1) Good Morning, #PardonFlynnNow supporters. I suspect - I'm not sure yet - that today's thoughts will be the last of our #DreyfusFlynnInsights work. As to the timely information of the day, you'll want to check out this article:

2) I hate always being the messenger with the bad news, and even more so when I hope I'm 100% wrong about the bad news. I'm not seeing how the timeline in the filings of @GenFlynn's case are good news. You cannot imagine how much I hope my fear is incorrect.
3) And please, everyone, post something about how we're all rooting for you, Gen Flynn. Please let him know of your respect, love, and 100% support. And where you can, please donate here:
4) Alright @reallyhadenough, Judge Sullivan has a reputation as the great Brady man. And, if he lives up to that reputation, we'll win. Seriously. Ah, alas, but the timeline he's laid out scares me. More, he appears ready to cut off any new Brady issues.
5) My position all along is simply to stop this charade, this parody of justice which is actually 100% injustice. As to the truly great @SidneyPowell1, I want her promoted to Brady Czar where she can compel every part of this travesty to be addressed.
6) Turning back to our Dreyfus story from the 1890s, we discover the following fact: "The Dreyfus family exposes the affair and takes action." Family. Dreyfus' wife Lucie, and his brother Mathieu never gave up on him. Had they, there would never have been a Dreyfus Affair at all.
7) Do linger, slow and focused, here. The Dreyfus Affair was one of the great turning points in history. It could easily, EASILY never have happened. What was more likely? The innocent man, a Jew, trapped in an antisemitic system, languishes imprisoned till he dies.
8) What was the last you heard of Paul Manafort? Last I heard, he was still in solitary confinement, slowly degrading in his health, execution by imprisonment. No one has taken up his case - I cannot - and he languishes as far as I know. This is not about money. It's about power.
9) There is a term in justice that we should all know. That term is "proportionality." The punishment must suit the crime, proportionally. Manafort, in solitary confinement is 100% out of proportion. So, who did that? The Mueller investigation did, along with a vile Judge.
10) This relates back to Dreyfus, not only in solitary confinement, but get this. I learned yesterday that the famed Devil's Island prison was reopened SOLELY for him. He was, at the time, its one and only inmate. It gets worse. A fake report of an attempted escape was published.
11) So, what did the bored administrator of the prison do in response to this false news story? He shackled Dreyfus' feet to his bunk so he couldn't so much as get out or stand up. We can only imagine that Dreyfus felt he'd die that way, shackled to his prison bunk.
12) You might think that was the worst, lowest moment. And maybe it was. But there's one other moment you need to know about. It was called his "degradation." I'll quote our source extensively over this phenomenal horror next, right now.
13) "On 5 January 1895, the ceremony of degradation took place in the Morlan Court of the Military School in Paris. While the drums rolled, Dreyfus was accompanied by four artillery officers, who brought him before an officer of the state who read the judgment.
14) "A Republican Guard adjutant tore off his badges, thin strips of gold, his stripes, cuffs and sleeves of his jacket. Witnesses report the dignity of Dreyfus, who continued to maintain his innocence while raising his arms:
15) "'Innocent, Innocent! Vive la France! Long live the Army'. The Adjutant broke his sword on his knee and then the condemned Dreyfus marched at a slow pace in front of his former companions."
16) The power of the moment was captured by, I suspect, a NOT sympathetic artist, here. Please look deeply into the image.

17) The Japanese teach us that the sword is the soul of the Samurai. Every military tradition in history unites the weapon with the warrior at a spiritual level. Lifting his right knee into the act, the officer breaks the soul of the warrior before him, symbolically.
18) Okay, I've decided, I'll do another installment of our #DreyfusFlynnInsights journey tomorrow. We will absolutely turn to the Dreyfus family and their role, and the Flynn family and its. For today, the power of the degradation must be left in its own solitude.
19) And the power of the solitary confinement, the shackles on his feet, and the complete attempt to destroy Dreyfus' soul stands alone as well. Feel it. A 100% innocent man degraded and imprisoned and all with absolute falsity of purpose. Feel it.
20) No, I don't trust courts or judges, and neither should you. So please, please, reach out to @realDonaldTrump today and request: Please Mr. @POTUS, #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence
