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#SullivansPerfidy - #50th Analysis - 13 May 2020

Pasquale Scopelliti

13 May 2020 - #PardonFlynnNow Analysis #SullivansPerfidy "Hop on the bus, Gus You don't need to discuss much Just drop off the key, Lee And get yourself free" Paul Simon

Please don't think I'm being flippant, I assure you I am not. I seethe and rage and burn within.

2) I won't be diving in to any of fine points of law you'll be hearing here and there and everywhere today and in coming days. Others are far more qualified than I, and they are motivated. Many wonderful, many not so wonderful. That's not our purpose here.  3) To begin, though, we'll just track and simplify Cernovich's declaration: 1) Friend of the court briefs favorable to Flynn were denied. 2) Briefs critical are solicited.  3) This violates judicial oath and ethical rules.  4) A complaint will be filed. 

4) But what does all this actually mean? There is an irrefutably simple conclusion. Sullivan is corrupt. He has been all along. He was corrupt in the Stevens case, winning for his masters the victory they required to steal control of the Senate by stealing Stevens' seat. 

5) He has been corrupt in working with the prosecution against General Flynn in this case ever since he took the case over from Contreras who was conflicted out, and had participated in the Crossfire Razor operation with his FBI buddies, and over his FISA powers. 

6) The masters knew that they could then pass off the dirty football from Contreras to Sullivan, placing Sullivan's pristeen record as Fighting Brady Judge into play at the time when it would buy them the most. They're still milking it, even now, as it is completely disproved. 

7) What did it buy them? The single most important factor has been - as I have stated over and over - time. This time gives them many advantages. It silences General Flynn. It removes him as public friend and ally of Trump. They know this weakens Trump. It feeds their story. 

8) At an even deeper level, it weakens all those of us fair-minded law and order types into our despair over the loss of liberty that we suffer too, due to an innocent man's discomfort before the bar. It converts the power of the bar from that of Justice to that of raw force. 

9) It places William Bar in the crosshairs of the corrupt media and empowers attack after attack on Trump as long as the case goes on and interminably on. If you listen to the words you can discern the objective. How long has Flynn's disposition been postponed? Indefinitely. 

10 Logic is denied. And that, for them, is a very good thing. The last thing they can afford is a logical people seeing right through their lies and manipulations to their evil purposes and shedding the light of attention on them. We can reduce Sullivan's position to its logic. 

11) I didn't say its law - as stated, others will do that - but its logic. Here is what is required. No man is ever coerced into a false guilty plea. Once the guilty plea is entered, it cannot be withdrawn, even if the prosecution folds due to blatant pure 

12) The indefinite time gained by this false logic is invaluable to them. A friend asked me, might this buy time through the election? Not having read the word "indefinite" yet, I said I didn't think so. I was wrong. Indefinite means precisely to or past 3 November 2020. 

13) We'll come back to that. Flynn has been removed now, after 24 days of service, from Trump's aid for the entirety of this first term by a false case. You have to see the direct replication of the Stevens advantage the Obama team procured. We'll return to that. 

14) We must bludgeon our way through a bit of theory to plumb the power being wielded. Our theory comes from a brilliant analyst named Carl Jung. Its main focus is the difference between an actual person, and the persona he projects to the world, the image if you will. 

15) Jung delves ever more deeply into the distinction between a man, himself - the actual person within his real personality - and what is called an archetype, the public role or function he populates. The vast power Sullivan now wields so corruptly against Flynn resides here. 

16) A fair judge is one of the most powerful archetypes we have in our society. Not only is an archetype the role or formal function performed, it is also all the beliefs and assumptions that society invests into that role. An example is white hats vs black hats. 

17) Archetypes morph and shift over time as society evolves. But all you need do is watch any TV or Film Cowboy show from a few decades ago, and you instantly know who is the good guy, who the bad. While our judges wear black robes, we place white hats on them in our minds. 

18) And consider all the other symbols of power and goodness that attends our judges. The high desk. The righteous gavel. The honored silence in the court. The vast power over what? In the application of the law. The Law. The must fundamental element of our society. 

19) What the other side knows, and wields to perfection in the body of Sullivan, is that legal corruption will almost never be so much as detected by an ignorant body politic. The judge does it. It is thereby lawful. We do not see the judge as a man, but as a JUDGE. 

20) This may be called archetypal power. The man may be dirty as hell, crooked, bent, a criminal through and through, but his vestitures cloak his illegality. His persona gives him the sheen of rightness, righteousness, he wields The Law itself as the gavel in his hand. 

21) We must look inward, we the society that projects the power of this archetype onto even the most corrupt men, unwitting. We are, and we must face this self-attack, naive. We come up with every possible justification before finally conceding the blatant corruption. 

22) The swamp is not a mere location. It is not merely a collection of bad actors. No, the power of the swamp is in the ability of bad actors to do more than wield power. They also wield the false perception of rightness, legality, the honorable and honored performance of duty. 

23) The Biblical term for these evil souls is "whited sepulchres." Painting a stone tomb white outside simply masks the rotting detritus of a decaying corpse within. This is the rotten reality of our power structure in America today. And Judge Sullivan is its poster boy. 

24) Judge Sullivan is a hired sentry, standing guard over those who perpetrated a failed coup against President Trump. General Flynn is the linchpin, the one soul whose voice must be silenced at all costs. A hero is also an archetype. Heroes go on journeys. 

25) While we must face the reality of archetypes in our everyday world, archetypes are also the basis of our most ancient stories, our most powerful myths. A hero's journey is also know - and this too comes from Jung - as the Mythic Journey. There are identifiable steps. 

