Pasquale's New Year's Message 2020
Sooner or later - and who knows, maybe even in 2020 - all will be well. Here's why. The very Common Sense that gave birth to America has reawakened. The MAGA Movement is here to stay. We will not fall asleep again.
2) In fact, we're kind of still bleary eyed, balled up fists rubbing the sleep sand away, stretching, yawning, and completing the true process of waking up. It is still just dawn in the renewed America that resulted from 2016. We're nowhere near mid morning, yet.
3) A nation needs a dream. We The People almost lost ours. We The People essentially forgot the American Dream in a malaise of disbelief and surrender. How did this happen? There is, believe it or not, a simple answer. We were fooled into believing we were impotent.
4) Do you know Marx and his work? The key date is 1848, when he and Engels published their manifesto. Before Marx, in England, there was the creation of the Fabian Society in 1834. What a momentous century. Let's consider the Fabians for a moment.
5) The most important thing about the Fabians is that they successfully countered ancient English Freedoms with complete dependency upon the state. No longer was every man's home his castle, oh no. Rather, every man depended upon the state for his survival.
6) How did this work out? Very well indeed. The Labour Party in England was founded by the Fabians. How did that work out? Brexit is the answer. It took a bit over a century, call it roughly 130 years, for Britain to discover that its bent toward Socialism failed.
7) The stunning success of Brexit is a harbinger for good. Britain is essentially experiencing today what We The People experienced in 1776. Our nation is ours. We need not surrender so much as a single jot or tittle of sovereignty to any other power on earth.
8) We too have fallen prey to the false claims and siren calls of Socialism. This is NOT the doings of Bernie Sanders or AOC. They are the effect, not the cause. Progressivism roots back deeply into our history. Consider four Presidents: Roosevelt T, Taft, Wilson, Roosevelt F.
9) Communism, Socialism, Progressivism...who can tell the difference? Certainly we can draw this line or that, but it's to no avail. They may easily all be reduced to the state over the person, government power over individual freedom.
10) Here's an interesting thing. We're told at Druge today that China is colonizing Africa. How is this happening? By capitalist investment and mass migration, combined. Chins, unlike any other nation today, has embraced a return to colonial methods. Amazing!
11) Does it attempt to impose Communism first? Not a chance. It is employing the full force and power of Capitalism to establish its hold on the cities and territories it is claiming. It is a brilliant strategy, one we should absolutely consider!
12) But, I can assure you of what will follow. Once Capital investment nets profitable Return On Investment to the degree that power is fully established, the Party's totalitarian methods will immediately follow. Freedoms will be abolished. State control over all will settle in.
13) Again and again, the force of human freedom will take a natural fall. The question then will take its decades or centuries, when will Africa awaken? When, finally, will African freedom sing? Perhaps the 22nd Century will be the moment of Africa's awakening.
14) Back here in the good old USA, our path is different. We created, we invented the basis of a nation built upon the assent given it by its people. The truth is far deeper. While freedom arose in England, we reinvented freedom in 1776, and then again in 1789.
15) Of the two documents, the Declaration of Independence rises highest. It is the most universal, radical, and absolutely revolutionary document ever written in the history of mankind. If you take the 15 minutes to listen, you might enjoy my reading.…
16) My friends, we have the opportunity here in 2020 to yet again reinvent freedom itself. We may fail, and if we do, I'll not be too concerned. One never knows how many failures must occur before the lessons of victory are learned. Yet, that is not my prediction.
17) My prediction is that we'll succeed. We changed the course of history in 2016. We showed our flaws, weaknesses, and lingering sleepiness in 2018's midterms. Had we not failed, there'd be no impeachment. Contemplate that. But, it's okay, the impeachment will fail, obviously.
18) So, my prediction is that we'll arise again, take back the House, increase our MAGA presence in the Senate and gain the four more years in the White House that we so desperately require. We're bending the curve of America's history back to the right track.
19) I love the big picture, but we must always consider the little picture too. The single greatest travesty, the greatest tragedy of justice (note small j) in American history is unfolding before our eyes. @GenFlynn may well be sent to prison this month.
20) His sentencing hearing is set for January 28. If my reading of Judge Sullivan is correct, his mission is simply to destroy General Flynn, neutering his power, obliterating his reputation. My reading indicates that Gen Flynn is the most important target of the swamp.
