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The Beginning of Impeachment

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 28 "Strong words, coupled with an aggressive advance, are a sign of impending retreat."

As I write, today is 26 September 2019, the Democrats are set to commence Impeachment formally with a vote. If they do, @realDonaldTrump will enter that short list of American Presidents ever to suffer the process. Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton preceded.

Have you read the transcription of the Ukraine conversation? I have. And, I've discussed it with my Democrat friends. It amazes me how subjective it has all become. To them, he's just a crook, a liar, a cheater and a scumbag. To me, he's a hero. There you have the divide.

They here the drumbeat of his criminal action and accept it at face value. And, until I tell them, they know absolutely nothing about Joe or Hunter Biden's activities, and really don't care after I tell them. There again, you have the divide.

And this brings us to the question of the MAGA movement. The same question really, as was faced by the Tea Party movement before us, that paved our path for us. Can we defeat the swamp? Which is to say, can we defeat the Republican portion of the swamp?

We are allowed to reject Democrat leadership all day long. They're nothing to us. We must NOT reject, however, our fellow Democrat patriot Americans. They are our brothers and sisters. Neither leadership - who are evil - or Democrat Americans - who are NOT evil - are our problem.

No, our only real problem is Republican leadership. Will they stand behind @POTUS? Will they stand behind us? Or, will they, like the evil John McCain flashing his vile, happy thumbs down vote, betray us once again? That is OUR question. We MUST ask it.

Not only is this impeachment a thing of NO threat whatsoever for us, from the Democrats, it comes close to assuring Trump's victory, as long as the Republican leadership stands with us, something they only rarely do. If the Republicans are united, we win.

We defeat the Impeachment, we win back the House, we increase our position in the Senate to a 60+ supermajority and we get a 2nd term for our President. In the 2nd term, we lay the true foundation for the MAGA movement forward for decades to come.

But I can tell you, if I was a NeverTrumper, I would absolutely join the Democrats against Trump. I'd anoint a new President Pence and I would care one whit if was elected in 2020 or if Elizabeth Warren was. Why not? Why not? The answer is easy.

VP Pence is someone that I - in my scenario self as a NeverTrumper - can do business with. And, ANY Democrat President can also work just fine, no problem, we're good. My globalist dreams can return, and all will be well. Besides, Americans have dominated too long, anyway.

All this bluster and aggression. It simply hinges 100% on whether or not our majority in the Senate will hold with loyalty to us. And why is this? It is simple and clear. The Democrats have understood, there is NO OTHER WAY to defeat @POTUS. Period.

Oh yes, these are strong words, coupled with a very aggressive advance indeed. But if for once the Republican leadership stood with us, we'd soon see the Democrat's complete retreat. They don't have a single candidate in Trump's league. Not one.

The Democrats have essentially already lost the election in 2020 and are extorting their only political - NOT LEGAL - strategy to wrest victory from the jaws of defeat by way of their Republican counterparts' complicity and betrayal. Now, let's get down to the real power. When I speak with my Democrat friends, I am mighty. I don't fight where they have no open thoughts. Where they do, I don't fight too hard. But I never surrender to their certainty, their attempt at certainty. We both laugh a lot. We laugh at ourselves. We laugh at each other.

I am mighty because my Democrat friends leave the conversation a bit less scared about the future, knowing they have a friend on the other side who respects them. I am mighty. I have power. And so do you. You must NOT allow anyone to take away your joy and faith.

I saw a headline this very morning about a "subdued" President moping about the White House. Do you believe that? I do not. Not for one moment. An enraged President fuming about the White House I would accept and support as well. Subdued? Malarkey.

I can tell you this, I won't be subdued, and I demand that you not be subdued either. These strong words and aggressive advances must be rejected, repulsed, laughed at, and countered with confidence, boldness, and readiness to face the reality whatever it turns out to be.

We have no enemies among the Democrats, other than the leadership who are everyone's enemies. No, the only enemies that matter are Republican turncoats, traitors to their districts, responsibilities, and turncoats to America Herself.

Can we learn from the Tea Party's weaknesses? I hope so. But if not, and if MAGA fails, another Common Sense American Party will arise in the wake of our failure. We've progressed since 2010. The future is ours if we win it. I say, let's win it.

And I say, beware ye Republican Senators. Should you betray us, your constituents, you will face an American Wrath you cannot imagine. Your Democrat and globalist friends will no longer be able to, nor care to defend or protect you from our righteous indignation.

No one stands behind those who betray their calling. The joy of corrupt inducement is momentary. The Wrath of America Herself will last forever if you betray us yet again. Beware. Beware. Beware.

One by one, slowly so slowly, we will build a new force in America, dedicated to the sole mission of living up to the MAGA mission that @realDonaldTrump created for us. One team at a time, with Master Sun's guidance, we will create #100kMAGATeams, with #100kMAGALeaders.

Go ahead, you Republican Traitor Senators, Impeach our President with your Democrat Globalist brothers and sisters in arms against America. Go for it. Perhaps that is what we Americans need to come, at last, fully awake. If so, so be it. Or...

Or... you may join us, your American constituents, we who give you power on our behalf, you may join with us and together we may laugh at the defeat that our internal enemies' demise, together. Their strong words and aggressive advances seen for what they are.

Friends, fellow Master Sun followers, I say this to you, now. Let the Republican leaders do what they may. They'll either stand with us or against us. That's their choice. Our choice is to self-organize and build true MAGA teams in either case. We'll be needed, no matter what.

Impeachment of our beloved @POTUS? I laugh it off. I laugh until I rage, as it is impossible unless we suffer a Republican leadership betrayal. And in that case, my laughter will end. In that case, my war against the Republican leadership will enter a very different phase.

Be absolutely clear, my friends. We've already won, unless Republican leaders betray us. To the degree you can, you may want to let them know, if they betray us, they will suffer. If they stand firm, we will reward them with our gratitude and support.

The temporary choice is theirs. The ultimate choice is ours. And that, my friends, I say again, is precisely what Master Sun is attempting to teach us. Please heed his lesson.

256 verses completed, 200 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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