1) As I've analyzed @realDonaldTrump's methods since 2015, the depth of his Sun Tzu mastery is the true inspiration behind all my #SunTzuForMAGA work. Who knows, perhaps he memorized The Art of War in his youth. Well, we have another stunning episode to assess today!
2) The story is very short, sweet and to the point. I'll give you the link here, and do please read it - it's fast - and below we'll walk it through together.

3) It is little understood that the Clintons bent the curve of relationship to China. The history of Sino/American relations is long and deep. Did you know we spent billions of dollars supporting Chiang Kai Shek and his Kuo Min Tang army? Billions, in the 20s and 30s. Billions.
4) Clearly, we picked the wrong side to waste our billions on. For context, today's impeachment is only over 100s of millions, held up for 55 days. Yet, we spent billions on the wrong side in the 20s and 30s. I can't do the math. What's a billion 1930 dollars worth today?
5) For those who even think about such things, the China reset that Nixon led was no simple, hey, let's work with the communists! Rather, China was the largest and weakest of the 3 great powers, USA, USSR and PRC. What Kissinger and Nixon realized was the opportunity.
6) Nixon does not get enough credit for our Cold War victory. In resetting the relationship to Communist China, there was a tacit - cold - relationship between USA and PRC, that weakened USSR. It was a stroke of pure geopolitical genius. Bravo Nixon!
7) And you have to go there in your mind. Nixon believed that the USSR had the edge on us in the Cold War. They invested a vastly larger sum of their economic might into armaments than we did, and they got the benefit of all our investments through spying.
8) Who knows if he was right or wrong about USSR's strength. He absolutely believed what he believed and determined that the tacit alliance with China was a key element in weakening USSR. It was genius thinking, and executed perfectly. Really amazing.
9) As a result of the China policy Nixon put in place, the federal government was given guidance. In every policy, in every branch of the government, in which China might be affected, every possible benefit MUST be given China. These rules are still on the books to this day.
10) And again, you have to feel the moment when they were put in place. China's economy had been devastated by Communist rule and its products were the laughing stock of the world. Made In China basically meant something like, will break in a week.
11) Also, there is a positively natural enmity between China and Russia. Think about that for a moment, and come forward to 2015. Who was the real enemy? No longer Russia, but rather China. Of course we should be allying with Russia now, against China. But back to our story...
12) With Nixon having reset the China relationship, along comes Ford, Carter, and then Reagan. Reagan was absolutely Nixon's student. Due credit is rightly given to Reagan for having won the Cold War, as evidenced by the collapse of the USSR shortly into Bush 41's term.
13) I remember this well. Yet, it is only now that I've finally come to understand the principle that victory is the death of strategy. Whatever strategy got you to the point of victory will do nothing but drag you down after you've won. Let's contemplate that for a bit.
14) A fundamental part of Cold War strategy, set by Nixon, was Russia bad, China good. Russia mighty, China weak. Help China against Russia and...WIN! And it worked. But, upon the moment of victory, what now? It was in that moment that Bill and Hill rose to national power.
15) I don't know the degree to which Bill and Hill are strategic thinkers. I do know that they are feral. They know where the grift will lead, how to collect their bribes, and who to court in order to win the most moolah. They are the great master and mistress of corruption.
16) Sensing the uncountable millions of corruption payoffs possible, Bill and Hill sold everything but the Lincoln Room's carpet. And the Chinese were the biggest bidders on the corruption block. During their tenure, Los Alamos became China's best technology investment.
17) In the lull following the collapse of the greatest enemy the USA had ever had, China benefited at every step. They knew the moment in time was theirs and they took it. Boldly, aggressively and before you knew what happened, became a far greater enemy than Russia. Go figure.
18) Their deceit was near perfect. The art of war is based upon deceit. From the moment the USSR collapsed, China knew it was at war with us. They likely knew before. They likely foresaw the collapse and knew that geopolitical forces indicated transition from friend to enemy.
19) And what a friendship they enjoyed with Bill and Hill. There is a gap in the story I have yet to fill in. What happened when Bush 43 took over? Consider, the Confucius Institute story we have today commenced in 2004, under 43's administration. Interesting, no?