26) There's a wonderful line from the song The Impossible Dream that cuts to the heart of the matter. It is: To march into hell for a heavenly cause. To be a hero is precisely to do that. To face and suffer a type of death for the mission. A type of death? 

27) Ask any returning warrior if he's a hero, he'll always say this: No, I'm not a hero, I just did my job. The real heroes did not come home alive. I'm alive. I'm not a hero. For military men, the real heroes gave their lives, literally. They made the ultimate sacrifice. 

28) In our everyday world there are heroes, but they do not usually make the ultimate sacrifice. They don't usually die in the line of duty. Our front line heroes often do. Thus we love our uniformed civilians. The too, like warriors, do far too often make the ultimate sacrifice. 

29) This is where the term "a type of death" comes into play. There are other heroes who do not suffer physical death, but do suffer spiritual or psychological forms of death. They had one identity before. It dies. A new identity is born on the other side. Oh but in between... 

30) This in between period that our living heroes suffer has a name: Living Hell. The heroes journey for the living always demonstrates this condition. They march into living hell for a heavenly, yet also so very earthly cause. Another term that applies is Limbo. 

31) A physiological way to understand Limbo is that it is very much like a coma, where we do not know if our beloved will awaken and live, and pass away into the deep night of actual death. Living hell and perpetual Limbo is precisely what Sullivan is wreaking upon Flynn, now. 

32) Allow me to address my own grief right now. I am mourning the seemingly indisputable fact, right now, that my personal hero and friend, and the most important man to the coming election other than Trump himself, will still be in limbo through this season. 

33) I am grieving that a good man, a great man, a 100% innocent man is held under the evil power of a bent, dirty, corrupted judge who still retains the reputation of an honored eminence while he crushes our hero under the twisted force of his unrighteous gavel. 

34) I humbly share that I know both myself, and my own grieving cycle well. I will not linger within my emotions, as I recognize them and turn them from pain into purpose rapidly. There is no time for fantasy or denial. There is work to be done. Time may not be lost. 

35) Until yesterday, I did not know how confident, how naively confident I had remained that we would hear our hero's voice again before November. Now, I must turn my analytic eye to redesigning my mission without that voice. I'll need just a bit more time, but I rapidly will. 

36) As part of my grief process, you must allow me to repeat, and sadly emphasize, every element of my analysis over the past two years, all pointing to both the corruption of this judge and the necessity of a pardon has, so far, proven right until now. 

37) I understand the resistance all feel, and more now than ever with Flynn's complete innocence 100% proved. That resistance to a pardon is part and parcel included within the public mind's perception of a pardon as a confession of guilt. That this is a distortion is missed. 

38) No matter how many times I explain a #PardonOfInnocence what we face is a rigid and unbending definition that must have, that demands the presence of guilt and even confession of guilt. No pardon, I am told repeatedly, only pure exoneration. 

39) I am almost ready to surrender, now. Not that I was wrong. Rather, that being right is often not a pragmatically feasible strategy. A word can be too great an obstacle to overcome. When the world rigidly states that a pardon includes guilt, how can I defeat this rigidity? 

40) So finally, before turning my grief into forged resolve, I'll just opine that we should actually listen to Judge Sullivan's time frame: indefinitely. If we do that, we begin to become unblinded. 

41) To be clear, I still request, and more boldly now, even as I am almost ready to surrender this request... Please, Mr. @POTUS, if you're ever going to do it, do it now, please... #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence

42) One thing my grief process will never let go, a raging anger that I will bear in my soul forever forward, is all the time lost. The pardon was always the right thing. But what about this almost surrender I've mentioned? It has two parts. 

43) The first I've already mentioned. It is the acceptance, the possible acceptance, that we just won't have Flynn's voice until after the election this year, and Sullivan has won in his mission of enforced silence. This is a fundamental factor to be accounted for. 

44) The second throws the case, right now, back to all you insiders and attorneys and experts not only at law but in the halls of power. Can you bring sufficient force to bear to get us our hero's voice back now? If so, then put to. Can Cernovich's complaint have affect? 

45) Socially, can someone else take lead in the Exoneration Movement - I obviously cannot - to raise up our voice in rage as a people? What other powers and tools can be marshalled? If this can be done, as I always say, may it be so, and I will laud its accomplishment. 

46) For now, though, I will continue to keep my eagle eye on this corrupt judge. I will wait and watch, and see how these Amicus Briefs evolve. I will watch Obama's team scurry and flurry in their fear and horror over the eventual day when General Flynn may once again speak. 

47) And I will take what time I need to reframe my analysis of the coming election, and election battle itself. Unless this corrupt judge is defeated in his vile purpose, we must win the coming fight without General Flynn's participation. That is a blow. Evil faces are smiling. 

48) I know such moments oh so very well. This is war. I know war. I know the pain of defeat all too very well, and all too very deeply. I know what the hours of the long dark sleepless night of fear and troubled horror. I know these enemies. They are too familiar. 

49) I will never forget my shocked discovery, the awakening of a fearful hope, in 2016 when Trump made me see that I'd lost my nation, but that we might win it back again. I had no idea how heartbroken I was. We won't return there now, but I must state: Because Benghazi. 

50) I will never forget Benghazi. I will cold-eyed stare into the darkness, and I will allow my mind its needs. I hope you will too. We shall not, we must and cannot lose this fight. We fight for America Herself. And unless altered, we do so without General Flynn's voice.  Thread ends at #50. Resolve goes forward. 


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