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Numbers Coming Out of Lowa

Pasquale Scopelliti

Updated: Jul 15, 2020

1) 4 Feb 2020 #MAGA Analysis In a moment I'll share the one number coming out of Iowa this morning that truly matters. Right now, at risk of jumping the gun a bit, I say it's time for us to begin dreaming a new dream, and I, for one, absolutely will commence.

2) The key number was turnout. An absolutely paltry, roughly 170,000 Democrats showed up to caucus. In 2008 when surging for Obama, 240,000 Democrats caucused in Iowa. And just how significant is this? It is gigantic. Oh here's my source:

3) This is, without doubt, my favorite story ever published at Politico. I ADORE reading results by writers from the other side. I prefer their take on data to our own take, and by far. I can't encourage you too strongly to read this entire, delicious story for yourself!

4) Well, I must exclude @parscale's take from my aversion. I listen to every word he says, and believe every number he offers. I confess he is a Data God in my eyes. I love that guy! Back to our story. If you read the Politico account, I urge you to read it in a certain way.

5) Let your mind cut loose. Don't worry if you're wrong, you're allowed. You're allowed to set the chains of logical certainty, and risk-averse planning free. No kidding, in the night when we dream, we can walk through walls or fly like Superman, logic and physics be damned.

6) In this modern, politically correct era, we're not supposed to dance on the graves of our enemies. We're not supposed to use such barbaric phrases as "drink from our enemies skulls" anymore. We're far too polite and civilized for such disgusting images. How terrible.

7) Fie, I say. Dash it and let the dogs of victory within our souls loose to howl at the morning sun the day of such an extraordinary defeat occurs to our foes. I'll tell you this, I'm dancing today. There will be some booze poured in the Scopelliti home this night, for sure.

8) Okay, back to the numbers. Our story tells us that many predicted a record turnout this year, truly ramped up Democrats determined to oust our vile, evil non-President. New voters were supposed to line the streets. 2008's 240,000 was supposed to be surpassed, or met...Ha!

9) But what happened? The story - I suspect with some generosity, possibly - states that turnout was "on pace" to match 2016. But with frank, and painful honesty, our story tells us that, unbeknownst back then, 2016's Iowa turnout was a harbinger of our evil @POTUS.

10) Here's a chase we can cut to. Russia did NOT emplace @realDonaldTrump in 2016. Put that hoax to bed right now. Between Mueller's collapse and, at least for a moment, the DNC's collapse yesterday, this ridiculous Democrat talking point can be put to bed and good night.

11) And to my Democrat friends, please listen. I'm looking out for you - you know, as a short pause between my celebrating Trump's victory yesterday - that you must admit your fundamental strategy has utterly failed. If you need more data, you can wait. There's more pain to come.

12) Back to dancing on the DNC's grave - you know, just for now - the reverse point can now be stated emphatically. Trump's strategy has succeeded, brilliantly, from day one. And no, not 8 November, 2016. Rather, since long before he came down the escalator in 2015.

13) In the stock market, there are both short- and long-form analysts. There are these waves that the long-form analysts seek, stretching out over decades. I don't know about Trump's stock trading views. I know his political views are long-form.

14) We can see how he did his initial coming out party in politics in 1987. I ADORE this interview. You've probably seen it, but if not, you're going to have some fun right now!

14) Holy Cow, I didn't realize that was 1980. Check out Trump's 1987 interviews too. And note he started actively participating in the same year he published Art of the Deal. And then there was the Wollman Skating Rink. It's a prediction of his future.

15) For me, though, to see how we got to the complete destruction of the Iowa Caucus yesterday, to understand the long-form strategy showing yet another of its ceaseless victories, you need to read all four of Trump's political books.

18) Okay, I guess I can't resist. Here's a shameless plug for my own and my wife @KateScopelliti's book, America First: The MAGA Manifesto, here:…

19) It's time to imagine that the leftward lurch the Democrats have taken is beginning to show its complete lack of force, its complete lack of connection to real America, Herself. One way to understand this is that Trump has saved the Republican Party from an equal doom.

20) The Republicans lost their way during Bush 41's term, and made a short comeback under Gingrich's speakership. Even there, it had to work so closely with Clinton that the principles took no hold. Bush 43 was not quite a total disaster, but our belief in him was wrong.

21) We may only be grateful that 43 defeated Al Gore and John Kerry, and oversaw our unification as One America following the attacks on Manhattan. But he beloved wars were, as now know, disasters. And what did he give us then? Obama, um, I mean McCain. Um...

22) No need to discuss the pampas and idiotic ass Romney. Enraged with Romney's give-away loss - no, we won't talk about Benghazi now - Trump chose right then. This wiki does a good job with the story:…

24) You have to allow me to pound home my point. Yesterday's collapse was long in the making. It didn't happen by chance. It was no mere fluke. Trump has dedicated his entire life preparing for this, and you're now seeing its results rolling out, again and again.

25) Here's another strange tie-in. We recently watch the phenomenal series: Chernobyl. The amazing outcome, their science denied it could occur in Soviet Russia, led in huge part to the demise of the USSR.…

26) It's nothing short of amazing that it was Mikhail Gorbachev himself who considered Chernobyl so great a causal factor in the USSR's collapse.

27) How does that connect to the DNC's Iowa failure? Give me two more steps, please, and I'll tie it all down. The next step is the collapse of the WTO, and its utter devastation of China's economic power globally and internally. I've analyzed this before, so I'll crunch it down.

28) The World Trade Organization empowered China to get every advantage of every deal cut by any member nation to any other. Trump killed it, dead. How so? With genius strategy. He stopped voting for replacement judges to its appellate court. Without that court, WTO is toothless.

29) What has not been understood is that every single aspect of China's economic power was stolen from the free world, and most of all, from us suckers in America who allowed 70,000 of our factories to be sent there, as well as to Mexico and Canada, etc.

30) What has not been understood is that NAFTA was not merely a deal between Mexico and U.S. and Canada, due to the WTO it was also a deal with China. Every trade deal benefit was accorded to China. Try to let that sink in.

31) That was step one of two. China's economic might has been destroyed. Step two is the coronavirus catastrophe. No, I can't yet predict it will bring the Communist Party down in China. But I can say it's possible. Coronavirus may well be China's Chernobyl.

32) It has all the same marks. A corrupt system cannot handle actual stress. Communism is corrupt to its core. Do NOT believe that the Chinese people are somehow more stupid that the Russian people. It does not take long for Communism to reveal its irreparable flaws.

33) Be it by a Soviet-style collapse, or simply by the degrading impact of the loss of its Most Favored Nation Status - still in place, but now completely unenforceable - Trump has completely defeated China. Not one bomb or bullet needed. Complete defeat.

34) And that's the precise type of victory we're witnessing as I type in Iowa. It has the precisely identical hallmarks of Trump's genius. We'll need some steps - I won't count them - to review exactly what is taking place in the collapsing Democrat Party.

35) Sadly, friends, I must share that my work day beckons, and I dare not be late or unprepared to properly serve my clients in coaching sessions. So, this has to end with a dangling, "to be continued." Alas, but we will pick up the fun and joy again, soon, I promise...


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