2 June 2020 #MAGAanalysis #Rioting Some general thoughts on how the topic of rioting affects reality, and the reality of political fire. I think it's fair to say everyone knows the difference between a riot and a protest. Riots are violent, protests are not.
2) Protests are protected by the sacred right to free speech. Riots are prohibited by all laws against violence and destruction. Protection against violence and destruction is the most sacred reason for the establishment of government, law and law enforcement.
3) In America, there should be absolutely nothing controversial about the simple statements above. They should be pure common sense and nothing special, completely understood and assumed by every American citizen by virtue of their citizenship. All obvious.
4) Yet sadly, heartbreakingly, these simple, clear ideas, concepts at the core of our nation, are not only NOT non-controversial (did you count the negatives there?), they are assumed by many to be malarkey. Often, they're not even attacked, they're just assumed to be wrong.
4) We on the right, and I'll add especially those of us in the MAGA movement find ourselves still shocked on a daily basis, no matter how long we've been suffering this condition. We can't - I know I can't - quite get over the amazed and confused emotions that arise, daily.
5) Yet, our enemy, our domestic enemies have miscalculated and in that we make take refuge and confidence. We've seen it many times. Bin Laden's greatest success was the cause of his personal demise and did more to weaken his power over America than anything else he ever did.
6) Hitler's army established absolute hegemony over Europe in less time than any other conquering force in history. Intoxicated by the power, they then sought to do better than Napoleon had, and invaded Russia. The rule is simple: There are victories that destroy the victor.
7) There's even an ancient term for this rule. They're called Pyrrhic Victories. If you don't know the term, now would be a great time to look it up! We must move on rapidly though, to the dynamics that drive them. Here's a present example. NYC's curfews in respons to the riots.
8) There started out to be no curfews, and the riots grew and grew, and the damage they've done to NYC will never be fully restored. A new NYC will have to grow up where the old one used to be, until last week. Even COVID did NOTHING to NYC in comparison, and it did a lot.
9) The idiots who supported it happily used it as a tool against Trump, of course, and against us, his MAGA supporters. Be it actively or passive support, you know they were happy to see the bad news. In their function, today, in our society the only good news is bad news.
10) Yet, after 4 or 5 days of growing destruction, dull minds began to see that the force they thought was going to help them was already beginning to hurt them. It's not that it was going too far. That's not possible for them. Rather, it's just that they started to feel pain.
11) I can't be coy. They = Democrat governors, mayors and all their minions to include the damned media. How did that happen? The same way Hitler first started to feel discomfort and the seeds of fear after his Eastern Campaign collapsed in ignominious defeat.
12) I simply cannot convey how much comfort that gives my soul. Evil power ends up, after immeasurable damage and destruction, not only revealing itself for what it really is, but also, strangely - many will say divinely - being self-limiting in its very expression.
13) In all his time at the helm of NYC, and after all his illegality and sheer idiocy, nothing has revealed DeBlasio for who he is, for his stupidity and incompetence driven by a naked, evil agenda, as has his stupid policy decisions over these riots.
14) Blinded by his own agenda, even he has had a small bit of that spiritual confusion he lives within cut through by the devastating outcomes occurring in rising destructive power, night by night. So, finally, last night, an 11:00 PM curfew. It would be laughable if not so sad.
15) Even still, it demonstrates learning. Go figure and how about that? And, what will see tonight? The 8:00 curfew (if that's what it will be) will absolutely and with zero doubt reduce violence and destruction. We can know this. We don't have to guess. It's completely proved.
16) A day earlier in DC, the same experiment was tried, and the 11:00 failed followed by the success of the 8:00. Had he been watching, De Blasio would have known to skip the 8:00. No, he had to repeat the DC cycle and it may take a few more days for the lesson to really sink in.
17) The pattern is being repeated all across America, and in about 7 days, is my guess, the fuel for these fires - the political fuel - should be fully expended and gone. The destruction, often by actual flames, will be here for years to come. And that, my friends, is a line.
18) It simplifies things. Do you like destruction? Then keep voting in idiots like De Blasio, and as we're told, in a Constitutional Republic, you get the government you deserve. The line of destruction and death, versus safety and security in your home, that's the line.
19) And if just take a small step back, you instantly see how the lines are clarifying themselves as the political fuel for these real fires, gets burnt through. The falsity of their falsehoods is made ever more apparent. not only, but especially to their own followers.
20) Now an even farther step back, or maybe rising up over the damned thing. You have Democrat governors and mayors across America fueling the flames of rioting for the sole purpose of attacking Trump and in the futile attempt to restore their own lost power. And what happens?
