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Our Banners and Flags Are in Disorder

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 39 "Banners and flags moving are a sign of disorder."

When did we lose our way, in America? When did our banners and flags start moving, such that our enemies noted the signs of our disorder? It's NOT an easy question to answer. Still, I offer that following WWII, Free Market Capitalism took a great hit in the late 40's.

We might make the case that the real year was 1995, when the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs from 1948, GATT, evolved into the World Trade Organization. Globalism's ascension was complete. America in retreat.

Back in the 40's, there was also the creation of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Contemplate that. We know that Wilson's League of Nations failed, as did his war to end all wars. That was in the teens and twenties of the 20th Century.

Starting in the late 30's, but executed in the mid 40's, the United Nations too is a part of the fray. Put them all together, and you have the shifting of the flags and banners of America. The UN, the IMF, World Bank, GATT and then, mid 90's the WTO. This is the New World Order.

What's the unifying theme amongst them all? American Exceptionalism is rejected. The globe is what counts. The nation state is denied. The nation is subsumed within the greater world order. And underneath it Communism. Sure, called Socialism, but that's just a lie.

It is absolutely critical that you meditate as deeply upon this as you can. Your enemies are the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the United Nations, and the World Trade Organization. And of course, the Democrats and Republican Parties also. Yeah, there are many.

As I've mentioned, my respect for Nixon is growing as I read his book The Real War. Yet, his failures most certainly added to the shifting of banners in America. Carter remains popular to this day. Reagan is a hero, no questioning that. I might offer his failures, but why?

Well, I guess I must. Beirut. The withdrawal of our forces there. Reagan allowed the perception that America can be backed off by terrorism, that when hit, we vacate. That was a failure. I hate to say it, but I guess I must. That is a banner moving, a flag in motion. Alas.

If we reduce Reagan's infinite contributions down to a single factor, it would have to be the increase in defense investment. He cracked to USSR's ability to spend. Their economy couldn't keep pace with ours. That is what won the Cold War.

Banners and flags moving in disorder, what we must confess is that having won the Cold War, we lost the peace that ensued. Allow me an example. Did you know that China is actively colonizing Africa, today? Yep. Chinese people are implanted across the continent.

There are Chinese Restaurants everywhere in all the critical African capitals. There are no KFCs. Why do we allow China such access? We are slaves to the global order, that's why. They're not. We are. Our banners and flags are in disorder. We've squandered our WWII victory.

Ask yourself, do you have any banners and flags? Do any of your followers follow the guidance your banners and flags offer? Or are they, like the rest of America, also in retreat? Have they, too, lost their fighting spirit, their fire in the belly of American Will?

Let's flip the focus. The Democrats have long since lost their entire claim upon patriotism. Their banners and flags have become 100% anti-American. They're against our natural freedoms and rights. They're against the very nature of our being as a nation state. Think for a second upon the sign on the door over a bathroom. No, it doesn't mean women are women, or men are men, oh no. Rather, a man who feels like a woman can go to the women's bathroom. The banners and flags of our natural order be damned. Uh huh.

Let's talk about sexual orientation, gender preference. Throughout history, there have been about 10% of the adult population that is gay, 90% straight. But, that's not okay. Rather, our teenaged daughters must be informed to consider having a girlfriend, sexually.

Every time some idiot boy breaks one of our daughters' hearts, they must consider that maybe a girl wouldn't have. Obviously, nothing could be further from the truth. Gay or straight, humans break humans' hearts. But the banners and flags are shifting.

The answer is, as always, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. These are the flags of America's original greatness. Making America Great Again demands a return to those flags and banners.

And then there's our current Impeachment endeavor. How much more loudly might the Deep State announce the disorder in our flags and banners to our global enemies? Why is Trump the one to take the fall, should he do so? It's simple. Globalism over America. New flags and banners.

If you haven't yet, you must. You must contemplate the clear potential of a Red Army of America. You must imagine a Communist Revolution, the likes of 1917, here. You must NOT allow Communism to enjoy the false flag of Socialism, as if it were innocent of Stalin's purges.

We should rename their banner. Perhaps Socio-Communism might work. Socialism is a banner for Communism-lite and is false from the get-go. Yet, in today's 2020 Democrat Party, Socialism is ascendant. How's that for our banners and flags moving?

Let's ensure that the 80-year old endeavor of the Globalists to take over America fails. Let's raise our flag, in order. Let's burn their flags and force them into disarray. Fie on the IMF and World Bank. Fie on the UN and the WTO. Let's burn them all down.

A single step? Defund the UN. Remove the right of the dictators of the world to arrive in New York under protection of America Herself. Let's leave the UN, and allow it to relocate wherever it wishes, just not here, not in America. Let's end it.

And as to Election 2020, let's get our own flags and banners in order. Landslide 2020. We won't allow the Democrat - or unfaithful Republicans - to derail our cause. We will let their own disarray dismay them. Let us ensure our own discipline, and serve America's mission.

267 verses completed, 189 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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