21) The fact that @POTUS should pardon him - #PardonFlynnNow - by a #PardonOfInnocence is completely documented. To date, I have posted over 30 analyses covering every aspect of the pardon, both legally and politically. Please check out:

22) But allow me to make the right now, 2020 political case one more time. Flynn is innocent. He is the victim of the Russia Hoac investigation, and is the most pivotal target of the Take-Trump-Down mission of the swamp. If they can't get Trump, at least they got Flynn.
23) Or, injustice must have its day. Perhaps we must sacrifice Gen Flynn on the altar of state power, of protecting the swamp, of corrupting our judicial process before we truly and completely wake up. Maybe our complacency still requires jolts of agony before we surrender it.
24) I must be blunt. Two things. 1) The pardon of Gen Flynn is the single greatest act of courage and honesty that Trump can make in 2020. 2) To allow this hero to spend a single day in chains will be the greatest failure this President has allowed, should it occur.
25) Well, more. To pardon Flynn by reason of innocence, in the face of gross government and prosecutorial misconduct will be one of the greatest steps forward toward reelection that our great leader might complete. Is not loyalty one of Trump's greatest virtues? It is time, now.
26) Personally, it has always amazed me how easy it is for people to count the possibility of risk without so much as for a single moment contemplating the potential gain. Freeing Flynn now will gain more for reelection than any other single act. Period. That's gain.
27) Yet everyone tells me it's impossible, it's not feasible, it won't happen. And I say, okay, but none of that makes it right, or smart. Rather, as I have completely established in all my analyses on topic, there is no other way to justice...ahem...JUSTICE.
28) I have to ask, have any of you seriously contemplated the Soviet model of courts? And, have you considered how far toward that model we in America - or as we may yet become, Amerika - have traveled? General Flynn's case is the single most pivotal such moment in front of us.
29) If we allow this innocent hero, forced into a false guilty plea, to go down, then we have very possibly determined our fate as unworthy of the Republic we were born into. It is that serious. I must push further on that point.
30) Can you imagine a Red Army of Amerika (RAOA)? I most certainly can. If we lose the freedoms our forefathers bled and died for, if our courts are lost to predetermined, state-benefiting outcomes - can you say FISA/Star Chamber, and Carter Page - then what will stop the RAOA?
31) Here's the real tactical and strategic key to the moment. As @GenFlynn was politically assassinated, so also is our American Left attempting to assassinate @realDonaldTrump. The web is tangled and seemingly impossible to defeat. Yet, I still predict victory, anyway.
32) I know @GenFlynn personally and well. Yes, he is my hero, but he is also my personal and deep friend. And I can assure you, he has the strength to face any fate and NEVER, NEVER EVER surrender. He is resilient and strong as no man I've ever known.
33) Should America fail him, and require his prison time in order to awaken, he will walk tall wherever he is sent. He will know he carries his honor and integrity with him, wherever he goes, even into prison itself. Whatever he suffers, he is ready, as that is who he is.
34) So, looking forward into 2020, I can't tell you if the forces preventing his pardon will rise stronger than his leader's friendship, loyalty, and wisdom. I don't know. My great hope is obviously for his pardon by innocence. But if he is sentenced wrongly, I'll understand.
35) And if that occurs, I will forgive my President and blame those who counseled him against his better instincts. I have known ever since Flynn's initial take down that the forces of evil in our nation held such vast power we could not foresee the outcome.
36) But I say to you, my vision for 2020 remains one of complete victory. This is the battle we fight. This is the awakening that Trump commenced in 2015 and won the initial victory for in 2016. Of course, no one election could possibly win back all of America's future.
37) Should we win 2020, as I predict we will, that too will not win all of America's future or finally return us fully to our path of destiny. None of us alive today will see the completion of the journey. Like Johnny Appleseed, we must plant trees whose apples we'll never taste.
38) But I say again, 2020 is our year, no matter any specific outcome or failure. Failures are a necessary element of every path. There is no such thing as a failure-free victory. Whatever we lose on the way, we must learn from until we know how to win.
39) Failure Analysis is every bit as important for a people, a nation, a political party, or a movement as it is for individuals like you and me. We embrace our failures in all their pain as simple stepping stones on the path to ultimate victory.
40) For all that, victory is absolutely the mandate and the target. I've got a good feeling for 2020. Maybe, the best I've ever had for any beginning year. I ask, however, for your help. Let's fight this fight and win, together, for our children and our future. I say we can.