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Pasquale Scopelliti

1) 11 May 2020 - #ReinstateFlynnNow Analysis Here's today's big MAGA thought relative to @GenFlynn and his illegal persecution so recently vacated by the DOJ: Misprision as uncovered by the always irascible @NADC10Fan. And here below is an action step or two to follow... 2) Let's begin by looking it up. I've conveniently done so for you. It means: "The deliberate concealment of one's knowledge of a treasonable act or a felony." I'll let Wings - my call name for @NADC10Fan - sound off about the actual law. Just take the word in for now.

3) Oh, and Wings, don't forget, you have been assigned not only the task of reading the law, but also telling us the story of the term, its use, its misuse and purposes and, well, you know, how it rolls into and out of the swamp, etc. Do not fail us. We're counting on you.

4) I go off now, in my own voice. Bear with me, I have to get it out of my system. We have come so close to losing the very power of concepts and terms. Try to get anyone to agree on the definition of a right, and you'll catch my drift rapidly. The right to food, eh?

5) I've had people tell me that, since we have the right to life, then society must feed us freely at no cost, because without food we die. Same with healthcare, on and on. The left perpetually destroys words, concepts and most of all, this history that gives them meaning.

6) Now this just won't do. We in MAGA all go off on the idea of Rule of Law. And we feel it, common sense, and we know what it is. But then, we look at our publicly educated children who have NO CLUE what we're talking about, and wonder why they have no common sense. 7) The truth is, no matter how low anyone may tell you your IQ is, and no matter how wrongly you may believe them, your common sense makes you very smart indeed. And, I promise you - and I know what I'm talking about - from neurology to psychology, we can show this.

8) The ability to manipulate concepts, let alone place them in context or compare one to another, or think about more than one at one time, is one of the very last stages of neurological development and NEVER can fully occur before puberty. Some kids are precocious. I was.

9) But BIG vocabulary that I had, there is no way little Pasquale could have handled Misprision, as a concept, let alone applied it to the Obama team. Oh hey, you thought we were off track, didn't you? Ha. Check this out: #ObamaTeamMisprision What do you think of that?

10) Okay, I'll slow down again. What Wings will show us in coming days is this. If our legal system was based on actual justice...or Justice!...there is some gigantic slew of them that would do hard time, not in Club Fed, for their...say with me... Misprision (miss-pree-zhen).

11) Why? Because they KNEW that General Flynn's Constitutional Rights were being trampled. Why? Because they knew that it was merely a part - a critical one, with its own rewards of course - but still just a part of a treasonous coup. And they said nothing!

12) Say it again: miss-pree-zhen. Practice that til it stops sounding so strange. And as you do, keep thinking, 'knows about treason, but says and does nothing to stop or report it.' Keep laying the meaning in as you do. You're building an incredibly powerful concept.

13) I want you to think of this another. Can we agree - not necessarily that it should be, but - that it is crime to speed? When we explain the $150 ticket to our wives, we say, the cop pulled me over for speeding? It's never a fun conversation. But it is what we say. Yes?

14) So now please picture right this little conversation that Peter Strzok has from his impound station for his one phone call, "Lisa, they caught me in my misprision, after I'm convicted of it they'll also convict me of treason, and I'm going to be executed. And...

15) "...And Honey, you're going to need a really good attorney, although he probably won't be of very much help. Just sayin..." But of course, this delightful legal science fiction scene will most certainly never occur. Alas.

16) But my real point is NOT that this WILL happen, just only that it SHOULD. Also, I have another real point I imagine you're gathering. I want every person in America to face and come to terms with this concept, the legal reality of...and say it with me... Miss-pree-zhen

17) Let's return to the real story. There are two rings of criminals for us to discuss. The first ring, the inner circle, were all those, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Power, Rice, etc., involved in the attempted coup, directly, with their active roles. They are guilty of treason.

18) Don't blanche. Don't shy or turn away. Obama, first time in American history, attempted to take down his predecessor's administration. The concept here is: The Peaceful Transfer Of Power This is the single most fundamental concept in our Constitutional Republic.

