1) In considering the ever-flowing tides of the #MAGA movement, courts and cases, politics the chaos we face, I'm thinking we should speak a little bit about analysis, and yes, I'll go there now, Q. There's little doubt that Q and #PardonFlynnNow are in some ways aligned.
2) On numerous occasions, however, I've expressed my, if not outright skepticism, than aloof distance. Q makes me uncomfortable. The logic, even the scientific stance regarding proof doesn't sit well with my own approach to science, art and analysis.
3) The heart of the matter is the plan, and the commandment that I must trust it. Alas, I don't even trust my own plans, let alone those of others, let alone a plan I can't literally read. No code keys needed. Nothing tricky or spooky or mysterious for me.
4) Hey, honest question for all my Q supporting friends: is the plan written up clearly anywhere, and if so, can you share it with me? What, exactly, is this plan? So far, I haven't seen it and I view all things through a skeptical eye.
5) So, how about my own method of analysis? I'm always on the hunt for facts, things I can logically accept as either true or damned close to true, you know, a good strong leaning that way. Then, I try to lay them out in a deductive line. I'll give you an example.
6) We know that @GenFlynn's name was leaked from a classified recording. We know that was a crime. We know that Gen Flynn is a victim of a crime. We know that he has both been accused and has confessed to committing a crime, himself as well. Facts.
7) We know that Mueller did not run his investigation, Weissman did. We know that Mueller didn't read, let alone write his report. We know that every member of his team were Democrat operators. These are simple facts.
8) We know that Weissman is the certified bad guy in @SidneyPowell1's book, and if you haven't read it yet, you must. We know they're licensed to lie, face no accountability, and are, in fact, a criminal operation disguised in the majesty of law. Simple facts.
9) I don't know why we have to go much further. That set of facts is, to me, indisputable. Sure, others will try, but for me, they're ironclad, no holes anywhere. So, what's the conclusion such a simple analysis leads to?
10) To me it's absolutely obvious. #PardonFlynnNow. Ungag him. Set him free. Cut him loose. Do it today. No more lingering and hoping and trusting, just do it. I don't even see the downside, in any way, shape or form. What is lost? The exoneration of a corrupt injustice system?
11) I have to add a word about Comey and AG Barr. I like AG Barr, I do. But he did the wrong thing here. What? He's waiting for a stronger case elsewhere, so he authorizes the same illegal excuse for Comey's crimes that Comey used for HRC? Are you kidding me?
12) James Comey is a felon, who has committed high crimes and misdemeanors. He should face the full force of the law. Nay. He had no provable intent, and neither did HRC. The intent was 100% obvious, and stated in public, on tape. Watch the damned tape.
13) No matter what occurs in the future, near or distant, I am sick of the limp, weak, abject surrender of the force of law. If I were HRC or Comey, I would not be afraid of our new sheriff, anymore than I was afraid of the previous one, Sessions.
14) Another point arises. Trump's advisors. Who are they? What is their own best interest? Are they serving the nation, or themselves? I'm a skeptic - I said that already, didn't I? - I do NOT see them serving the nation. I see them serving themselves.
15) I've written about Blago already. So, just quick, 14 years? There's no justification for that sentence. @POTUS clearly wanted to commute it. His advisors advised against it. He changed his mind. He's nicer than his reputation indicates. He doesn't like going against advice.
16) I do NOT judge him for that. No man is infinite. No man can get everything done on his own, by willing it so. No man can do his job without others to help him. Going against your advisors is dangerous business. You damn well better be sure. Not sure? Then listen.
17) I'm just saying I don't trust his advisors. And their counsel against a commutation for Blago is perfect fodder for my analysis. It's a fact. We know it. Savor that with me. No matter how much I don't like it, it's still a fact.
18) Enter social media. Enter the #PardonFlynnNow movement. We too are a fact. We have voice. As loud as we're dedicated to being. If we muster ourselves, we can be loud. If we target a single objective, we can be a force.
19) So, here's my conclusion, which I've reached many times. A pardon is the correct, best answer. It is an act of power. It is bold, and strong, and clear. It will be an historic fact, should it occur. It strengthens @realDonaldTrump more than any other single act.
20) And it does more for healing a wounded America than any other act as well. It shouts to the Swamp, your power is limited, not infinite, because we have a leader who takes right action. That's my analysis. #PardonFlynnNow