1) Good Morning, #PardonFlynnNow supporters. It's 10 Oct 2019, and over at the Drudge Report right now you'll see this headline: FOX SHOCK: 51% WANT TRUMP REMOVED. But it isn't true. If you check, here's what you'll find.
2) First, by its own claim, its margin for error means the actual number could be 48% or 54%. That's a lot less sexy, isn't it? Second, the sample size was 1,003 interviews. If it was any smaller, you might be saying 'Scott in Peoria disapproves Trump.'
3) Then third, guess what! They used the relative population size in each state to determine the number of interviews for that state. This is the equivalent of HRC claiming she won 2016 because of the popular vote. You could call this poling by pure majoritarianism.
4) Who knew - before 2016 - what geniuses the founders were in giving us the Electoral College? I always just looked at as a merely practical thing so as to appease the smaller states into the original 13-state union. Yet here we are 230 years later, saved by their wisdom.
5) Fifth and last. If you are a political pollster by profession, you absolutely know the difference between the popular vote and the electoral college vote. So, when choosing your method, you know precisely how that choice determines your outcome before even the 1st interview.
6) No profession is more ham fisted in manipulating its so-called scientific outcomes more hellaciously than political polling. I'd love to be able to overlay even their meager sampling with an electoral college map. The headline might be: TRUMP WINS 2020 BY A LANDSLIDE.
7) I've met some of these scientists, and in my experience, they are a bit more blind than I typically represent them as being. For instance, I've asked them, why don't you use an electoral map instead of a popular vote map? The answer I've heard is, 'never thought of that.'
8) So, here's the deal, science does NOT run on merely what you think, consciously. It also includes your ability to tip the data your way by way of what you want, unconsciously. The inability of science to account for scientists' desires, is one of its greatest weaknesses.
9) Reading the methods they published with today's FOX SHOCK poll, I can see the fist pumping over the result they got. They knew Drudge would run their poll, and in that world, that's a rush. Does anyone remember Trump in 2016 explaining a rigged system to us?
10) Let's change topic. If the scientific polling establishment feeds its well-massaged data into a rigged media system, including both Drudge and FOX, where doesn't the swamp's reach extend? I have to give Hannity points here. He has NOT fallen prey to the FOX anti-Trump agenda.
11) There are others, both members of the Hannity team, as well as incredible reporters like Catherine Herridge. Together, they keep the flame lit, the flame of truth over political weaponization. The worst, of course, is the judicial system. Corrupt judges and prosecutors.
12) We have to add weak and corrupt defenders as well. Those of us supporting the #PardonFlynnNow mission must recognize the swamp equation: Prosecution = Punishment This inversion of justice is the greatest asset the swamp enjoys.
13) So, I simply call for the exact equivalence between professional pollsters and our professions justice system. A prosecution knows how to get its desired outcome before a single witness has been called. Oh wait...there's a nexus! The Fake News Media. How about that?
14) Crooked pollsters, crooked judges and attorneys, a crooked media. Hmm. It starts to reek a bit around here, doesn't it? Who else feeds the media? Of course, the Intel Community and leaking federal employees. I think I have to number the members of the team...
15) Here's a small list: 1) Pollsters 2) Judicial System 3) Media 4) Intel Community 5) Federal Employees, especially White House Sekretariat and Staffers.
16) I start to get dizzy, don't you, trying to look here and there at the 75-ring circus that is America's deep state swamp world? I need a point of focus. Thankfully, I have one. America's hero, @GenFlynn.
17) Really, the dizziness began on 10 Nov 2016. The transition was an hellacious thing, that no one knew how to handle. We'd fought so hard for victory that, gaining, who had any idea what to do next? It was horrible. I'll never let that happen to me again!
18) But February of 2017 was when the sucking sound of the swamp's vortex pulled @GenFlynn in. What I realized then, as I do now, is that his story is our story, yours and mine. As he goes, so America goes. And no, after all this time, I have less, not more, faith in the outcome.
19) By outcome, I mean the justice system, and the media, etc. Ultimately, we shall arise, we patriots, and Gen Flynn will be our leader. Actually, our leader, @realDonaldTrump's first commander. I couldn't care less if Trump were to be Impeached and convicted. Could you?
20) So there you have today's analysis as to yet again why Gen Flynn must be pardoned. Join me now, please. Mr. @POTUS, #PardonFlynnNow by a #PardonOfInnocence