21) What always happens. The victory you sought is, in its realization, the self same thing that kills you. To our knowledge, Hitler died in a bunker in death by hand grenade, exploded by his own hand. Why did HRC lose in 2016? I love that question, don't you?
22) Too many delicious reasons to count in particular. Alas. But, I can offer this highest level reason for your consideration. Evil ego. And attending, the complete and utter faith, true belief, certain confidence that defeat was impossible. Hubris. Cosmic hubris.
23) And when? At the zenith of her lifelong power search. In the very moment when all her life's work hit its culmination, and the additive force of hubris overwhelmed her completely, that's the moment her evil power in its expression turned right around and destroyed her.
24) Here's another line for you. We respond to COVID by destroying our economy. That's what they convinced Trump with. It's your economy or your life - the lives of millions Americans who hired you to protect them. What's it going to be, they demanded?
25) Valuing life over his own greatest accomplishment and greatest political asset, he chose, in his own way, for life. We may disagree, we may wish to never repeat that, and hope to be better prepared. But we cannot gainsay either his motives, his values, or his humility.
26) Within the depths of their souls, every American knows that what I just said is 100% true. Don't believe their screeching and screaming, yelling more to persuade themselves than anyone else. They know. They know that Trump was already leading a recovery.
27) They know that there's no connection whatever between the tragedy of injustice the killed George Floyd, and the looting and burning of America's great cities, and the destruction of the very communities they purportedly are speaking out for. Everyone knows.
28) A lie yelled loudly enough, and by enough people in a mob moment, is its own addiction. But ask any actual addict and any of them will tell you, they know that their addiction is a type of slow suicide by addictive pleasure. They know the truth. So also do these rioters.
29) You were in the mob. The mob saw the wooden window barriers and instantly knew it could cut through the wood, and glass behind, easy as the proverbial hot knife through warm butter. You run in, too. You grab armfuls of clothes and run out to your car. You drive away.
30) Your happy, but even right then, the rush is fading and the shame is setting in, and you have do everything in your power to push down the shame. Well, at least you have your stuff! Then, the one thing that actually fits you, you end up wearing. How good that must feel.
31) No. It doesn't feel good. It is your external skin of weakness revealing you don't have the character strength, in the greatest and freest economy in world history, to just get a damned job, earn a few bucks, and buy the damned shirt yourself, honestly. It is your shame.
32) Wearing your shame on your body, you must again behave shamefully to get any hit of joy, and you do. You are aggressive, rude, you have no social control, you hurt people and you likely get caught and locked up, and there you are. Or you don't get caught, yet, the joy...?
33) This is the painful learning of what a Democratic Constitution Republic is for. Everyone who knows you stole that damned shirt sees your life in greater clarity. And, those in your neighborhood who never get to shop at that store which never returns, they remember.
34) This is how lines are drawn, how learning occurs. This is the result of not having a civics course that succeeds. We now have a civics course in what happens when you break the Constitution and destroy law and order. This is how you burn through the left's political fuel.
35) The key to breaking any psyop is to watch your emotions. When they turn negative, more than normal, you are being manipulated. Take a step back, and see the larger picture. Truth and goodness win. At least in America, eventually.
36) Damned Lincoln. Broke every law in the Constitution, but fixed the Constitution's greatest flaw with the damned 13th Amendment. If I hadn't come to respect the bastard so much, I'd have to hate him all the more. Damned genius. We needed him. He was our Churchill.
37) Obviously not against the Nazis. But against the systemic evil of slavery itself, enshrined in our as yet not 13th Amendment amended Constitution. It took a ver uncivil war and the death of nigh 700,000 souls for evil to work its way out of structured Constitution. Amazing.
38) We're obviously in a mini-uncivil war right now. Our cities are burning. America is confused and feels as though it's lost. I don't say good on the destruction, anymore than I approve of the deaths in the Civil War, nor of Lincoln's perfidy in breaking all the laws.
39) But it is our job, all of us, to look through the evil and assess the good in its seed form, for soon it will sprout and grow. It is our job to find our confidence in the tested patterns that history so clearly, unequivocally, so unerringly shows us.
40) These fires will burn out, the literal and the political. The other side shows their desperation, the fear, their real terror as they see the MAGA movement rising, and Trump coming through for America, for America First, always. Take, if not cheer, then resolve from that.
Thread ends at #40.
Bonus photo. That’s how espresso is really supposed to look!