19) Maybe Wings will work this out for us. Does this fit the Constitutional definition of treason? What, I can tell you this from common sense: there can be no greater betrayal of Obama's oath of office. That's for positive certain. He broke his Constitutional obligation.

20) Again, just pragmatically speaking, we will never win this argument with his supporters. No, he'll never see the inside of a court, let alone a prison over it. I know. Look at our gal HRC as your example. No chance. Ah, but look at her reputation today. I take solace in that.

21) We do not stand before the high bar of the court of law, even as we discuss this very legal matter. We only stand before the low bar of the court of public opinion, and the even lower bar of historical asterisks. We must ensure that Obama's perfidy makes it into history.

22) That's another great word: perfidy. And I like its adjective child, perfidious, even more. To be guilty of any form of treason is, to be assured, a perfidious act. Work with it. That's a good name for the Obama's inner circle: The Perfidious Ones.

23) Okay, those are the ones I deem guilty of treason, or some other high crime or misdemeanor close to it. They are also guilty of misprision, but that's just one of those added on charges to the core crime. There are always scads of them to mount up as prosecutors love to do.

24) Again, that's the inner circle. They're not the ones we want to go after first, oh no! We want the next circle out. The ones where we can ask and answer, what did you know, when did you know it, and what did (or didn't!) you do about it? Those are the ones we flip!

25) Flip? Oh yeah. Plea deal, baby. That's what plea deals are rightly for. Look, kid, we have you. Dead to rights. And we will throw the book and the shelf it was on at you unless... You give up someone in the inner circle, or someone else who helps us get closer. Amen.

26) It is this second ring that is guilty of...say it with me... Misprision They knew of a felonious, in some way treasonous act, and did nothing to stop or report it. They didn't have to leak or lie, just keep silent. Obama's Omerta Crew.

27) What do you know, there's another great concept: Omerta. Mario Puzo wrote a fine book with that title. You should read it, as well as everything he ever wrote. Omerta is the code of silence. You can't make me talk. I'll do the time, but I won't break my oath of silence.

28) I think it was Rudy Giuliani who discovered that facing a 20 year sentence, everyone breaks. People can do 10 years, maybe 15. No one, or close enough, almost no one can take a 20-year sentence and not break. That's how Rudy broke the Mob's hold over NYC. He mastered this.

29) As I recall, they even tested the theory against a death sentence and I believe they found that people will remain silent in face of execution more readily than in face of two decades imprisonment. If I was the one writing the sentencing guidelines for misprision...

30) One of the most famous lines in film history is Deep Throat's Follow The Money (I always add, Honey). Damn him if it wasn't Wings who beat me to the punch on finding 2020's equivalent. Follow the misprision. We'll see if it works, but honor is already due.

31) Now, if we have any federal attorneys reading this, who might actually be able to do something legal about this, that would be grand! And we'd love it if they were inspired, or even could sound off here and guide us. But, the case here is not really about the law itself.

32) The case here is about our culture, our nation, our national mind. No, not hive mind. Rather, the things we share. Hot dogs, apple pies, fireworks...everyone knows that's 4th of July. Everybody gets presents wrapped up in wrapping paper...Christmas, obviously.

33) No, we'll never get misprision embedded down at that level of our shared consciousness. But, how about Watergate? We now have a damned gate as a suffix to every scandal or wannabe scandal. How about impeachment? Everyone knows what that is! Okay, not everyone. But many!

34) I don't know. I'll need lots of help. We should play with lots of options. Are you tracking with me? Could we do it? Could we make this tremendous term a familiar one in today's real conversation? I do like this hashtag, I admit: #ObamaTeamsMisprision

35) Don's be shy to tell me I'm an idiot. I love that word, it's one of my favorite insults to get. I mean that. But also, I mean let's play with this and find the way. If we can't get all the way to misprision, then what is the right term for this? Help out now, gang. Let's go!

Thread ends at #35.

Wings, I gotta run, no time to chat. My wife is going to kill me if I stay in my office any longer. More to come, my man. And, well done today. As you can tell. Well done.


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