1) 1 Feb 2020 - #MAGA Analysis
Our condition as a nation, and yes as a people, appears - I'll explain that qualifying term below - to have changed yet again, now that the Senate Republicans have taken the key action to reject additional investigation and cross examination.
2) Of course, one never knows when saliva-on-your-finger, wind-shift testing souls such as politicians may reverse course for some fickle purpose that stands as the righteousness of the moment. It is therefore possible that Senate Republicans could yet cave. Very possible.
3) But I don't predict that. And it's not their strength of character that leads me to make that call, it is rather my read of our character, we in the #MAGA Movement. I believe we have spoken and our Senators have heard, and rightly fear our unbounded wrath should they fail.
4) In all truth, and with great joy, I proclaim our victory and celebrate, even while I keep a squinty eye staring right at them and on their potential faithlessness should they lose sight of us. We need to turn now to an analogy to locate precisely where we stand.
5) The analogy is to a smooth, deep, fast moving river. You can see the current's strength by watching any leaf or flotsam moving by rapidly, but the surface is calm. Now, we come to a bend and the channel shallows and their are rocks or even boulders ahead: rapids.
6) A funny thing about rapids, the rocks are obstructions to the strong flow, and their effect is to slow the water down, overall. But if you're in a kayak or canoe, it sure doesn't feel that way. Part of the reason is that the strong current below explodes to the surface.
7) When you follow the news, and deep drum beat please, we wonder will Lamar Alexander vote for or against continued investigation, dahnt, dahnt, dah...that is all surface effect. Oh, oh, Murkowski. Hallelujah, jubilation. But all this will soon pass and rapidly be forgot.
7) Still, beneath the surface, a condition has shifted, the deep current has changed. Those are the things to watch for, to note, to remark upon. The Democrat ammunition is now spent. Oh to be sure, they'll try to have more and more bombshells, no question. But it won't matter.
8) We have arrived at that moment when all news will be drawn, like meteors are to the Earth, falling through the sky, towards 3 November. Get ready for the onslaught. You will be told over and over again, this is the most important election of our lives. Every election is.
9) But this or that election being THE MOST IMPORTANT EVER is not either true or even tactically intelligent. It is a boy-crying-wolf yet again. I don't mind answering, I did then and do still now believe that 2016 was the most important election of our lives.
10) As an analyst, I do my damndest to offer and follow counter-theories, opposing the outcome I desire. As of right now, I just can't. I don't see a single thing on the horizon indicating a Trump defeat. What? Coronavirus destroys the DJIA and Sanders wins? Okay. Un huh. Sure.
11) No, to understand where we are right now, we have to look downward into the deep current that Trump created and leads, but that we, the #MAGA Movement, empower. And lo and behold, it was our friends at the Gallup polling outfit who open the best window for us.

12) Understand, I'm not a big fan of the Gallup organization, and I'm no fan of their methods on this particular pole. For once, I won't get into the polling weeds too far. I'll just give you these words: "a random sample of 1,014 adults." Talk about skimming the surface!
13) But there are times when you can throw a rock in any direction and it will still hit the huge pond in front of you. That's how I react to this poll's results. The economy, nation's security, military strength, and race relations, all four massively improved.
14) For my own part, the single most important factor I judge by, following the extraordinary drop in unemployment, is the naturally rising wages at the bottom. We're going to dive into that current, deeply, now.
15) Over the past decades, the Progressive Left has established a mantra, which they believed to be an irrefutable truth. 'Trickle down economics,' they lovingly state again and again, 'have never worked and are proven wrong every time.' Or some such to that effect.
16) It's an easy call that you won't be hearing much about that this election season. And I urge that we should get very comfortable, on our side, with the simple terms: supply and demand. As demand rises and supply falls, prices rise. Labor is just such a thing. Jobs. Go figure.
17) Next, the fiscal conservatives will come out clamoring that our rising debt will drown us. No, I say, it won't. Here's why. First an economy can handle growing debt when its making more money. Yes, it's a problem to be solved. No, it will not take us down.
18) Go back in time with me. Trump made it clear, every single time he discussed the Military spending, that he was forced - by the law of the art of the deal - to give Democrats all kind of Domestic spending in order to rebuild our Military. He said so every single time.
19) I believe I know why. He foresaw - he chose, in fact - that in 2018 he HAD to invest into the Senate, and could NOT defend or protect the House. He also knew - and stated repeatedly - that with him NOT being on the ticket, our results would not be great.
20) Who will give him credit, right now, for the 51 - 49 vote that just got him off the hook of Impeachment? He knew the Democrats would unleash the dogs of hell at him, and he knew he'd need his Senate. Now that's strategy. We're talking Sun Tzu qualified strategy.
21) And when racking up ever higher levels of spending over these years, I believe I know his plan. I'm pretty sure he's told us this. After the 2020 election, he'll have the power to cut spending. He'll never cut military spending. Rather, entitlements and domestic spending.
22) The power? Yes. An honest House under McCarthy's speakership, as opposed to the hellacious Paul Ryan House that was as bad for us as Nancy Pelosi's House is. A stronger #MAGA presence in the Senate, maybe even 60 Republicans. Now that's a magic number!
23) When you consider the opposition this president has faced, the unrelenting incoming over the past 3 years, it is a stunning thing to imagine. For one, I cannot imagine a single other leader anywhere in the entire world who could have done it.
24) As I look backward down the halls our previous presidents, I don't see a single one to take this kind of incoming against him. Not one. It's easy to understand. He's working to drain the swamp. And the swamp's reach is vast. Yet, he's coming through. Wow.
25) We'll discuss these things many times in coming weeks and months. But in all cases, until a disposition has concluded, I will always end my analysis in the same way. Here I go... #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence