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Power of a Chariot

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 23 "Dust high and peaking is a sign of chariots approaching."

I think most of us today have essentially no sense whatsoever of the awesome, fearsome power of a chariot. You get a sense, somewhat, if you watch the movie Ben Hur. But even still, our modern minds must stretch to perceive the horrifying fear they inspired in times past.

I might try to make the comparison to a Sherman tank or today, an Abrams, but most of us civilians still won't be able to feel the pure, earth shaking terror of facing such a vehicle rolling toward you in anger. Considering that difficulty, how do we feel the terror of a chariot?

Try this. You're a heavily armored horseman, with a great lance. You have a side sword as well. Now, here rolls a chariot toward you, light, but well armored, it can turn on a dime. Two great horses pulling it. An armored driver and an armored bowman with a supply spears as well.

Or, you're a lightly armed horseman, awesome with your bow. Thing is, the chariot has protection you do not, and the archer in the chariot is standing on both his feet, whereas you're riding your horse. Who has the advantage? Now add an entire formation of chariots.

The commentators tell us that the reason the dust is rising high and peaking is two-fold. One, chariots are of course heavier than infantry marching. Two, they create ruts which the following chariots also drive in, concentrating the rising dust.

What is the most fearsome weapon the liberal left holds against America Herself? There can be no question for me, it is a teacher in a classroom, molding our children's minds and values. I'll give a recent example. My 15-year old granddaughter is, shockingly, a Trump supporter.

Yet at dinner the other night, the topic of gender confusion came up, and she happily explained that it was an emotional thing. A person simply feels something - emotionally - other than the gender they were born. I asked why? And her only answer was just they feel it.

For what it's worth, my granddaughter has no such confusion, and is very interested in boys. But she has more than just empathy for those who feel gender confusion, that emotional condition is one she accepts without the slightest question. That's the power of the classroom.

By the way, I have not the slightest hesitation going on record as 100% against this theory of emotional confusion. If it exists - and it likely does - it is NOT a natural condition. Even the ancient function of hermaphrodites in society was not based on confusion.

Rather, the condition of confusion was taught, programmed, by a culture at war with itself. A culture in which values are topsy-turvy and archer-like teachers drive the chariots of their classrooms toward the destruction of America Herself, blithely, morally in the own opinion.

Want to know how fearsome is their might? Read up on the Child's Revolution in China, 1966-1967. Its reverberations are felt in China now. How far is it from a million children marching against climate change in New York City to turning the children against their families?

The dust rising high and peaking was visible during Obama's reign, when he nationalized - which is to say socialized - the entire college debt industry. It rose high and peaked again during Sanders 2016 run, when socialism suddenly became a desirable thing for our youth.

Now, not only do we have AOC + 3 and her Green New Deal, we have every single Democrat candidate for President signing on to free healthcare for illegal aliens, and some version of Medicare For All, or single payer healthcare, wiping out private health insurance completely.

Forget the million children protesting, who knows how much they know or care. After all, how fun! Far more insidious is the blatant turning of the children against their parents. We are guilty for ruining the earth's climate. And, irresponsibly, we've left it to them to fix it.

Forget the million children protesting, who knows how much they know or care. After all, how fun! Far more insidious is the blatant turning of the children against their parents. We are guilty for ruining the earth's climate. And, irresponsibly, we've left it to them to fix it.

This again is the power of the classroom. We may not have the answer to the problem, yet, lacking a serious battle plan at all. But at least, we MUST recognize the dust rising high and peaking, indicating the educational chariot formation is barreling toward us.

I don't know if I'll have any more grandchildren or not. But if I do, part of my conversation with my children over their children will be this. What if I offer to pay for and run some form of home schooling for the new little ones? Pay for? Yeah, I couldn't do it full time.

We'd have to have the right classroom and procure a teacher who'd teach to our values and beliefs under the philosophy of the MAGA movement, and of America's long tradition of true greatness, our entire history leading up to and following our Constitution.

You have to fight a chariot with a chariot. Here's another such strategy, as opposed to homeschooling. Fight for the curriculum at the local public school. If I have the joy of another grandchild, I assure you, I'd be ready to bring a chariot to that battle, and I'd win.

Tell me what you think. Is there dust rising high and peaking that you see, indicating the vast power of chariots approaching in other areas than education? Please share. And be ready to bring your own chariot in response.

252 verses completed, 204 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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