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Ousting @Genflynn

Pasquale Scopelliti

1) In today's #PardonFlynnNow discussion, we're going to consider two key points. The first is tactical, with a good deal of strategy in play, and the second is historic. I'll begin with an historic statement, and then dive into tactics and close out with history again.

2) There were two streams of history I observed in 2016 and early 2017. First, the friendship, the public friendship between @realDonaldTrump and @GenFlynn was a gigantically important part of the stream of history that got Trump elected.

3) Second, following the victory of 2:30 AM, 9 Nov 2016, the transition commenced and we must all confess that winning was so hard, we rather collapsed, and did not know how to do the transition. Least of all me, as an outside, volunteer analyst. I lost all my data at that point.

4) History itself spoke in February 2017. The most well-coordinated attack against a Cabinet-Level appointee in American history took place in the ouster of @GenFlynn. That story is deeply embedded in the stream of American history, now.

5) It must be stated as well, that the role of VP Pence in Gen Flynn's ouster is NOT yet understood. We do KNOW, 100%, that Flynn did NOT lie to Pence. And yet, Pence is on record to the contrary, as is our President. This is an historic discrepancy. It is not resolved.

6) As I said, I'll return to the significance of all this after discussing today's tactical mandates. But please know this, Flynn's ouster is historic. It embodies historic issues for America. And, it's not over yet. Be clear, America's future history hinges here. Now.

7) Tactics. There's a single key for @POTUS, and it is the issue of surrogates. Many of his current defenders I love, at least a little. And they make a manful job of trying to defend our President against the evil combination of House Democrats and their slavish media.

8) Even trying to focus on tactics, both history and strategy intrude. The Democrats are religiously destroying one of the few lingering pillars of our Constitutional Republic. This is called, by their owned media, an Impeachment. It is not. They still don't have the votes.

9) But through lies and manipulations, through the destruction of the very meaning of the term Impeachment, they're whittling away America's protections by due course of law. This is Impeachment-lite, the new Democrat way of Democracy.

10) So, what tactics should be embraced? The first must be obvious to all who've been following here, #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence. @GenFlynn would be the most powerful surrogate that the president's tactical needs might call for.

11) A component of Gen Flynn's extraordinary power for contribution that has NOT been commented on, is this. He is NOT merely the world's number 1 information innovator at war and intelligence, he is also an historian of the very highest caliber. He knows our history.

12) The tactical situation today is clear. The Democrats with their compliant propaganda arm in the media are wiping out the truth and factual reality of America's history with their current False-Impeachment strategy. As @seanhannity might call it, a Non-Impeachment Impeachment.

13) What we can see, tactically, is that our @POTUS does NOT have a surrogate capable of fielding the incoming while propagating the proper message. The only man in America with the standing to do so is @GenFlynn. Oh, but the left has him silenced. Alas.

14) Tactically, all my friends who want to patiently wait for the court at law to clear Flynn never, not one time ever, have responded to the question of the day count. I can't count how many times I've brought it up. I can count the number of times it's been responded to. Zero.

15) So, let's put paid for today to the tactical issue of Gen Flynn's surrogate powers, powers stifled by an illegal prosecution. I hate doing that. Oh well. Okay, so what should Trump's tactics be, assuming he wrongly fails to #PardonFlynnNow?

16) Before I answer, you must let me express my grievance against Trump's advisors. Why are they not supporting Flynn? Why are they not advising what I'm about to share? I can't help myself but to say, shame on the advisors. Here is the correct advice.

17) Use your office. There is no greater power in your tactical aegis than a speech from the Oval Office. And you can do one daily if you wish. Stop relying on the press gaggles before you get into your helicopter. Those are fine, but not sufficient.

18) Remember FDR and his fireside chats. You are vastly mightier than he was. Yes, you have your power of Twitter, and your power of rallies. But right now, tactically, they're not enough. No, you must be THE PRESIDENT. You must use your office, and speak from it.

19) Teach us the real law of Impeachment and show us how the Democrats are destroying it for all time, if we fail to stop them. Show us your innocence. Attack the enemies of America from within with no hesitation and complete comfort of truth itself.

20) You have always been your own greatest spokesman, Mr. @POTUS. Speak. Take your time. Be slow and gentle with us, while being strong and firm and mighty. You are our leader. Give us that leadership. That's your tactical path forward, should you embrace it.

21) As to your current tactical team, well, they're up against challenges above their capabilities. You're attempting to actually drain the swamp, but the people you have to rely upon have lived and thrived in the swamp. Logical contradiction there, right?

22) It's okay. They have good hearts. The swamp thrived, not because of evil hearts, but because of good hearts easily tempted. This is to be understood. But a new rule must be laid down, a new anti-swamp order must be embraced and yes, enforced.

23) Your team has evolved and improved. Now, it's time to find a voice who can completely express your message. You are your own voice as discussed above. But you must have other voices who manage the challenge properly. You know where I stand on Gen Flynn, he is the best.

24) Still, there are others who can do better than has yet been done. Here's my single recommendation tactically, outside of pardoning Flynn and using him. @GreggJarrett. Hire him away from FOX. Give him some position such as Legal Communications Czar. He can handle the job.

25) Enough on today's tactics. Just please know, Mr. @POUTUS, Sir, you can win this, and we, your followers, all trust that you will. This Impeachment will do nothing but help you win 2020 in a landslide. So, that's where I stand on that, Sir.

26) A dear friend - not the same one as last time - brought up an brand new study I have commenced. I hate my friends - by which I mean I love them - for always burdening me with research. When will I ever have done enough research? Enough whining. The Dreyfus Affair. Yep.

27) First, if you don't remember him from High School history, look him up. The Dreyfus Affair. Here's the simple bottom line, historically, after only initial research. He was 100% setup, falsely. He spent many years in prison as a result. Many false decisions at law occurred.

28) Second, I have committed to a deep dive on the Dreyfus story. It is clear from a simple first glance that the ties are beyond uncanny. An innocent man abused for political purposes and years of his life spent at loss as a consequence. And more...

29) The very nature of France's identity as a people, a culture and a nation were at stake. Dreyfus, a Jew, collected all the anti-Semitic heat of those terrible days. Perhaps we should coin the ugly term anti-Trumpitic. Flynn has become the target of all such hatred.

30) I promise to execute my studies of Dreyfus, and pull its historic significance and lessons out for us. It'll take some time. In the meantime, please join me in my petition: Please, Mr. @POTUS, #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence


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