, the incredible @SidneyPowell1. Where Kelner and the Obama administration and Mueller team lawyers have disgraced themselves forever, Sidney has given goodness to the very name of her profession. An honorable lawyer, she is.
65) There is a vast apparatus of injustice in America, which brings low the very idea of Rule of Law. Who could possibly have qualified herself more than Sidney to address and transform this evil upon our land?
66) I don't know the specific place of her greatest contribution. I have often imagined a new position called Bracy Czar, installed within the DOJ. Again, I do not have the specific knowledge of our system to find the optimal spot for either hers or General Flynn's best place.
67) But there is a final hero to discuss today, and that is us. Consider the mikeflynndefensefund.org. I'm here to tell you, it still needs all the help we can offer. But, we have given, and that stands to our honor and credit.
68) More, though. There are our words. Our posts. Our statements of support right here at Twitter, and throughout social media. We are a movement. We began as the #ClearFlynnNow movement and we made an impact. There are millions of us.
69) What did we do? We gave @POTUS the political cover to allow his natural loyalty to his great friend and ally to speak. We did more. We placed those in the halls of power on notice, we were watching.
70) And, whereas we spoke as a movement, we also conveyed our love, gratitude, faith, and hope to our hero. We spoke to General Flynn. We told him we knew he had been faithful. We expressed our faith in return.
Thread ends at #70.