20) But what exactly took place in 2004? To understand this, we have to go back to Chairman Mao and his reading of The Communist Manifesto for a moment. Marx and Engels lay out with prophetic accuracy, that education is one of the great battlefields for the future.
21) In my own reading, I've come to suspect that Engels gets far too little credit for the historical genius of their vision. I've come to see Marx as the theoretician, and Engels as the pragmatist. Reading Engels is far more bone chilling than reading Marx, at least for me.
22) Chairman Mao followed their lead. He knew that the only way to win the future is to take control over the education of children. Thus, the Children's Revolution in China during the 1960s. And thus the creation of something called Confucius Institutes here in the USA.
23) What is a Confucius Institute? From today's article: “Confucius Institute at Maryland (CIM) promotes the understanding of China today through the study of Chinese language, culture, ethics, and philosophy.”
24) It's deeper still: "The Confucius Institute provided Chinese language teachers and educational materials to members of the organization, but did not offer college credit for the work."
25) Can you say 'under the radar?' By NOT offering college credit, the Confucius Institute's work NEVER fell under educational standards review. Genius. And if you read the article, you see that the Maryland Institute was the first of, how many?, 90 such institutes.
26) So what's the method? The Chinese government offers millions of dollars to American universities if they'll only offer courses - NOT for credit - to their students, informing them about China today. And 90 of our greatest universities happily accepted the cash.
27) What is the Democrat percentage of university professors today? Something like 95% or better. What was it back in 2004? Not nearly so high. Do you see it? China has attempted with great success to take over the direction of higher American education. Phenomenal.
28) And with Maryland being the first, in 2004, it makes you ask, what was Bush 41's role in this? Did he know? Was he also bent as were Bill and Hill? I honestly don't know. But I do know that 2004 was a pivotal year. What a story!
29) Here's another confession. I have not followed Obama's China policies at all. I have no idea what his part was from 2009 - 2016. I can tell you this much. Obama obliterated our military might at the very moment when China was exploding its.
30) And that brings us up to the method of today's story. Get this: "The 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, which was passed amid heightened tensions with China, included language that required U.S. universities to either continue their Confucius Institute or...
31) Or..."receive financial support from the Defense Department." Alas. Yet another deep story arises. Do you see it? We're NOT talking about funding from any other source than the Defense Department, for universities. Wow!
32) Who knows what DARPA is? Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Yes, you probably know that they created the Internet. In case you didn't know, they did. But how? And why? They created a method of coordinating information from their research programs...at universities.
33) So play with me here. Trump knew that DARPA invested more money into universities than China. Trump knew that no university could possible choose China over DARPA. So, in 2019's National Defense Authorization Act he gave the universites a choice. China money, or DARPA.
34) Now if that isn't Sun Tzu level genius in action, I don't know what is. No one reports on this in the news, it's too complex for the news. This is geopolitical strategy under the radar. Maryland is one of the most completely Democrat states in the nation.
35) But of course they'd accept China's millions. That is, until Trump tells them, China or DOD money, you pick. Before we conclude, we have to discuss money at universities. There is a very simple reason why university professors are overwhelmingly Democrat.
36) Democrats, as inspired by Marx and Engels, have always known that the future was controlled by education. So, they spend money there, every chance they get. It is Democrat money in universities that informs the gigantic proportion of Democrat professors.
37) Do you see it? Trump is NOT merely playing to the news cycle. He is playing for the long duration. For Trump, Make America Great Again is no mere slogan. He knows where the battle lies, and it lies more for the future than for the present, critical as is the present moment.
38) And yet again, with not a single bullet fired, Trump has defeated our greatest enemy's phenomenal power in our nation. The universities will now all follow suit. 89 more Confucius Institutes will fall, and China's money will dry up. The power of the purse. Wow.
39) Look. I think I'm a bright guy. But it would NEVER have crossed my mind to use DARPA to defeat the Chinese government's investment into its Confucius Institutes. I bow in awe to the genius of the strategy. I am amazed. I am relieved.
40) You just can't defeat stable genius strategy of that nature. I feel profoundly honored merely to be observing the genius at play. I hope you feel so, also. I can't imagine getting tired of winning, but who knows, maybe I will. How about you?
Should have been Bush 43, not 41.