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Pasquale Scopelliti

1) I was just about to get started with the next in our ongoing Coronavirus analyses, when my granddaughter let me know she'd missed her schoolbus. So, I'll be heading of to highschool in a few minutes! She's such a wonderful girl, I'm not even able to be upset.

2) In the few minutes I have before we have to take off (we'll take less than 1/4 of the time the bus takes), I'll just offer these remarks, as opposed to my normal in depth work. Truth is we are NOT suffering from any physical pandemic at all. We likely will, but we're not yet.

3) In order to explain, I've decided to invent a horribly ugly new term: panfearemic. Maybe I should use hyphens, what do you think: pan-fear-emic. If you listen for it, you'll hear the same essential point made. It's not the disease, rather it's the fear that's the problem

4) Allow me an example. Companies are already closing their offices and asking their people to work from home. Not all, but enough for it to be a real thing. Yet, the CDC has NOT recommended this step. Every closed office, PRIOR to a CDC recommendation, represents fear.

5) Let's quickly look at the stock market again. We have no real indicators of what the virus will do to business, but panicked selling is plunging the prices. It's all based on spreading fears.

6) I don't know much about the physics of bombs. But, I do know that it isn't the explosion itself that causes the worst damages, it's the shockwave the explosion creates that causes the damage. The same is being seen right now with the virus.

7) Don't mistake me, the shockwave is real, and so is fear. It's just that where a shockwave cannot be stopped, fear can be. When I have more time, I'll review a case from 2016 where I saw this happen before my very eyes. You'll love that story!

8) To reiterate, we're not in a virus crisis, but we appear to be clearly in a fear crisis. I can't look it up and get you a good link, yet, but the Buddhists have been working on this very problem for 1,000s of years, and have a wonderful Sutra (an extended meditation) on it.

9) I can give you the essence of it though. You know you're going to die. You don't know the day or the thing that will cause your death, that's not known, or knowable, but you do know, and with 100% certainty, that you will. Yet, you seem to forget that you will.

10) Thing is you're not dead yet. You can tell that by the fact that you're breathing. Check it out. If you're not breathing anymore than you're gone already. But, if you still are, then here you are! It's cool, isn't it? Speaking of which, my granddaughter is yelling at me now.


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