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Quick Review of #StagesOfGrief and our current #Coronavirus crisis.

Pasquale Scopelliti

18 April 2020 - #MAGAAnalysis Quick Review of #StagesOfGrief and our current #Coronavirus crisis. In a few hours, I plan to complete Part 2 of my #FriendsAndEnemies series. Right now, we have to look again at the Psyop we're suffering, briefly.

2) If you have the time and interest, you may want to read back through (or read for the first time) the thread above. It has 30 posts and walks through how I learned about Psyops in 2016, and applied that learning to today's crisis. 3) It's most important focus, however, is right here:

5) I first learned about those five stages my Sophomore year in college in my Intro to Psychology 101 course. I felt their power. I remember that. But had no doorway in, no place to apply them where I might begin to tap into their force and depth. Just wasn't ready.

6) Then life happened, and stuff picked up speed, let me tell you. Just about 10 or 11 years after I left school, life forced me to learn how to handle failure. And let me tell you, I am brilliant at failing. I rock failure. I fail all the time. Did then, still do now.

7) But back then I was failing so seriously that I was going to lose everything in my life if I didn't do something about it. So, go figure, I discovered my own Philosophy of Failure. It saved me. I'll share it right now.

8) Pasquale's Philosophy of Failure: * There is no dishonor in failure. * There is ONLY dishonor in failing to learn from our failures. That's it. That's the entire philosophy that saved my life. No kidding.

9) Well, I did have to have one more thing. A failure is any time a deadline hits, and I miss it for any reason. I had to deal with that. Back then, even thinking about any deadline at all terrified me to the point of paralysis. If I foresaw a deadline, I already knew I'd fail.

10) What I had to create was a deal with myself. I had to remove the sting of the coming failure, so I could release myself from its death grip. I usually don't curse in public. It's a discipline. But, I have to share my honest deal. Here is what I came up with.

11) My deal was: * Fuck the deadline, build the system. What I discovered was that I could never hit any deadline if I didn't have a system in place to cover it. Being a numbers guy, and a trained salesman, systems usually meant prospecting projects.

12) Self-employed, I only got paid if I closed a sale. I began, finally, to keep scientific track of my prospecting and closing rates. Whenever I was going to miss a deadline, I had to turn away from it, and focus in on the system that would fulfill the deadline were it in place.

13) My Philosophy of Failure, and my deal that I cut with myself, very literally saved my life. It was a process that took many years to complete, but I always got through every crisis - can you see the connection, there?, America is in crisis right now - and progressed.

14) It was in the following years that I finally discovered the full power of Dr. KR's structure. Every failure is, to me, a wound, a loss. Every little one. I'm that obsessive. While with discipline I learned to build my life systems, the losses were still there within. Wounds. 15) Once I realized that, I immediately knew that to fail, to lose, to suffer a loss, is, in its own way, NO DIFFERENT from the severe kinds of losses that Dr. KR analyzed. A deeper principle arose. All learning is driven by grief. All of it. Perhaps we need lesser terms.

16) Pain. Suffering. Irritation. Frustration. Dissatisfaction. Upset. Did I mention irritation? Each of these is, believe it or not, a type of loss. Each gives up the ghost of learning only when processed properly. No kidding. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.

17) If any of you are math nerds like me, you'll know what a fractal is. For the rest of you, try to check out this wiki article on topic:

18) The slightest loss remains a loss. Every one of them, every little tiny, seemingly insignificant fractal loss holds within itself the seed of learning, but you must be able to walk through Dr. KR's stages. I know that may sound insane, but I'm not wrong.

19) Bringing all of this back to #ConronavirusCrisis, America is surely grieving right now. Last I heard, the number of deaths had passed 22,000. Even now, there is no person in America untouched by that loss. Right now, I am afraid for my grandchildren, very specifically.

20) If the models are more right now than before, we are still looking at more than 30,000 additional deaths. To put all that into context we must, once again, look at the four-stage simple strategy I've been mapping out relative to China's War Against America, again.

