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#PardonFlynnNow Analysis

Pasquale Scopelliti

26 January 2020 - #PardonFlynnNow Analysis If there's a single thing that's clear, as @GenFlynn's case progresses, it is that @SidneyPowell1 doesn't play by the swamp's rules. Can you imagine the actual trial of Gen Flynn, should this case move forward?

2) I enjoy sending nods to my Q following friends whenever I can. They're theory has always been, Gen Flynn's case is needed to out the evil actors, that he has been a willing sacrificial lamb on the altar of American justice, and that there is a plan centered on his case.

3) I haven't accepted or embraced "the plan." I still don't believe it exists. But current evidence offers my friends a bit more support. Consider this story. I'll quote the key portion below...

4) Isn't the internet interesting. Here I am, working on this thread, and for some reason I'm not able to access the story linked to above any longer. I apologize that I can't quote and will have to characterize. It's a funny business, isn't it?

5) Aha! I somehow restored the page. Here is the first key quote: "A 302 report summarizing the interview was supposed to be filed within five days. But the earliest draft Flynn’s lawyers were provided was from Feb. 10, 2017—more than two weeks after the interview."

6) This single report - the original 302 - is the fundamental basis of the case against Gen Flynn. It is more important than any other document in the entire case. Yet, it is NOT being provided by the prosecution. We have to linger on that.

7) We've all heard the term "weaponization," relative to various aspects of our government. What does that really mean? Who would have to be involved for such a thing to occur? It's not a difficult list to suss out. Obviously, we begin with the FBI.

8) I hope you've already seen this clip of James Comey explaining the trap he set for Gen Flynn. If not, be ready to be chilled to your bones:

9) Next we have the Mueller Investigation, which is coming under more and more disrepute - consider the baseless FISA warrants against Carter Page and the need to "quarantine" all evidence that flowed from it - and then the prosecution perpetrated by that flawed office.

10) We're going to have to embrace the following two, terrible words: Criminal Prosecution. Note: this is NOT the prosecution of a criminal. Rather, it is the criminal use of prosecutorial power. In the Mueller Investigation, the prosecution is, itself, an act of crime.

11) I've been following and analyzing this case in real time since its very beginning. I still can't quite take the fact in, that the prosecutors are the criminals. The evidence is overwhelming that they are. The missing original 302 is the pivot point where this can't be denied.

12) I won't quote this part of the story from the article, but follow out with me - again - how the prosecution broke its plea deal. They suborned perjury from Gen Flynn, and he refused. We have another source we'll consider for that part of story, shortly.

13) The prosecution criminally altered the very documents of the deal, inserting the word "knowingly" where "UNknowingly" had been. They, when they attempted to force Gen Flynn to lie about this, he refused. His honor is 100% intact. That's amazing.

14) Leap forward. Imagine that the plea deal is allowed to be withdrawn. We don't know that it will, but we have to imagine that it might be. What would happen then? There would be the trial of the century. It would be the biggest case of the entire Trump era to date.

15) This is from the article: "Top Brass Witnesses "Powell said in the WMAL radio interview that if Sullivan allows the plea withdrawal and the case goes to trial, she will call witnesses including former FBI Director James Comey...

16) "his former deputy, Andrew McCabe, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok, and the “agent who cannot be named,” referring to Special Agent Joe Pientka.


17) "It was Strzok and Pientka who interviewed Flynn, while Comey and McCabe were involved in planning the interview. Powell previously requested Clapper’s phone records...

18) "to “confirm” whether he communicated with Washington Post columnist David Ignatius, “especially on January 10, 2017, when Clapper told Ignatius in words to the effect of ‘take the kill shot on Flynn,’” she said."

19) Back to my beloved Q friends and their vaunted plan. If there is such a plan, and if it includes this trial, then that would have to be a wonderful thing. We must turn to another path in a moment, but what a thing of beauty to envision. Justice returned to its proper place.

20) Sadly, friends, I am NOT predicting any such outcome and the next link will offer you the basis of my reasoning. It is a truly stunning interview with the incredible @marklevinshow. Here's the link:…

21) I've shared previously how the story of Judge Emmet Sullivan - the judge presiding over Flynn's case - has been falsely created for public consumption. We have to quickly review Senator Ted Stevens' case which he presided over.

22) Senator Stevens was falsely accused, tried, and convicted, and his conviction came just days before his election bid which he lost as a result. This loss gave the Democrats - in 2009 - absolute control of the Senate. The loss of his seat gave them their 60th vote.

23) The government knew its charges were 100% false and feared that the truth might come out and make them look bad. What to do? The newly installed AG Eric Holder devised a brilliant plan. The government would, itself, offer up all the exculpatory evidence previously withheld.

24) It was this that @marklevinshow clarifies in the interview. Judge Sullivan, having presided over Stevens' false conviction, was prodded, supported by Holder in the appeal process that exonerated Stevens. In this manner both Holder and Sullivan look like heroes.

25) Sadly, we really don't even have to guess at this point. Why not? Judge Sullivan, as you will hear, wrote a 92-page response denying every bit of @SidneyPowell1's request for exculpatory evidence. Judge Sullivan is not a hero. He has proven his dishonor. He is weaponized.

26) We don't have to linger long over the final part of the weaponry, that of Covington Burling, and its feted attorney, Robert Kelner. He was the one who persuaded Gen Flynn to plead guilty, making Gen Flynn believe he had unwittingly committed a crime on the form he signed.

27) Kelner was the most important part of this criminal triangle. A prosecutor's role is easy to understand. A judge too, even when he's turned, is obviously the officer of the law itself. But when your very own defense attorney is turned against you, that is a perfect weapon.

28) This is why I always say that this court has no standing to clear or exonerate Gen Flynn. The court and its entire procedure are so bent that the only thing it might do is drop the case and step away. Even then, the court needs exoneration, NOT Gen Flynn.

29) If you're interested in the law behind a #PardonOfInnocence, by all means, please do check out our website (thanks to @TamaraLeigh_llc) here. The entire case for a pardon is documented exhaustively.

30) To my judgement, these two acts are the last hurrah of the Democrats in their fight against @realDonaldTrump and the #MAGAMovement. That is, Gen Flynn's case and the current #ImpeachmentHoax. You can see that no part of the law turned and bent is too distasteful for them.


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