1) #MAGAAnalysis 5 March 2020 The more I learn the more right I fear I might be right about China and coronavirus. I think I've even found the precisely right analogy to offer. I want you to seriously imagine a suicide vest. We'll talk about that more... ccn.com/dow-plunge-500…
2) Consider the irreparable split in the Democrat Party. There is simply no way to get the Bernie Bros to vote for Joe Biden. Loss is virtually assured, unless... Unless you destroy the global economy, and of course, most of all, the American stock market.
3) We just had a couple of days of extraordinary, record setting rallies. Now, we're headed back down again. And how did this happen? Sure, we have more cases and more deaths here, and anyone could have foreseen that, and most everyone did.
4) It's important to remember that we are the single most well-prepared nation on earth right now, ready to handle whatever hits us. We have this. Yet, it was not our own rising case load that will take the market down today, it will be the information China released.
5) It is always one of my most important principles to follow the benefit. Who benefits? If you find the benefit you're, I don't know, let's call it 80% of the way to finding the cause. People do things for their own benefit. And sometimes, you have to search for the threat, too.
6) I don't know how many of you followed my analysis of the destruction of the World Trade Organization, and how it has neutered China economically on the global stage. If not, allow me please to just tell you, Trump killed the WTO, and destroyed China's economic wall of safety.
7) To understand their threat, you have to go deeper. Communism is always theft. Once a communist dictatorship has stolen all the rights of its people, establishing totalitarian control within, they must now turn without in order to fuel their economy.
8) The USSR did this by conquest. They were always on the prowl for some new nation to bring under the control of their Comintern. I know, it formally ended in 1943. Oh wait, maybe you don't know what it was. Okay, below I'll map it out by a quote for you...
9) Here is the little description from the Wikipedia article: "The Communist International (Comintern), known also as the Third International (1919–1943), was an international organization that advocated world communism."
10) Why did they end it, the USSR, why shut it down? Very simple, it became too famous. No one likes communism. Everyone claims they're merely socialists, not communists. The Comintern had the wrong name. Also, its policies were too overt. They realized they were losing.
11) Look at the USSR's five year plans. Plan after centralized plan, they failed to provide cars to their people. They failed to make basic good readily available. Coffee was a big deal. People waited in line for bread. Bernie Sanders says that was a good thing. I'm not kidding.
12) It's time for us to get real. Communist China is NOT a global economic superpower as we've been led to believe. That was a disinformation campaign, and man oh man did we fall for it. China is simply the most successful global thief in human history.
13) I am a severe diabetic. I sometimes take pills called metformin. I don't like them, but, I need them sometimes in order to bring my blood sugar back down. Here is a picture of my current bottle of pills.

14) So, I'm asking. Who? Who made the decision to give my metformin pills to a Chinese manufacturer. Obviously, it wasn't me. Did you make that choice? Nah, didn't think so. Someone made that decision. Who was that person? I have no idea. But I know he or she was no patriot.
15) How do you destroy Trump's economic miracle? You put on an economic suicide vest and wipe out the entire supply chain from China, that's how. More, you scare the entire planet that it's going to die. Here's a virus. Here are deaths. We place them where they can't be stopped.
16) More, we intensify the vectors. We force people who have been infected to stay inside their homes and infect more people. Their wives and husbands. Their children. We always have more horrifying news to release. The stock market tries to rally. We release more virus news.
17) Friends, I love China. I am the opposite of a xenophobe. I love the Chinese people. I love their history. I love their philosophy. I have been studying Master Sun Tzu's work for my entire adult life. Check me out. Check out #SunTzuForMAGA.
18) Guess what I just learned. Sun Yat Sen - the founder of the Kuomintang - was a Communist. Chiang Kai Shek, his political descendent, was a Communist. The revolution of 1911, that ended the Qing dynasty, was a Communist revolution. Did you know that? I didn't.
19) When America shifted, after WWII, to supporting Mao Tse Tung, it just changed from one Communist Party to another. Chiang was a Communist. Mao was a better one. Please listen. It was us. It was America who created Communist China. Take that in. We made China Communist.
20) At the same time, we supported Ho Chi Minh. Who remembers our Vietnam War? 57,000 Americans gave their lives in that war. It was us. We supported the Communist leader of Vietnam. We installed him. He had our support. Our money. Our intelligence. I bet you didn't know that.
21) I didn't know that. I had no idea that we supported Mao Tse Tung and Ho Chi Minh. I just learned. If we're going to understand where we are today we must face our past with eyes wide open. We did those things. In Vietnam, after we installed a Communist leader, we went to war.
22) Who is to blame? We are. We The People. We have been wrong to trust our leaders, and to support them. We were wrong to empower Eisenhower to create an essentially Communist presidency. 90% income tax. And he was supposed to be a Republican. Balderdash.
23) We allowed the IRS to become the most powerful segment of the federal government. We voted in the 16th Amendment. We did that. If you want to know where we went wrong, you only need look at 1913. We did the wrong thing.
24) We are here again right now. If we elect either Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders, we will destroy our nation. We will wipe out the rights of our Constitution. Permanently. Personally, I would love to speak Chinese. As a patriot, I don't believe I need to do so. Do you?
25) I am 100% ready to implore you. Please. Please do not buy into the lies we're being told. The coronavirus is a type of cold. We have the ability to handle it. The reason it is such a big deal right now is a successful disinformation campaign in progress.
26) If you're selling stocks right now, you are being manipulated by China. They wish you to abandon our economic might. That is why, along with my friend @charzdesigns, I have signed on for the simple hashtag... #KeepCalmBuyStocks
27) As I have previously explained, and ONLY with money I can afford to lose, I am buying Giant Supermarkets stocks, And Walmart. I have no other analysis than this. I get in my car, drive there, and buy stuff from them. I couldn't care less about the price or the history.
28) I plan to hold for 2, 3, 4, or more years. I don't need to get rich quick. I work for my income. I sell my services to clients and I'm the very best in the world at what I do. I give each of my clients the very best counsel they could ever find. They are lucky to hire me.
29) If you need some help, you should DM me. I'm that good. And I'm going to be fine. My family will be fine. We will keep calm. And we will buy stocks every chance we get. I have a story to share with you.
30) In 2001, my family and I were living in Cancun, Mexico. I had a wonderful office on the second story of our home, looking out over the Bay of Cancun. It was the most beautiful view I've ever enjoyed.
31) I was looking out over my beautiful view when the first airplane hit the first tower. I had no idea. My wife @KateScopelliti came up to my office and made me come down to watch CNN.
32) The moment I saw the first tower smoking I instantly knew that my beloved America was under attack. I didn't have to wait for airplane number 2. When it came, my certainty only hardened. We were under attack. Anger. Rage. The Wrath of God arose in my soul.
33) I hail from Chicago. I moved from there to California where I met Kate and had my children. After that, I moved to Boston for my youngest son's education. After that, we moved to Cancun, again to build a program for our youngest son.
34) So, there we were, living in Mexico - we LOVE Mexico - and our nation fell under attack. And where? The World Trade Center. Where? In Manhattan, the heart, the lifeblood of our entire economic system. And I knew.
35) I knew that to be an American business person was to be part of the warp and woof of the tapestry of America's economic might. I suddenly realized, 40 years old at the time, that I was an economic warrior for truth, justice, and the American way.
36) Whoops! My birthday is in August. I had just turned 41. Watching our towers collapse, I understood for the first time that my mission as a businessman was bigger than the money I provide to my family for our sustenance.
37) I realized that money is power, that a free people must be wealthy. America, to pay for its freedom, must be wealthy. You cannot protect your borders if you are poor. Freedom is never free. Yes, it takes the blood of our warriors. It also takes the wealth of our people.
38) I can tell you my friends that this day is no different. We are under attack. The Communist Party of China fears for its very existence. They know they will fall if Trump doesn't. Trump is the greatest danger the CCP has ever faced. America is on the rise.
39) So, do not believe what they are telling you. They, with their paid assistants in the MSM. They are telling you that coronavirus will wipe out Trump's economic miracle. It will not. They are wrong. They are lying. Do not believe their lies.
40) America will be fine. So will you. I will too. I have two clients I have my sights on right now, and I will close them. I am a salesman. I drink coffee. I am a closer. So, my philosophy is, and say it with me... #KeepCalmBuyStocks