21) Here again is the simple, little map: 1) Biological 2) Economic 3) Social 4) Military

22) We will return to the Biological Warfare we're facing in a moment. Look now, though, merely at the Economic consequences of this virus. I say again. There is simply zero doubt left for me that this was the opening salvo of war. The true target was our economy.

23) It was a biological attack, but one absolutely certain to bring down the greatest economy in the history of the world. That was the real reason for the attack. The economy is the pivot point. Poor people, out of work, are vulnerable to social dysfunction at the deepest level.

24) The consolation prize, assuming there can be no military takeover of America, is at least the defeat of @realDonaldTrump in November. China, together with its swamp creature minions, knows that Trump's economy makes Trump invulnerable.

25) It won't work. But that it may be insufficient to attain its purpose does, in NO WAY indicate lack of purpose. The biological attack has had vast economic consequence. That alone defines it as the single greatest first strike in history, obliterating Pearl Harbor's status.

26) With that, then, we return to Dr. KR's counsel, and we focus on stages 1 & 2. We remain, friends, in denial about the biological warfare that China has employed against us. We must come out of this denial. If we do nothing else, we must get this accomplished.

27) The report came out, yesterday, that China's #CoronovirusDeaths were 50% higher than reported. 3,900 as opposed to 3,300. That's very significant. It's all total baloney, but very significant. By admitting that their reports were wrong, false, a confession has occurred.

28) As I've said all along, their deaths will most likely be numbered in the millions, not mere low 4-digit thousands. It is that ability to absorb millions of deaths of its own people that is definitive of the communist, totalitarian dictatorship that China is.

29) I have the documentation. China considers America's anathema to death, to casualties, its unwillingness to pay the price of blood to be our greatest weakness. They think we're only willing to pay the price of gold, never blood. How wrong they are.

30) For me, it beggars the imagination to see so perfectly executed a biological strike and somehow put it down to incompetence. Accident. The virus arose in nature, and skipped over to humans. No human-to-human transfer, oh wait, well, I guess sort of. Uh huh.

31) That it was a purposefully executed attack of warfare is precisely what we must come out of denial over. And that is precisely what I see Trump leading us toward right now. Gently. Far more gently than me. I stand up and shout, attack, attack! He is wiser than I.

32) He is taking his gentle time. First, he does everything in his power to protect our lives, to reduce the price of death. He calls "death" a terrible word. I love him for that. He faces the crisis on its terms, never imposing his will, never employing denial.

33) Trump will address our economic loss. He is, already. He will do so in coming days, weeks, and months. Remember, the economic devastation was the real target. Trump will address this. He will need time to do so. How much? I'm not sure. Neither is he.

34) He certainly has the stock market where he needs it. He has that right now. #KeepCalmBuyStocks #PostCoronavirusBoom But, will the economy be roaring back by November? Hopefully, but not certainly.

35) Which brings us to anger. I prefer the term rage. In politically correct circles, anger is taboo. It's a big no-no. We never get angry. Anger is bad. And I say... HOGWASH. Anger is NOT one of our most common emotions for no reason.

36) It's too big a statement but we could almost make the case that without anger nothing gets done. Anger is a motivator. It gets us up, off our duffs, and puts us into motion. An angry person takes action. Sure, there are calm geniuses who get stuff done. Not very many, though.

37) That's my real point. In embracing Dr. KR's model, Trump is leading us to our anger. We must NOT forget that we have been attacked. We must NOT allow our denial to stand. Even if by lies alone, opportunistically, there's no way to NOT call this biological warfare.

38) Not being as wise as Trump, I shout about it all the time. It was a biological attack. Period. As to the science, it's beyond me, okay? Was it engineered to perfection? Was it recombinant, or however you say that? Don't care. Couldn't care less. There it is, and we have it.

39) China lied, and Americans are dying. My grandchildren are at risk. My grandchildren. You want to see angry? Watch what happens if one of my family members is taken from me. China is directly threatening my family. My family. Do you hear that? And yours too.

40) There will be time for bargaining, later. And after that, depression over what we've lost. And yes, we'll eventually accept it all and finally move on. But not right now. Now is the moment for anger. Don't suppress it. Embrace it. Now is the moment for anger.

Thread ends at #40.


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