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Opportunities for Advancement

Pasquale Scopelliti

John Minford, #SunTzu 9: 35 "An advantage perceived but not acted on, indicates utter exhaustion."

Do you work for a large firm? If so, does your firm offer training courses for advancement? If so, have you taken them, and did you do a great job? What about night school after work? What about volunteer work, the kind your firm would recognize in assessing you?

If you haven't taken advantage of these opportunities, could it be that you're bit more tired in your career than you may wish to admit? Maybe your work is simply more job than career, and you're tired, maybe even exhausted. Hear Master Sun's counsel. Look first at yourself.

On the other side of the equation, are you a manager, and do you have an opening to fill? Have you considered the opportunity-attack question in your assessment? Tell me, you might say, about the opportunities for advancement, for ongoing skill building that you've completed.

Once upon a time, I worked for a very large brokerage selling commodity options. We had a 7:00 AM training meeting every day. It was from our lead researcher in NYC, done over a speaker phone. I always sat in the front row and asked the most questions.

Our teacher was Dr. Jerry Gold. He and I spent a few hours together on a Thames River cruise dinner party. Everyone else was having fun. We talked shop, and we had our own fun. That's a night I'll never forget. Working with his daily guidance was a wonderful opportunity.

Please remember that every opportunity to advance you refuse logs itself into your soul. Your soul announces itself wherever you go. When you're exhausted you simply can't act on such opportunities. You must learn this about yourself, in your ups and downs.

I'm not a particularly big Mitch McConnell fan. And, a big part of me just wanted him to bring Merrick Garland up for an up or down vote. Yet, he may well have been right in NOT doing so. He didn't force his Senators to go on record. That may have been the right thing to do.

And clearly, he and Trump have been filling the Federal Bench with conservative judges at a pace not seen in a century. If we give Trump 4 more years, and the Senate remains ours, we'll see so much more of this.

Those were opportunities seized. Obamacare, and giving up control of the House in 2018 were opportunities lost. For his entire career, to included being our Presidential nominee in 2018, John McCain took the losing side as a RINO. Hell, he was head of the RINO tribe.

McCain's hellacious betrayal of his duty to us, his fellows, will remain forever in infamy. And then there was tired, exhausted Mitt. The rage rises within my soul just to think of Candy and Barrack running circles around him. What a missed opportunity. So easy to take them down.

And I saw the look on Barrack's face. He knew he'd won, in that moment. I don't know if Obama studies Sun Tzu, but anyone could see that Romney had surrendered the field of fight to Obama. Exhausted, he failed to act on his advantage. I will never forgive him for that. Never.

Today's Democrats, rather than seizing the opportunity to work with a non-ideological, deal-making president, are squandering it in their exhaustion. Trump would cut them the deals of a lifetime if they'd only work with him. But no, they must take him down. They're exhausted.

We think of the term extortion as only being a crime against the law. It isn't. You can falsely persuade yourself you're doing the right thing when you're not. That is a type of mental extortion. You're trying to get something from a situation, but you simply can't and won't.

It is the hallmark of the exhausted mind that it will fall for even the slightest hope of extorting reward instead of pain or sacrifice. That is the derangement of Democrat leadership today. Impeachment is an absolute sign of their utter exhaustion in the face of doom.

It's not just Trump who is their doom. WE, we the people of the MAGA movement are their doom. We will never allow ourselves to be the forgotten Americans, ever again. We flinched in 2018. We won't in 2020. And if we learn from Master Sun, we won't ever again.

263 verses completed, 193 to go. To return to previous sections in our #WarForAmerica2020 and #SunTzuForMAGA series, don't forget to head over to @WarForAmerica21. You'll find the digital table of contents for this series, there. Please retweet each entry you enjoy.


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