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Our 5 Questions + Why? Part 4 of 5

Pasquale Scopelliti

Updated: Aug 27, 2020

25 August 2020 #BetweenTheLinesDotVote Analysis Our 5 Questions + Why? Part 4 of 5 Who WILL win? This is, and by far, the single most important question. It embodies what I call the @GenFlynn doctrine: Who the people believe will win, will win.

2) To demonstrate this principle, I turn to Mao Tse Tung and his more than 20 years Civil War in China. Most people have no idea of that war, or what it was about. We're going to cover a sketch of it. It's truly pertinent, I promise. We begin in 1911 with the Chinese Revolution.

3) Our first key figure was Dr. Sun Yat Sen. He came to embody the end of the Imperial Era of over 2,000 years, and was a true believing Communist. His heir to the role of leadership was Chiang Kai Shek. Few people realize this was the first successful communist revolution.

4) For reasons outside our consideration, a splinter group of Communists, eventually led by Mao Tse Tung, rebelled against Chiang Kai Shek's rule. Civil War ensued. Mao took charge over this war in 1927, leading the rebellion until he founded the People's Republic of China, 1949.

5) Those 22 years from 1927 to 1949 were made possible by a single strategic decision Mao made. During those long years, he courted the people. Wherever he could, he was their savior. He asked for their help, never demanding it. Where Chiang was demanding, Mao was persuasive.

6) Over those long 22 years, inclusive of WWII, Mao recruited and won the minds, hearts, souls, and support of the Chinese people. If he didn't ultimately become a Communist Dictator in the end, with millions of deaths on his hands, we'd worship him to this day, here in America.

7) I have a question. Have you actually studied our own Revolutionary War, from 1775 - 1783? I confess that I really haven't. I will correct that failure. But consider, our 8 years at war against Britain, was roughly 1/3 of Mao's Revolution against Communist Chiang. Incredible.

8) There is only one answer to the question of HOW he did it. He won and kept the hearts of the people. He made the people believe he would win in the end. As General Flynn teaches us, who the people believe will win, will win.

9) Fast forward to 2020. Where 2016's Democrat strategy was Fake News, which they doubled down upon in the following years, 2020's strategy I deem to be False Polling. Biden could not be the candidate right now, nor have any chance of victory at all, without False Polling.

10) For Democrats, this is a tragedy. It is one of the great purposes of my new polling outfit to offer Democrats the data they need to PROVE that Biden can win, if such proof is available to be found. Do check out our 100% fair and honest site, here:

11) Looking at Trump over a period of years, there's a single strategic asset he owns, unlike anyone else in history. He draws his negatives first, early, and long. He leads the way to his own weaknesses, knowing his enemies can't resist the temptation.

12) Think Nietzsche and Kanye: that which does not kill us makes us stronger. What the Democrat leadership seems never to realize is just that. Every time they mount up their next grand strategy to defeat Trump, and fail again, they burnish his Teflon Don reputation.

13) Turning inward, imagine 3 November 2020. You may, or may not, carve out time in your day to go vote. If you think your guy has already lost, why bother? Who the people believe will win, will win. Your vote is worth the hassle, if you believe your guy will win.

14) People naturally want to support a winner. They hate supporting a looser. It matters not one whit if others know or don't know. The furious passion to back a winner is a human need, far larger than has been understood. It is the ultimate question: Who WILL Win?

15) Let's go back to polling. My honest belief is that the Democrats are attempting to trick their way into an unearned victory. The key to their strategy, as I see it, is False Polling. Let's look at that from a big picture perspective.

16) How do you place your thumb on the results of a poll? It truly is easy as can be. First, you select your sampling. That is, who will you call, requesting their answers? Screw that sampling toward your desired answers, and voila, you're already in front of the game.

17) Second, tilt the questions. Here's an example: Do you feel President Trump has managed the Corona Virus as well as he should have? Right there, within the question itself, we can see the pure bias of the pollster. That question yields the answers that pollster seeks.

18) A pollster may use timing as well. Some thing just happened, and the MSM has successfully taken the edge over the day's news cycle. So, as a poll we might ask: How do you feel about White Supremacists, and do you feel Trump has challenged them adequately?

19) Here's another questioning bias example: Do you feel that statues are more important than the health and wellbeing of inner city citizens? When you consider that, how does that make you feel about Trump's blatant support for Confederate monuments?

20) Mind please, these examples are my own creations. I do NOT have real world examples of such blatant questioning bias. I suspect if I went on the prowl, I'd find them. And, as to prowling, every time I turn to the MSM I hear their experts expounding on precisely these topics.

21) As a tool of campaigning, I understand the use of False Polling. One need not be moralistic or condescending, if merely to disagree. I credit the majority, the vast majority of Democrat pollsters, analysts, activists, and partisans with their loyalty to America. I do.

22) What I do judge is hypocrisy, when they know what they're doing is fase, but do it anyway out of self-preservation and personal advantage. I've met these people, and had drinks and meals with them on K Street in DC. They're professionals, in the first degree.

23) For them, morality is in progress of whatever form they're most interested in. They claim moral purpose. They do. But, when push and shove are finished they always return to pragmatics, to the practical field of the possible, over the ideal world of what should be.

24) And I can 100% assure you, the ONLY they care about in elections, is who WILL win. One of the Deep State friends I developed told me he always dreaded when Republicans took the White House. Sooner rather than later, they'd show up and make him delete 20 year-old initiatives.

25) For men like my Deep State friend, nothing in the world matters more than, nothing in the world equals the question: who WILL win? And that's why I am hell bent on discovering the answer to that question, before the election.

26) I claim to be a master of something called Power Analysis. Show me any situation, and I will show you who the power players are. My overarching structure comes from game theory. Who are the players? What are the plays? Who's got the best chance of winning?

27) Much of what we've been discussing with this question - Who will win? - comes down to the player with the most commitment. This is rightly called Fundamental Analysis. The other type - my favorite - is called Technical Analysis. Both forms are needed.

28) If we might only find good data and determine whether Trump is strong or weak right now, Biden is strong or weak right now. I passionately hope to be able to give you solid data. But, even if I can't, I will show up and analyze what data we can find, that I deem worthy.

29) For all that, I am NOT afraid to say I see this election as being 100% Trump's to lose, Biden't to win. I suspect that the uphill slope for Biden is greatly steeper than he realizes. I say, this is Trump's to lose. That is, if he doesn't mess up, he'll win.

30) Never be shy to tell your story. Your vote counts. Your American life matters. Head over to my poll, and fill out the Anonymous Poll, first. Then, don't stop. Head over to the On The Record Polls and fill them out with your answers to the question: Why? Let's get this right!

Thread ends at #30. And if you haven't been there yet, please head over to our poll at BetweenTheLines.Vote.


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